You are being sifted, purified and perfected, so that you will gain the crown that awaits you at the end of your life – God is preparing man for an awakening of their conscience, so they will know which path to choose – Fires will rage, not only within this State, but also in the North and South – When the great rains come, several of the major dams will burst – Only those who practise the Virtues of My Immaculate Heart will persevere to the end.
LITTLE PEBBLE: Saint Michael has been standing there since the beginning of the Rosary. The beautiful White Cross, which is very bright, has, on the edge of the Cross, very small rosettes – little roses – and a huge Rosary hangs from the Cross, making a ‘street’ of beads that comes towards the cross on the wall of the Chapel. Saint Barachiel, Saint Menoloutis, Saint Sacramessugus and Saint Sentimintarious are also visible. On the cross-beam of the White Cross – at the end of each part of the Cross – are the figures Alpha and Omega. Saint Michael holds a shield, which has the symbol of Alpha and Omega.
The White Cross in the centre is opening-up, like a door – extremely bright, and the ‘street’ that comes from the Cross to the Tabernacle here is made up of the Rosary with beads, but in different colours, like signposts and the Light from the White Cross glides over the beads, like a mist. I can see now Our Holy Mother, coming on a ship, like an old-type ship – but it is formed by Angels who are gliding Our Holy Mother towards the Chapel. Our Lady stands at the head of the Holy Angels and the ship. There is a mast also on the ship made up of prayers and high up on top of the mast is the flag – the flag of the Vicar of Christ – but it’s at half-mast. Above that is the flag of Peter Romanus, the last Pope, and a small cross on top of the flagpole.
Behind Our Blessed Mother now – also on the same ship – are Popes, many Popes; in actual fact they are all the Popes going back in the lineage of the Roman Catholic Church. I recognise many of them from previous Apparitions and leading all the Vicars is Pope Paul VI, and next to him is John Paul I and John the XXIII and Pius XII. Our Lady and all of these many Angels now come close, towards the big cross in the Chapel and the cross now disappears and all these Angels that form the ship, now make a semi-circle around Our Holy Mother and the Popes. And now to the left of the Holy Mother is Saint Malachi – he looks like a Bishop and he holds a Bishop’s Staff.
Our Lady now steps on a light and, sort of, glides onto the Tabernacle and all the Angels open up their wings and within the wings I can see, in gold, Alpha and Omega, in letter form. Our Holy Mother is dressed in beautiful royal blue and around Her Shoulders, like a very long cape – and inside the royal blue is gold, She has a beautiful white gown and upon Her Head is a very long veil, also beautifully white. She has a beautiful Crown made of gold and in front of the Crown is a Cross and around the Crown – on top – are small Crosses. There are twelve of them.
And now, next to Saint Malachi, is Our Holy Father, John Paul II – he smiles. In Our Lady’s right Hand I can see a Sceptre and I can read on the Sceptre. It says: Petrus Romanus, in Latin. Our Lady is smiling. She looks about Her and looks to all the people here. Now, upon Her Chest, I can see her Immaculate Heart, with a flame coming straight out of It. She hands the Sceptre now to Saint Malachi and from the side of Her gown She pulls-out a beautiful Rosary. It’s made of pink pearls and a beautiful golden Crucifix. She kisses Our Lord.
OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.:
“I greet you, My beloved son – Petrus Romanus – Our future Vicar for Holy Mother Church; Our pure ‘Rock’ of Divine Truth. I greet you, My beloved son, ‘Little Bartholomew’ … and all of My sweet children gathered here before Me and throughout the world.”
“This evening, I come with many great Saints who have toiled during their stay upon Earth to gain their crowns [and who are] now in Paradise. All of Our sweet children, continue now upon the road where you are being sifted, purified and perfected, so that you too, will gain the crown that awaits you at the end of your life upon Earth.”
“The trials and tribulations will continue, My sweet children – not only in your personal lives, but also within communities, within society and throughout the world, for God is preparing man for an awakening of their conscience so that Our children will know which path to choose.”
“Already now, My sweet children, you see the world Chastised – even here in your beloved country, Australia. The many fires that you now see and hear of will increase – even here in your district of the Shoalhaven. However, My children of this community need not fear for My protective mantle is over this Holy place, for this place will become a sign to all of Our children in this district and throughout the nation – however, prayer is essential, My dear children. The fires will rage, not only within this State but also in the North and in the South – however, this Chastisement is small in comparison [to] what is to come, for soon after, great rains will come and flood the nation, bringing forth many deaths, ruin of crops and destruction of the materialistic world that surrounds you. When the great rains come, My dear children, several of the major dams will burst. This will be a sign to Our children that they must listen and turn to My Divine Son.”
