Message 440 – 13 June 1994


NO. 440

Feast of Saint Anthony

I, with St Michael, will soon come to cast Lucifer out from the Church – All the places that have received the Blood from My Eyes will be chastised – Pray for the Justice of God; in this Justice any will believe in the Truth once again – The time of the Antichrist is near – Victory is sooner that what you believe; the Eternal Father has yet to reveal many Plans – Our Little Pebble of Love will be the true Vicar of Christ who will lead My Son’s Church.

LITTLE PEBBLE: Saint Michael has been here for some time, and has placed his sword into the Shrine. Deep in the sky there is a White Cross, which has become tinged with gold. Through the centre of the crossed beams comes a streak of light which reaches down to the Holy Grounds. I can see Our Holy Mother as She travels down the beautiful light, with many Angels following Her, like a procession. Our Lady comes very swiftly and is about a metre outside the Shrine, standing on a beautiful pink cloud, which envelops Her Feet like a cushion. Within the cloud are little rosettes of different colours.

Our Lady has come as ‘Queen of the World’, which She holds in Her Hands. Her mantilla is white and Her dress is blue. She has on a beautiful Crown – a very large Crown with a small Cross on top of it – and She is surrounded by many Angels in various colours – dressed in different, pastel, colours. There are also two very large Angels, one to each side of Our Holy Mother. They are ‘Alpha’ and ‘Omega’, the two great Angels from the Eternal Father, who have come many times to the Holy Grounds.

On top of the globe held by Our Lady is a Cross and, beneath the Cross, the Ark of the Covenant, but in miniature form. This has a meaning. Our Lady is crying Tears of Blood, which are falling down upon the Earth. I can clearly see the different countries because the globe is suspended about an inch or so-away from Our Lady’s Hands and is spinning very slowly. This causes the drops of Blood from Our Lady’s Eyes to fall on various countries.

First of all I see Russia and part of Europe with Tears on it and then India. Slowly the Earth turns and I can see some falling upon North Korea, the southern part of China and also Japan and the Philippines. These are droplets which fall from Our Lady’s Eyes. The Earth is turning a little bit more and I can see to Canada, the United States and part of South America. It looks like Chile and Venezuela. Now there is further rotation and a drop has fallen on New Guinea and the northern part of Australia – Cairns, or somewhere near there – perhaps Rockhampton. It is very hard to tell. A drop has fallen on the islands of Fiji and some other smaller islands there – and Hawaii. In the United States I can see two drops of Blood falling on the western coastline – on Los Angeles and San Francisco, in the middle of the United States, in Louisiana and also Central America. It is moving now back over to Europe and is falling on the Middle East. Going down south, it has fallen on South Africa and next to Rwanda – also the northern part of Africa, Morocco and then Sicily and Italy. And another drop in the Eastern Bloc countries – it looks like the Slavic nations.

One of the Angels, who stands to the left of Our Holy Mother, is holding a Chalice which he turns sideways, to show me what is inside. There are words inside the Chalice, which are WAR and PESTILENCE. He tips it onto the Earth. The other Angel, to the right, also has a Chalice, and he shows me what is inside. It says: CELESTIAL CHASTISEMENT. He tips that upon the Earth. As these two Chalices are emptied, dust particles fall on the Earth and spread all over it. Now I can see the Moon revolving around the Earth. It is very small and there is a black cross on it. Now the Moon, instead of being white as when the sun shines on it, has become very black. A dark vapour seems to be coming from it and is going towards the Earth, forming a dark cloud around it. Some of it is falling on the Earth itself.

