Q & A The Little Pebble and Yellow Lily (2014) – 14 June 2014

Message – 14 June 2014

YELLOW LILY: My Jesus, can one be too trusting?

JESUS: “My Elaine, This is a good question – not so much heard in the world these days, because the world does not know trust, the world does not know trust, because it does not know truth, “Be not afraid!” 

“When we look at trust it is important to look at it in two main ways – trust, trust in God that perfects the trust in people. The root of this trust, judge not, lest you be judged! Why? Because to trust what one is told as truth acknowledges this belief., There is no need for secondary glances, either to the left or to the right, looking only up to Heaven for the greater things. To trust acknowledges the heart of a child, unencumbered by schemes or fiduciary misgivings.”

“Jesus trusts you, each one of you in what he knows of your lives and how your lives with its trust have been dealt a hand, like a deck of cards, but no / but no there is no chance in this; How has your heart overcome its challenges to succeed in love, trust, and forgiveness, a fullness of charity to another and to God Our Father.” 

“Can we ever say it is wrong to be too trusting, even as the world looks on those as fools to be played and used. To trust too much, is to trust and love like Jesus, is that wrong? It does leave bruises, it can sting the heart, but in love, one who trusts in fullness unceasing and repeatedly, is never considered wrong by God. So even as a fool has been wronged or lessened in their trusting love, they may be assured of no loss, nay, only gain, as they still love and trust in the continued imitation of their Saviour Who does not, or believe in, counting this cost.”

“There is an implication that those who trust, repeatedly lack a prudence or education and common sense. I correct that. When it comes down to acts of repeated kindness, despite what can be seen as a flagrant overuse or scandal. Be not afraid, for if your brother slaps your right cheek, give him also your left; the world is full of deal-makers and backroom handlers, of planners and secret brokers. I do not need such and neither do you. It is not for you to know another’s motive when yours is based in love and practical use, leave others to Me. Who can tell the cost and analyse the heart or the soul without indictment?”

“Let your clear conscience and honest motivation, remove your own sin – that action capitalises on the Mercy of God in your goodness. If you suffer loss because of repeated trust, what is that when your soul has soared on glowing wings of love’s freedom. Let God serve your losses and astound those who know not His Power, relying on their own craftiness as dry leaves in the wind swirl away. But Blessings will outpour to fill your cup just as generous King David.”

Message – 20 July 2014

JESUS: “My Children, Thank you for your prayers, they fly to Jesus on Angel’s Wings, they present themselves with you, one voice, to the Eternal Tabernacle.”

“My Doves of peace, in every corner and nation I hear you and know the tiredness you face and persevere in.  I AM HERE; never absent, working constantly even as your eyelids close.  Even in sleep you fight for Me in the weariness that overtakes your humanity, because your souls wish to remain awake and I honour that; you see it is in the intention that it is done – even before the act – in anything, especially as regards to good and bad and mediocrity.” 

“To you, My littlest little ones, I say I love you.  Even as the weak and ill-vigilant succumb to the growing errors of the church – the erase of faithful doctrine – because your hearts are without malice I cover all, I solve all.  I remain vigilant for the complete protection of a weakened remnant; not weakened so much through fault as tired minds.  I love you.”

“I hold the Eucharistic Chalice of My Heart out to you and with it, alone, I save, renew and strengthen because good is good to Me.”

“So be at peace when your eyes must close to slumber, when your head bows forward in sleep; for that sleep, as you pray, is a blessed one; the Angels continue to work for you, completing your efforts unfailingly – you see with God, you cannot lose.”

“My Children, be it known: The Holy Vicar, Benedict, the victor of this age is to be lifted to Heaven, do not believe what you are told of his passing, for I tell you he has succumbed to a murder. The true one of white, the true papal dove, must fold his wings forward, making way for the wrath that shall seize the Church in every violence committed against the Holy delivery of Mass, the Consecration and the Eucharistic Body. Pray for the wounded Heart of Christ, pray for the wounded heart of Mary, one in the same in Their martyred humanity.”

“Many men, even boys will be called forward to fight, conscription is coming and losses shall be great for every nation.  Again, mothers and fathers shall weep, again, without easy access to the church in local parishes and adoration chapels.”  

“I offer this for those who do not wish to be separated from the Sacred Species shall not be; for Christ is ever and ever at the hands (in control of) communion for those He loves and who remember My Presence within.”  

“Pick-up your beads and never be sick of saying prayers, the prayers you know to say.  Waste not minutes in frivolity; seek healthy unions in similar personalities, like-minded friends  who know the times and wish to fight with you; in the work of silence and internal union: a great army!”

“Jesus has said these things many times, but I must encourage you and do.” 

“I love you. I promise in this protection of prayer offered to Holy Mother Church, Jesus offers Himself as your protection in every temporal need and worry.”

“This is My promise. Amen.”

“Please remember, a Communion well received – where, even for a moment undistracted, you present yourself, is every aspect and mystery in the Life of Christ and in the age to come.”  

“This is a great promise, even while you do not understand it, the Consecration meets Heaven to Earth, your souls lifted at that moment to the very throne of the Living God.”

“I promise.”  Jesus

“Every problem, every worry, every need, every joy is taken care of and answered in the Rosary, do not forget. Amen.”