“Australia is called to be a Christian nation in a world that has become atheistic and materialistic. This nation is chosen by My Divine Son, Jesus, that all may know the Truth in the Teachings of My Divine Son. All that the Triune God has deigned to reveal – through My Immaculate Heart – through Our ‘Little Pebble’ of Love – will now come to pass, so that all may believe that We have sent him to lead Our children through the age of Satan and darkness into the Promised Land.”
“Work towards unifying each other, My sweet children; work in charity, in living the Virtues laid-out before you, through the Teachings of Holy Mother Church. Only those who practise the Virtues of My Immaculate Heart will persevere to the end, for in these days of the ‘time of times’ – of tribulation – those marked with the Son of Man, My Divine Son, Jesus, must live heroic lives in the Grace of Virtues, for the Glory of the Eternal Father, the Eternal Son and the Eternal Holy Ghost. The Victory of My Immaculate Heart is near. The sacrifice of Our Holy Vicar, John Paul II, is also near. Therefore, Holy Mother Church will be torn apart, so that it will be rebuilt through Our little children of the Light throughout the world.”
“Pray, My sweet children, that unity be restored throughout the world, in the Mystic Church governed by My Immaculate Heart, under the leadership of Our future Vicar. Pray, My sweet children – pray for the Church and its members, that all the wounds inflicted upon so many will be healed. Remember the Birth of my Divine Son, Jesus – the Prince of Peace – the Star of David. Peace will be given to man if they place themselves aside and bring forth acts of mercy, compassion and love. I send My Maternal Blessings to the Mystic Church upon Earth and to all of Our sweet children of the Remnant Church, who now carry the Cross with my Divine Son, Jesus and His Vicar upon Earth. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Sweet Lady is gliding over now to Her right – coming a little closer – and looks very deeply into the soul … and I will remain silent.
Our Holy Mother has returned back to stand upon the Tabernacle. Saint Malachi gives back to Our Lady the Sceptre and Saint Malachi also gives Our Lady his Staff – it is like a Bishop’s Staff – and written on his staff are the emblems of Alpha and Omega. The only difference with the Staff that I see normally with Bishops, is that on the top of the Staff is not a full curl – there is only a half a curl there. It has the Irish Cross embedded within it, but the symbol of Alpha and Omega are also on the Staff. Our Lady now takes the Sceptre and places it within the Staff.
Our Lady is smiling and the Staff and the Sceptre have disappeared. Our Lady takes again the Crucifix and Kisses Our Lord.
OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“My sweet son, you will understand later all that has taken place. For now, Our sweet children are to continue to pray your Holy Rosary, so that the Chastisements of these coming weeks and months – also into the New Year – will be mitigated for the sake of the ‘elect’. Remember, My sweet children, the Birth of My Divine Son, Jesus and let His Birth be a consolation and a time of hope, to spring forth virtues within your hearts. I send to you this evening the Angels of the Remnant Church – the Angels of Alpha and Omega. These Angels will strengthen you to persevere during these times of great trial and tribulation. I will speak with My little son, privately, now. So continue to pray.” (Prayers continued.)
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady has explained to me the dams that will be in danger. Once again Our Lady mentions the Warragamba Dam – She mentioned this many times before and also the Eildon Weir in Victoria.
Our Lady said we are going to receive help from the Church, as She had promised and also the Seers and Privileged Souls are going to re-unite, very soon. Also, L’Avenir, ‘Thornbush’, the ‘Trumpeter’ and others. Our Lady said there is a hidden stigmatist Priest, hidden within a Monastery, who will soon write to us, instructed through his Superior and he will help this Mission.
Our Lady now is nodding towards Father, but before Father Blesses, Our Lady Blessed ‘Little Phillip’ and ‘Little Matthew’ and also ‘Sunflower’ and ‘Little Dove’ from France. Our Lady calls for unity – especially from France – as it is very important at this time.
Whoever gave me the big Crucifix, Our Lady Blessed it and kissed it, and Pope John Paul II kissed it and Blessed it also and the Rose Petals have something to do with the Angels of this evening, but I do not know what. Our Lady won’t tell me. Our Lady wants you to Bless the people, Father.
FATHER BROUSSARD: “Benedicat vos, Omnipotens Deus: Pater, et Filius, et Spiritus Sanctus. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady now takes up her Rosary once again, on the Crucifix, and Blesses us:
OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: And now all the Popes bless us – there would be about two hundred and fifty, or something like that – maybe a few more, but they also Bless us:
POPES: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: And Saint Michael and the Holy Angels Bless us:
SAINT MICHAEL AND HOLY ANGELS: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady just says to continue to pray. Now Our Lady moves and glides slowly towards the big Cross in the sky, accompanied by the Saints and the Angels are remaining.