Today, I am sending throughout the world, a Rosary Angel for each soul dedicated to My Honour, so you are strengthened through the Grace of Perseverance in these days of trial – This is the time of the dryness of the soul of the desert – Continue to carry your cross and pray fervently – many of your leaders are in great darkness and are preparing for the One World Government and One World Church.
LITTLE PEBBLE: The White Cross has been visible in the sky since the beginning of prayers. Saint Michael has thrown his sword into the Altar, as he often does, causing an explosion to occur. Many different-coloured Lights came from the sword as it entered the Altar. Saint Sacramessugus, Saint Menoloutis and Saint Barachiel then came before the Altar, waited, and gave me the ‘Sign’.
Hanging from the cross-beam of the Cross are two very large Rosaries. In the centre of the Cross is a huge red Heart, which now opens up, like a door. There is a very bright white Light, behind the Heart, entering into another Realm beyond the Cross. Shooting from the Cross is a stream of white Light – like a ‘street’ – and as many times before – it enters the Chapel and hits the Tabernacle, which becomes aglow.
The Angels visible before me are kneeling and coming through the red Heart I can see Our Holy Mother, dressed very much like a Dominican Nun and wearing a Crown made of roses. She is gliding down on the bright ‘street’ of Light. Our Lady very rarely seems to walk – She just glides.
Behind Our Holy Mother come many Angels of different sizes, all dressed differently – all carrying Rosary Beads. With Our Holy Mother also, I can see Shirley Stokes – she is very young, about twenty years old and She has on the Habit of Saint Charbel.
Our Lady now glides very swiftly towards us and enters the Chapel and the walls just disappear. Our Lady stands above the Tabernacle upon a very bright Light – as She always does – and Shirley kneels beside Her. I have only just noticed she has in her right hand many Rosaries – that is Shirley, not Our Holy Mother.
Our Holy Mother has one beautiful Rosary in Her right Hand, made of multi-coloured beads. Our Lady is smiling while looking, very slowly and very carefully, at all the souls here before Her. I have just noticed a small Teardrop coming from Our Lady’s right Eye – it falls upon the Altar, then disappears. Upon the Altar there are tiny flowers – seedlings – growing out of the cloth. Our Lady now takes up the Crucifix of Her Rosary and kisses Jesus:
OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“I greet you My beloved ‘White Rock’; Apostle, ‘Little Peter’ – future and last, Vicar for Holy Mother Church. I greet you, My beloved son, ‘Little Bartholomew’ and My Priest-son from Canada, Father Whelley – I welcome you. I welcome My son, Michael and all My children gathered here before Me and throughout the world.”
“This evening I come bearing many gifts from My Divine Son, Jesus – Graces of the Virtues from My Immaculate Heart. Today, I am sending throughout the world a Rosary Angel for each soul dedicated to My Honour. And the reason for this, My sweet children, is so you are strengthened through the Grace of Perseverance in these days of trial, for I know well how difficult it is for Our children, when My absence is felt in their hearts. This is the time of the dryness of the soul of the desert, My sweet children. It is necessary, for it is time for Our children to reflect upon the numerous Graces that My Divine Son, Jesus, has given to each and every one of you.”
“However, take courage, for My Divine Son, Jesus – and I, Mary, your Heavenly Mother – will not abandon you. Continue to carry your Cross; continue to pray, fervently, My sweet children. Do not become weak and tired, for I promise you that a victory from My Immaculate Heart is near. Persevere! – persevere in Grace, in prayer and self-sacrifice, so that each moment is a moment of Glory for your Heavenly Father.”
“Think well, My sweet children, of My Title of ‘Our Lady of the Holy Rosary’, because numerous Graces have been given to the world through the ‘weapon’ of Truth – the Holy Rosary. Therefore, continue to pray this prayer to save sinners and to bring Light to the Church, because many of Our chosen children have fallen asleep. But time is truly short, I assure you, My sweet children.”
“Pray for Our Holy Vicar, to strengthen him; pray for the Clergy, to enlighten them and pray for your leaders, for many are in great darkness and are preparing for the ‘One World Government’ and the ‘One World Church’.”
“Pray for the elections in the land of the ‘Stars and Stripes’, that the one who will be elected will be the one chosen by God – not by man. Pray for My Canada – for dissension is great amongst these children – for the lands and states will be divided, unless Our children pray. Pray My ‘weapon’ of Truth, dear children, for peace.”
“I Love you, My sweet children and offer you, once again, My Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Unite yourselves with Me, so together We can ransom sinners and save the world – and console the Heart of your God and Mine – My Divine Son, Jesus.”
“I Bless you all now. You are to continue with your prayers, for these will be taken to the Throne of God for your intentions: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Suddenly I can see Saint Theresa, the ‘Little Flower’ and Saint Francis of Assisi – they have come now to the left of Our Holy Mother – from behind Our Holy Mother, so I didn’t see them before. Saint Theresa is holding many flowers and a beautiful Crucifix – and is very happy. She steps forward a little – to the front of Our Holy Mother, kisses Jesus on the Cross of the Crucifix and makes the Sign of the Cross:
SAINT THERESA: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“I greet you, my brother, ‘Little Pebble’ and all of God’s children gathered here this evening. I thank you for the roses offered to honour me. For every rose that has been offered, God, in His kindness, returns the intentions with a hundred-fold Graces for your needs. I thank you and send to you many roses through the Pure Heart of Mary, Our Holy Mother: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Saint Francis holds a Cross – not a Crucifix – and he comes over to Father Whelley, kisses him on the forehead and places this Cross within him.
SAINT FRANCIS: “I Bless you, My Priest-son and brother; carry this Cross, and continue to follow the Saviour – your Lord and God – for you are His faithful servant: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Now Shirley takes up her Rosaries – there are many of them – I think she has continued her work. She is going now, swiftly, to her family, and placing one of these Rosaries around their necks. Our Lady smiles as Shirley returns to Our Holy Mother and Our Lady wishes the prayers to continue, as She will speak to me Herself, privately.
(Prayers continue.)
Our Lady wants Father Broussard and Father Whelley to give a Blessing to the people:
FATHER BROUSSARD & FATHER WHELLEY: “Benedicat vos, Omnipotens Deus: Pater et Filius et Spiritus Sanctus. Amen.”
OUR LADY: “Continue, sweet children, with your prayers – and remember that God loves you and watches over you, for He has sent many Angels to your side; so have confidence and trust in the Goodness of your God. I Bless you all now, through the Triune God that Dwells in Me: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“You, My sweet Angel of Divine Love, My little ‘Rock’: continue to go forward and be not troubled because of the many obstacles that have been placed in your path, for I solemnly tell you, My dear son, that no obstacle will ever prevent you from fulfilling God’s Holy Will and that what has been promised to you will be fulfilled. So take courage and know that you are loved very much by all of Heaven. I Love you, and I Bless you: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Blessed Mother returns, swiftly, to the White Cross with those members who are there with Her, and some other Angels – but the Angels of the Holy Rosary now move swiftly behind each soul here in the Chapel – and to others elsewhere in the world. We will continue now with our prayers.