Message 594 – 13 December 1999

The turbulent years mentioned in the Book of Daniel are not complete yet – The more difficult years of the tribulation are yet to come, but a sign of jubilation will be given to all of Our faithful children – Let the year of jubilation be a year that will acknowledge their sins and weaknesses, and turn to the Mercy of God – Your lives will change in a dramatic way in the coming year; have trust, confidence, and live in faith and hope.

LITTLE PEBBLE: The white Cross is very deep in the sky, and for some time now it has been snowing on the white Cross, and there is a field – it looks like a rolling valley – that is stretched out from the Chapel up to the Cross. The white Cross is sitting upon the hill, and is very large.

I have seen it since the Rosary began, and also it has been snowing all that time. There are many beautiful fern trees, and there is a ‘path’ that is made between the white Cross and us here. It is a beautiful scene. Saint Michael is standing to the right of the white Cross, and he is very large. He takes up a good half of the sky. Saint Barachiel is in the Chapel and, as always, he is the one who brings forth the Message of Our Holy Mother.

The white Cross now opens up, like little golden doors. Coming from within the white Cross I can see our Holy Mother, and accompanying Her are many Angels. Our Holy Mother now comes through the white Cross and slowly glides upon this ‘path’ of snow, with the assistance of the Holy Angels. There are many Angels that surround Our Holy Mother, and seem to support Her.

Our Holy Mother is wearing a very beautiful white tunic and a very long – it looks like a mantle – but it is very thick, made of a type of skin. It is very fluffy-looking and has a high collar around Our Holy Mother’s Neck. Around the neck part of the collar to the Chest of Our Holy Mother is a beautiful gold chain with a Crucifix. The Angels are holding this very long cape that Our Lady wears. Our Lady comes gliding very swiftly towards us, and on Her Head she is wearing a beautiful Crown which has seven points to it, and the top part of the point at the front has a small cross made of gold, with a green stone in the middle. In the right Hand of Our Holy Mother is a small staff, and in the left Our Lady holds a beautiful Rosary made of white pearls – the Our Father beads are golden, and the Crucifix also, is golden.

Our Lady now comes into the Chapel with the Angels; the Angels make sure that the long cape is spread out very nicely. The Angels now stand in a semi-circle around Our Holy Mother. Our Lady hands Her little staff to one of the Angels. She looks to all of us and smiles – She is very beautiful. I believe Our Lady is coming under the Title of ‘Our Lady of the Snow’. I know it is a very significant Title. Our Lady takes up Her Rosary now and kisses the Crucifix.

OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I greet you, My beloved son, Our ‘Little Pebble of Divine Love’, Our future Vicar for Holy Mother Church. I greet My Priest-sons and My Privileged children, and all the children throughout the Earth.”

“I come today, My sweet children, being the last time I will come here for this year. I wish only to encourage Our sweet children to persevere in prayer, offering their lives to My Divine Son, Jesus, for their salvation and the salvation of many sinners. The turbulent years mentioned in the Book of Daniel are not complete yet, My sweet children, but you are assured of the Victory of My Immaculate Heart for Holy Mother Church.”
“The more difficult years of the tribulation are yet to come, but a sign of jubilation will be given to all of Our children who have been faithful to Our Immaculate Hearts, before the great Chastisements mentioned in the Apocalypse, and through My Privileged children throughout the world.”

“Pray, My sweet children; take up My beads of Love and pray for Our Holy Vicar, for the Hierarchy and for all those who profess the faith in My Divine Son. Pray also for those who do not believe, and more so, for those who have cast God aside in their lives. Next year, My sweet children, is the year of God’s Favour where many will be enlightened in their minds and hearts, of the truth of My Words given here and throughout the world.”

“Consider your lives carefully before your God. Reflect, My sweet children, on the Blessings that God has given you; reflect upon His Goodness and Mercy. Let the year of jubilation be a year that all of My children will acknowledge their sins, their weaknesses, and turn to the Mercy of their God. The triumph of My Immaculate Heart is near, and the offering of My Holy son, John Paul II, will be complete. All those Words that My Divine Son and I have given to you over many, many decades of this century, will come to completion in a short while.”

“All of you here present, and many throughout the world – your lives will change in a dramatic way in the coming year. Have trust and confidence in My Divine Son and live in faith and in hope. I offer you once again My Immaculate Heart as a Refuge for sinners, and I Bless you from My Divine Son: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

“For you, My Holy son, My ‘Little Peter’: remain at peace and know that We are with you, and all that you have prayed for will be granted in its rightful time. Continue to lead Our sheep to the green pastures of My Divine Son, Jesus, in His Church upon Earth. I Bless you, as I Bless all of My children of the Order of Saint Charbel and its associated members: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Continue to pray, sweet children!”

TWO PRIESTS: “Benedicat vos, Omnipotens Deus: Pater, et Filius, et Spiritus Sanctus. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady is ready to return back to Heaven, and we will continue to pray the Rosary.