Wear Sacramentals and receive Sacraments; soon they will be removed to make you easy targets for the Antichrist – Prepare physically for Warning; store food to help you during the Great Famine – So much hatred, unusual accidents, crime, murders, rape and violence – Unrest will continue in Middle East until all is aflame in a Great War – The head of the Serpent cut down and thrown into the Abyss – Great War is at the door; millions will be removed.
LITTLE PEBBLE: I am praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, as during the week, the Holy Angels told me Jesus would come today and the Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday.
For some time I have been seeing a White Cross and in the centre is a Host; within the Host is the Sacred Heart and behind the Cross is the Holy Spirit as the Dove with His Wings outstretched, and two Angels’ wings at each side of the Cross, but due to the brightness I do not see the bodies. I hear Jesus’ Voice:
OUR LORD: “I Am the Alpha and Omega – the Beginning and the End of all!
“My beloved son William of the Heart of Mary, My Beloved Mother and yours, I come today under the Eucharistic Heart of God. I am very sad, My son, because this Sacred Heart that Loves mankind so very much is still not loved as It should be, considering I have given so much to My children of the world. Signs of My Love are seen in all creation; miracles of every form are being witnessed every day and will be [witnessed] even more as time approaches the time of My Great Supernatural Intervention of the Warning, so that mankind can finally come to know Me in the fullest way, since My Sacrifice upon the Cross of Salvation.”
“Man must not become complacent simply because the events have not yet occurred, as God’s timing is perfect. It is for this reason, I and My Blessed Mother continue to ask Our children to prepare yourselves, for you know not the hour when God will reveal Himself. My children, I ask repeatedly the same requests, to protect yourselves by wearing the many Sacramentals Heaven has given you and by receiving the Sacraments as often as you can while they are available to you, as soon these will be removed. The enemy within My Church works tirelessly to remove these gifts from you so that new doctrines, false teachings and pagan and evil practices can be introduced to you as new truths, so that your life blood and protection is taken away, to weaken you and make you easy targets for the Antichrist, to place his damming seal upon you, so that your names will be erased from the Book of Life.”
“I have also told you many times to prepare physically for the Warning: find safe places where you can grow your own food, store tinned and dried food and all sustenance, to help you through the dark days, when the great famine comes like it did in Egypt. Note the length of the famine.”
“So, My sweet children of every faith and creed, even those who profess not to believe in a Deity, come to Me, your God of Love – the Heart that Loves you and calls you to a life more peaceful, by living a simplified life. I seek your salvation and offer you a life of happiness. Reflect on your lives now! Is this the life I wish to live on Earth, or do I want something more? Come to Me, ask and you will receive, as I open your eyes to the Truth of why My Father Created you. What is life on Earth for? Is there a life after death? I am your God – a God of Love. Come to me no matter what you have done. I am a Merciful God – a Forgiving God!”
“My children, have you not questioned what is now happening in this world? So much hatred, so many unusual accidents, so much crime, so many murders, killings, rape and violence; so many natural upheavals, so much unrest. Does this not tell you anything? Men have forgotten the basic Laws of God, and men of conscience – even the natural law of Justice – for these men have no allegiance with God.”
“My children, the two most important teachings I gave to man:
- Love God above all else;
- Love your neighbour – do unto others as you would have them do to you.
If you maintained these two simple Commandments, sin would disappear and peace would reign in all lands and peoples.”
“In today’s world, every form of abuse is seen. Every form of abuse to violation of the human right and dignity. Prayer, My children, even in its littlest form, simply saying: I love you, repairs multitudes of sins. Love conquers death of the spirit. Love conquers hatred, because love comes from God – hatred comes from the enemy of God.”
“The unrest will continue My children, in the Middle East, until all is aflame in a great war. The United States must not send troops to Iraq or other Middle Eastern Countries, because it is a ploy to weaken its own defence on the home front, when it will be needed soon, as an attack will soon reach its own shores. Children, time is moving swiftly. Pray, watch and remain vigilant.”
“I will send you many signs of great wonder to show mankind that God is in control.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: I now see Jesus take form on the Cross.
OUR LORD: “I am always there, My son! Much is changing for you; My Promises stand. I Bless you child, as I Bless all My children around the world: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“Peace be with you, as I send to you My Holy Spirit to strengthen and console you: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. My Blessed Mother will come tomorrow. I Love you: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Today being the Feast of Our Holy Mother, I was asked to say the Rosary to await Our Blessed Mother.
I see Our Holy Mother far in the distance gliding on a star which has a White Cross on it. Our Lady is wearing a beautiful white dress with a shawl over Her Shoulders. Our Lady is holding two Rosaries – one red and one blue. She wears a golden Crown of seven points and on Her Chest, I see the Holy Eucharist and Two Hearts connected with a little Heart in the middle on top, squashed in between. Our Lady takes the blue Rosary and kisses the Crucifix.
OUR LADY: “Peace, my beloved son of My Immaculate Heart, William-Peter-Abraham. Peace! I have come this evening, as promised by My Divine Son, Jesus. My Immaculate Heart will soon triumph over the evil one who now rules the world, as his head will be crushed. The Reign of the Two Immaculate Hearts will be upon you soon, as the Divine Paraclete, My Holy Spouse, pours out His Spirit upon humanity.”
“Children of the world: today marks a very important moment in history, as events in the world to enslave mankind, have been orchestrated secretly in print. First, by chaining the Servants of Christ into a pact to overthrow all that is wholesome and good in My Son’s House upon Earth. Understand well the meaning of the crushing of the serpent’s head. It does not only refer to Satan, My children – the head is where the intelligence is – like Satan killed the Head of the Church, so will the head of the serpent be cut down and thrown into the Abyss by Saint Michael, as the sound of the final Trumpet is heard, before My Divine Son, Jesus, Returns.”
“Rise up now, My Marian Army of the Remnant Church, and fight the great Battle of Truth against all that is evil, the untruths, lies and deceit that are being spat out by Satan, God’s enemy and Man’s.”
“I have come with My two weapons, now needed, My children – the Holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet of My Jesus. The Holy Eucharist is your Food, My children. Pray often and receive My Jesus.”
“My Divine Son has told you many times, over many years, that time is pressing, because the Great War is at the door. Millions will be removed – especially the young – to protect them from the great trials that will soon engulf the world. Yet, there is still time, as God’s Mercy still floods the Earth. Come, My precious children, as I await you to place you under My Mantle, to protect you and take you safely to My Divine Son, who loves you so very much. He has told you recently, many, many Great Miracles will now be witnessed at all Apparition places, not only those approved by Holy Mother Church, but at all those where Heaven has given Its stamp, so that mankind will know what is true.”
“I love you all, My children of My Motherly Heart. Anyone who calls out to Me will never be forsaken – either my Me or My Divine Son, Jesus. Pray, pray, pray and know I am waiting. I send you My Maternal Kiss as your Heavenly Mother.”
“Thank you son, for being obedient to Our calling. How God loves you, child, My predilected son. As My Divine Son, Jesus, told you yesterday, all is now in place.”
“I Bless you: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. And all God’s children: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
Your Beloved Mother