Message 595 – 13 February 2000

The ‘eclipse’ of the Crucifixion of the Mystical Body and the Resurrection to occur very shortly – Peace promised at Fatima will be given once Russia is Consecrated to My Immaculate Heart – Much misunderstanding, confusion – Chair will be empty, flock scattered; one of dark secrets placed upon the Throne – A great punishment will come upon this nation, in a short while, from your neighbours – In a short while My Divine Son will be removed from many of the Tabernacles in Holy Mother Church.

LITTLE PEBBLE: The white Cross has been suspended in mid-air for quite some time; Saint Michael has been there, also, to the right of the Cross with the Sign upon his chest. Saint Barachiel is here at the Altar, holding a small white cross in front of him; he also, has the Sign. Something will be revealed through the photos in the coming weeks when they are developed.

The white Cross shines very brightly. Saint Michael places his sword on the cross-beam, then the point enters the Cross – with it he makes the Sign of the Cross on the surface of the Cross. His wings open up and the door of the inner part of the Cross also opens up and a stream of Light shoots forth towards the Tabernacle, forming a ‘street’ of Light. This has occurred many times before. I can now see all the Angels coming through the Cross – many different ranks of Angels from various Choirs – gliding on the Light, towards us. Some of the Angels have musical instruments on which they play something like a symphony. It’s rather sad – it is to do with the Stabat Mater.

Slowly the Angels glide towards us here – towards the Tabernacle – before Our Lord here, and before all of us in the Chapel. Now I can see Our Holy Mother, Who is dressed in royal blue; Her mantilla is pure-white – a very heavy-looking silky mantilla, that goes right to the ground. Our Lady now glides with the Holy Angels towards us. She has no Crown on today, but is holding a Crucifix in Her two Hands, in prayer. I notice that on each Shoulder there is a very small cross of black wood. Behind Our Holy Mother are very many Angels also coming down.

Our Holy Mother glides into the Chapel and stands above the Tabernacle, looking rather sad, with Eyes raised up in prayer while holding the Crucifix in front of Her. Saint Michael now makes the Sign of the Cross with his sword, upon all the cameras and Saint Michael says to take photos now.

Our Holy Mother has lowered Her Eyes and looks about Her. The Crucifix She holds is made of gold and is attached to the beads of the Rosary, but it is much larger than normal. I can see – from Our Lady’s clothing on Her Chest – a white lily, appearing out of nowhere; another lily crosses it. They sit on Her Chest with the stems crossing each other. Our Lady smiles a little – though not fully – takes up the Crucifix and Kisses Our Lord:

OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I greet you, My beloved ‘Little White Rock of the Apocalypse’, Prince of the Apostles, Our ‘Little Peter’; I greet My Priest-sons and My Privileged children, and all of My sweet children, gathered here before Me and throughout the world.”

“It has been some time since I have come to visit My children here present. The reason for this, My sweet children, is that now is the time when all of those children marked with the Sign of the Lamb are being prepared – on many levels – to pick up the Cross of My Divine Son, Jesus, and to follow Him to Calvary. Though this year is marked for jubilee, jubilee is part also, of the Passion – for both work hand-in-hand.”

“As you are aware, My sweet children, My visitations upon Earth become less each month. The time of the ‘great tribulation’ is near and all children will be prepared for these moments. Reflect upon Calvary, My sweet children, to understand My Words. Reflect on how many Words My Divine Son uttered on the Cross. Now is that time for Holy Mother Church, and I, as Mother of the Church, will be there to receive all of you, like I did with My Divine Son, Jesus.”

“Even though the world and the Church go further into darkness, know that the Light of Truth will shine even brighter. The ‘eclipse’ of the Crucifixion of the Mystical Body of Christ and the Resurrection, will occur very shortly. Therefore, in the midst of your trials and sufferings offered up to My Divine Son, it will bring forth the fruit of Redemption, Salvation, Peace and Joy to the hearts of all Our faithful children.”

