Climate changed; world shifted; grid that governs the balance of the Earth has moved – Sins against God cause the disasters – Remove corrupt laws then the climate will go back to how it should be – It was not by chance you were born in the year of the Great Dogma – Ten Billion souls would be released from Purgatory – MDM last Prophet – God’s Plan for you revealed in 1967 to lead God’s people. Wars to escalate – Loss of Airline due to foul play.
OUR LORD: “Proceed to write, My son.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Jesus stands before me, as He would to Saint Sister Faustina. He spoke to me earlier today because the news was about President Obama stating the matter of climate change must be addressed now. Jesus said:
OUR LORD: “Climate change is not the issue, as this was not caused – as mankind believes – by human action relating to global warming, but rather man’s sins. Climate has changed, My son, because men have down-trodden the Law of God, and God’s Wrath has fallen upon mankind. The world has shifted, My son – the grid that governs the balance of the Earth has moved. Tell the world leaders to lead as men of God, rather than weak men of self-worth. Men must pray, love and respect God and their fellow human beings.”
“Governments wish to place heavy taxes and burdens upon My children, making it impossible to live simple fruitful lives – living in peace with God and his neighbour – they believe by doing this, they will change the great ecological changes taking place in the world, but in reality, My children, this is a fallacy, a plan by Satan to drive all men to fear and deplete all their savings so men will become dependent upon the authorities, like lambs living in Nanny States. All this does, My children, is to oppress your spirit and livelihood.”
“Can you not see, My sweet children, the many sins against God and your fellow brothers and sisters are the very cause of the disasters that are befalling you. Greed – Lust – Pride – Gluttony – are causing you to forget the God that Loves you; to forget your neighbour, because if you are preoccupied with yourself, you have no time for anything else.”
“Charity is the road to perfection. Soon God’s enemy will rule the whole world, yet God will still live in the hearts of many children. Live the Ten Commandments given to Moses by My Heavenly Father, and the Commandments I, the Saviour of the world gave you. Remove the corrupt laws that govern your lands, then the climate will go back to how it should be.”
“Like the changes in the world, climate brings the Wrath of God My Father, as the changes of the Laws and Doctrines in My House upon Earth – My Church – bring God’s Wrath upon mankind. The changes of how men remove truth in how lands are governed, so it is with Holy Mother Church. However, be consoled, My children, Satan and men may change many things, but God is still in control and Loves mankind so much that He is now preparing the world for My Second Coming. Trust and have confidence in God’s Love.”
“Son, as I have Promised, I will return on your birthday and My Most Holy Mother will come on Her Feast Day of the Mission She gave you. Take courage son, for all those who love God will never be forsaken. Your time has arrived, even when the enemy tries to stop God’s Plan in you.”
“I Bless you: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. And all My children: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
LITTLE PEBBLE: I see a White Cross in the sky during my prayers. The Holy Spirit comes through the White Cross as the Divine Dove, very large, with Wings open. Over Its Head is a small White Cross. I see Jesus come through the Dove and descend towards me on this beam of Light. Jesus Blesses me and a White Cross comes out of the Blessing through me.
JESUS: “Greetings, My precious son William! On this day of your birth, it was not by chance you were born in the year of the Great Dogma of My Holy Mother’s Assumption into Heaven, for on this day, I Ascended into Heaven also, and this signifies your Calling as My Last Leader for God’s children during the time of the reign of the Antichrist.”
My child, as I Promised you I would come today, as a reward for your faithfulness and fidelity to your Calling over the most part of your life, I wish to reveal to you that the Mission given to you so many years ago will, by the time I Return in My Second Coming, have saved some ten million souls from damnation, and your personal sacrifices will save one million souls and the Mission under My Most Holy Mother under Her Title as Our Lady of the Ark, Mary Our Mother, Help of Christians, would have released ten billion souls out of Purgatory, to come and live in the New Holy Era of Peace to come after I come again.”
“I reveal this to you, My son, to show you that when a Chosen Soul like yourself gives Me your free will, God can bring great Graces and Blessings to the Church and the world. Since the time My Most Holy Mother came to Fatima to prepare God’s children for the end times, there has been raised twelve major Seers or Prophets, for the salvation of the world, and seventy Visionaries of great importance, to prepare the Church for the arrival of the False Prophet and the Antichrist. God has raised hundreds of little souls – Victim Souls – to offset the Wrath of God over many years, and if it were not for these Chosen Souls, the end of the world, as you know it, would have occurred many years ago with the loss of billions upon billions of souls.”
“Son, you were the second last Prophet sent to the world with others, but the Last Prophet for the world is Our daughter, Maria Divine Mercy, whose role is to deliver to mankind the Book of Divine Truth. The time will come soon, when the Great Warning to mankind is given to the world. God will reveal clearly the names of every Prophet, Seer and Visionary, Mystic and Victim Soul of Special Works of God, so that mankind will finally know the truth, as many false prophets will show themselves to the world, supporting the False Prophet and the Antichrist of history.”