“This is a time of prayer – of reflection and meditation upon the Mysteries surrounding your salvation. Yes, My sweet children, time is very short – yet, there is sufficient time so many more souls are [can be] saved, for this is the Mission of every soul placed upon Earth [who is] marked with the Sign of the Son of Man. Therefore, persevere; be tolerant; be patient – and work in charity to love and serve your God and Mine, by serving each other for the Love of My Divine Son, Jesus, whose Image is imprinted in the souls of all of Our children.”

“As this year progresses towards the summit of Calvary, know and be consoled that My Divine Son, Jesus, and I, are there every moment, helping you. The peace that I promised at Fatima will be given to the Church and to the world once Russia is Consecrated to My Immaculate Heart – but this peace will be only of short duration, for the Second Coming of My Divine Son, Jesus, is near, and much is to transpire before this great event. Spend more time in studying the Word of God in the Book of Revelation, in the Old Testament, and in the many writings of the Saints, then you shall be consoled to understand the full Plan of Redemption. Offer yourselves as ‘victims of love’ to My Divine Son, so more souls can be ransomed from the clutches of Satan and placed upon the road of Light and Truth.”

“The Evil One at this time, is very powerful. He goes about seducing even those faithful to God, bringing forth misinterpretations of Our Words, thus confusing souls and bringing forth division. This has occurred for many years now, amongst those children called the ‘elect’. My Divine Son and I have given you clear directions, but many of you do not wish to follow them but, rather, are tempted by the Evil One to consider your own understandings and interpretation – thus there is much misunderstanding, confusion and division amongst all My children who love us. God is permitting this at this time to continue [so as] to sift out Our children, for all must be accomplished according to God’s Plan and Will.”

“You have the tools and the means to know the Truth – be not hasty to judge one another, but pray, fast and persevere and We will send to you the Light to understand Our Holy Will. Pray for your Leaders, especially those dedicated to Our cause. Pray for Our Holy Son, Pope John Paul II, for he will soon be Crucified to complete the task given to him by My Divine Son. The Chair will be empty, and the flock will be scattered, for one of dark secrets will be placed upon the Throne. Pray, My sweet children, pray, for much is yet to occur in Holy Mother Church and throughout the world.”

“Many more chastisements will be sent by the Eternal Father to an unrepentant generation. These chastisements will be on all levels: spiritual, physical, and mental – also the natural chastisements, where even nature will turn against man – until mankind learn to bend their knee in humility to their God and to acknowledge their sinfulness. Great division will come within Holy Mother Church – more than man has ever experienced in the past – where Bishop will fight against Bishop, Cardinal against Cardinal, Priest against Priest. Yes, My sweet children, all of this was foretold many centuries ago – but very few of Our children believe in those Words given at that time. Therefore, man reaps what he sows, until mankind open their hearts to truly love and serve their God.”

“Pray for your neighbouring countries – especially you, My sweet children of Australia, for a great punishment will come upon this nation, in a short while, from your neighbours. Then you will clearly understand the Words of My Divine Son, Jesus, heard over many years through My Prophet, Our ‘Little Pebble of Divine Love’. Though all seems lost and sad, let not your hearts be troubled for the Eternal Father controls all. He watches over all, and nothing occurs without his consent. Remember this, My sweet children – not even evil can do what it does unless they have permission from the Eternal Father, for your good. Therefore, pray and persevere. Live lives of holiness like the Saints did. Let them be your models while you live upon this valley of tears. Trust in God; think of God’s Mercy and Love for you and be not afraid, for He Loves you, intimately, and genuinely, as I Love you – as your Heavenly Mother.”

“Today, for all of Our children, an Angel will be sent to you – for this year of jubilee – from the Choir governed by Saint Michael. This Angel will strengthen you in the coming days of great trial and tribulation upon the world and mankind. Keep your eyes open to the Heavens; keep your ears open to the events in Rome and the events around the world, as mankind prepare themselves slowly, through destruction, through war, pestilence and disease.”