“Today, My son, what was given to you and revealed to you and many, is now coming to fulfilment. This will be clearly witnessed with time. Remain at peace and know I am watching over you. I Bless you: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. And all the faithful children: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“My children throughout the world, turn away from your life of sin and crime. Do you not realise that it is your sins that are bringing so much suffering to you. You live lives that are far from virtuous – not only in the secular world, but hidden behind the walls of Holy Mother Church and other Religious groups and faiths. The World Government and people in high places are also covering up their sins, like the Pharisees of Old. It is not what goes into the hearts of men that corrupt them, but what comes out of their hearts.”
“How long, My children, do you think that God will wait? He is a Loving and Merciful God – Patient and long in waiting, but He is not a God Who is taken for granted and allow the innocent children to be trodden down for ever. I, Jesus Christ, will soon return from the Heavens to rescue My children and punish the wicked. So while you still have the Light in your midst, seek out this Light which Loves you so very much and desires your salvation and happiness. Do not become complacent, My children, but pray the Rosary of My Most Holy Mother; wear the Sacramentals and seek Me in My Divine Bread, which I gave you of Myself while you still can. This is all, My beautiful Little Pebble of Divine Love, William. I Bless you: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. And all those whom you love, and all My children throughout the world: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“You will receive more good news very soon, as those matters I Promised will come to pass. Once again I Call all to spread My Divine Words given to My Chosen Souls, especially those given to My Last Prophet, as time is pressing.”
“Your Divine Saviour, Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God”
“I will now speak to you privately, son – not to be written.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: I pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and I see Our Holy Mother in front of me under Her Title of Our Lady of the Ark, Mary Our Mother, Help of Christians. She holds the Baby Jesus in Her left Arm and the Ark of Noah in Her right Arm. Jesus makes the Sign of the Cross:
BABY JESUS: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
OUR LADY: “I greet you, My blessed spouse of My Immaculate Heart – a mystery that will only be understood in the New Holy Era. Many of Our children are often perplexed in the way I speak to you and why I speak about you in so many Messages around the world. I, as the Mother of God, have special reasons for this, because I chose you to lead God’s people in the Conflict in the Church and the world.”
“A few days ago My Divine Son, Jesus, revealed the same to you, to confirm to you and the world what Jesus revealed to the Last Prophet coincides with the Messages given to you. So remain at peace and trust in God’s Plan for you, which He revealed to you in 1967, and since then to countless Seers and Prophets. I have come today under this most important Title of Mine, to show the world the Path of Salvation through My Immaculate Heart to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I am the Refuge for sinners; I will take you in My Ark of Salvation to bring you safely to the shores of My Divine Son Jesus. How Jesus and Mary Love all children; seek Us out, My children and We will rush to your aid. Jesus and I, your Heavenly Mother, have pointed out the road for you to follow and to whom we have called to lead God’s people in the final days of your Earth.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: I now see Saint Pope John Paul II and Saint Pope John the XXIII – they stand next to Our Lady. They each hold a key of Saint Peter and hand it to the Baby Jesus, Who kisses the keys and drops them on the table where I am writing. They glow brightly. I see Pope Benedict XVI lying sick in bed. Our Lady goes to him and the Baby Jesus jumps on the bed and goes up to the Pope and kisses him and makes the Sign of the Cross:
BABY JESUS: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Blessed Mother continues to address me and says:
OUR LADY: “My Little Pebble of Divine Love, the major events are near for mankind to look up and take notice. Words will come from the one who sits on the Throne of Peter that will shake the Church. The wars around the world will soon escalate, because the evil one wishes to disrupt the many Public Apparitions that will now begin to occur around the Earth, at the many sites where I Appeared, since the time of La Salette. Pray, My sweet children, because God wishes to console His children with many Miracles of cures, conversions and many extraordinary signs Promised by God.”
“Jesus will give very urgent and important Messages in the coming weeks around the world, to prepare mankind for very unusual manifestations not known before to man. Be not afraid, My children, but trust in the Love and Mercy of God. The loss of the airline is not as it seems, dear children. There is foul play and this will soon be uncovered at an island not looked into.”
“The Antichrist and his army of weak men and Fallen Angels will infiltrate deeper and deeper into Holy Mother Church and other faiths and Secular Institutions, to cause a great collapse in society. Watch and be vigilant, praying more and more. Prayer, My sweet children, is your power and strength, because the more you pray the more the Holy Angels are given the right to intervene. Jesus will soon send the Saints and the Heavenly Army to your side to prepare you for the battle of the spirits, which will now intensify. I Love you, My children and Bless you: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I send you My Baby Jesus to kiss your hearts.”
“To My precious Peter Abraham: consolation is coming your way – and much more. I Bless you, son and mystical spouse, William: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Jesus floats to me, kisses my forehead and makes the Sign of the Cross:
BABY JESUS: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Go in Peace, My son.”