“Pray, My children, pray – and come often to My Divine Son, Jesus, hidden in the Tabernacles of your Churches throughout the world. Continue to come in spite of the persecutions, because My Divine Son still resides in the Eucharist – but in a short while, even My Divine Son, Jesus, will be removed from many of the Tabernacles in Holy Mother Church.”

“How I Love you, My sweet children. I, as your Heavenly Mother, come to guide you and to strengthen you, and to show you My compassion. I send you a Blessing from the Triune God through My Immaculate Heart to strengthen you now: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

“Today, My sweet children, a Sign has been given through one of the photos taken. You will then understand the Love and Mercy of your God, as He cares for you very much. And you, My sweet ‘Rock’ of My Immaculate Heart: continue to go forward in My Light, and in the Light of My Divine Son, Jesus, and carry your cross, for many souls will be drawn to love and serve God. All that We have promised you will come to pass, shortly and a small victory that We promised this Mission will be given. I Bless you: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady now brings one of the lilies – one of the pure-white lilies which She has on Her Chest – over to [name withheld] and places it within her soul.

OUR LADY: “My daughter, take this as a gift from My Immaculate Heart. Continue with the work given to you by My Divine Son, Jesus. I Bless you: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: And now I see Holy Thomas coming from behind Our Holy Mother. I have been waiting for him all day. Thomas stands right next to Our Holy Mother and is about six inches or so taller than Our Blessed Lady. He is dressed in a beautiful, white gown and his smile is always quite memorable. He has a beautiful big smile and now greets Our Holy Mother and kisses Her on Her Forehead. Thomas holds a beautiful Crucifix in his hand; it is made of gold and Our Lord looks very much alive upon It. He also has a beautiful Rosary hanging around his neck and it too, is made of gold. It is very beautiful. He looks really happy.

I can also see Holy Shirley – I haven’t seen her for some time. She has just come into the picture, and Holy Gwen – I can see her, too – and, also, Holy Grant Duffy. They just appeared from nowhere, and all are standing with Our Holy Mother; they seem to be quite happy. All have Rosaries in their hands – and Holy Thomas now is permitted to speak for a moment.

HOLY THOMAS: “I greet you my brother, William – and I greet my dad, my mum and my sister. Do not weep for me, for I am content to be where I am, helping the Queen of Heaven. At a later time I will be permitted to return to Earth with Holy Grant and the others who are with me today – and then we will rejoice and be glad.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: He sends a kiss to his mum and dad and sister, and to everybody – and that goes also for the others. They quickly disappear, but the Crucifix that Thomas had in his hand remains suspended. Our Lady takes hold of it and Kisses Jesus, then glides over to his father and places this Crucifix within his soul. Our Lady returns to where She was and smiles. The Angels with the instruments now play a hymn in honour of Our Holy Mother – “Hail Queen of Heaven” – and I think it would be quite appropriate that we all sing with the Angels to honour Our Holy Mother. (“Hail Queen of Heaven” is sung.)

The Angels now have gathered up many, many flowers – I do not know from where – and they are about to distribute these flowers, amongst us and elsewhere in the world. Each flower has a significance – a particular Grace given to that soul today. Now, behind Our Lady and the other Angels I see Saint Michael’s Angels – they are a special Choir of Soldier Angels – coming through the white Cross with instructions from Saint Michael. Upon the shield of each Angel I can see a name – the name of the soul. James will receive the names of these Angels in due course, so if you wish to know them you just have to ask him. These Angels are now coming forward with the Angels of the flowers, and stand behind each soul here and others who are elsewhere. We will continue now with the Rosary, and we will wait. (Rosary continues)

The two Priests will now Bless the people:

TWO PRIESTS: “Benedicat vos, omnipotens Deus: Pater, et Filius, et Spiritus Sanctus. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Holy Mother now moves slowly back towards the white Cross with the Angels; Saint Michael and Saint Barachiel remain. We will continue now with the last decade and then sing another hymn to Our Holy Mother. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. (Rosary continued – and Hymn sung.)