Now the two Angels take this globe away from Our Holy Mother and she has stopped crying. She has a very serious look on Her Face, but with the hint of a sorrowful smile. She takes out Her Rosary from underneath Her mantle, a Rosary made from golden pearls – or beads; they look like pearls. The ‘Our Father’ beads however, are blood red. The Crucifix is also gold, but there is wood embedded where Our Lord is nailed. Jesus, on the Crucifix, looks very real. Our Lady takes-up the Rosary and kisses Jesus:

OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

“Our beloved son, Our sweet ‘Rock of Salvation for Holy Mother Church’, My sweet ‘Rose’ of Croatia, My ‘Little Grain’ and My sweet ‘Roses’, My ‘Little Bartholomew’, sweet Disciples of My Immaculate Heart and all My sweet children gathered here on My Sacred Grounds: I greet you all from the Sacred Heart of My Divine Son, Jesus and send you a Message from the Triune God, to strengthen you and all of My children throughout the world – especially My Voice-Boxes, who are now under much persecution.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: The Crucifix on Our Lady’s Rosary now becomes aglow and moves without Her assistance, out of Our Lady’s Hand.

OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

“My sweet children: Today I come to you as ‘Queen of the World’. The reason I come under this Title is to show you that I am Sovereign over all My subjects on Earth – and in Heaven, in Purgatory and in the Underworld, for even the Devil and all who are lost are under My Feet – for I am the ‘QUEEN OF THE APOCALYPSE’ – ‘QUEEN OF HEAVEN AND EARTH’.”

“My sweet children: You must realize that what I have shown My little son today is very serious, for when I weep Tears of Blood – Tears of Mercy for Our children – you are to understand that time for the conversion of the world is very short! The Eternal Father has already Decreed that justice be given to mankind. Even I, as your Mother, cannot hold back this justice that is due to man. However, with the time that you have left you, My sweet children, must help Me to gather the flock under My mantle because, once the Chastising Arm of the Eternal Father falls upon mankind, I cannot help you any longer!”

“The ‘Second Coming’ of My Divine Son is near. It is for this reason that I come to the Earth so frequently, to prepare Our sweet children for this great event for the world and the Remnant Church. My Divine Son’s House upon Earth is already divided and even crushed under the burden of Satan, who has entered the Church and destroyed many and taken many away from My Divine Son. I, with Saint Michael, will soon come to cast Lucifer out from the Church; to strengthen Holy Mother Church once again; to prepare it for the glorious resurrection of the Church and for the ‘Second Coming’ of Jesus to the world.”

“All the places that I have shown My little son – that have received the Blood from My Eyes – are the places that will be chastised!! Do not be disheartened, sweet children, because many of you are losing faith; because you await the chastisement from God and, as it has not fully come yet, you become discouraged and disheartened, believing that God has not fulfilled His Word. Be grateful to God, My sweet children, that His Words are not yet fulfilled because, when that time comes, all of you will be weeping very much – just as your Heavenly Mother has been for many, many, years – for many of you will lose your families, your loved ones, your children, your Priests, your Religious and your leaders – for many will be taken from the Earth during the chastisements that the Eternal Father will send. Pray, therefore, My sweet children, for mercy; pray for peace and the salvation of sinners, rather than for the chastisements to come upon the world. However, I do ask Our children to pray for the Justice of God because, in this Justice, many of Our children will believe in the Truth once again, and many of those who have caused the persecution against those who speak the Truth will be enlightened – but they will have to pay the price – for it is through their persecution that many of Our children have suffered much. Remember, sweet children, everyone pays the price, because many have sinned – not only against God and My Immaculate Heart, but also sinned against your brothers and sisters. Therefore, reparation must be made – if not in this world, then in the next!”

“I Love you, My sweet children; I am your Heavenly Mother and Queen. I come with many legions of Angels and Saints to help you overcome your sinfulness and to strengthen you; to help you to follow the Path of My Divine Son, Jesus – the Path of Truth and Justice. It is for this reason, My sweet children, I come so often to bring to you many Graces, to help you to understand that you must be obedient to the Will of the Eternal Father, for He knows all, My sweet children – much more than you can ever anticipate or imagine. The Eternal Father is Wisdom itself and you, My sweet children, are like the grain that is upon the shores – little, and insignificant against the Triune God. However, even so, God Created you out of Love – therefore, return this Love with your gratitude and obedience to Truth, for much will be asked of you in these coming years – that you become the light and torch of the faith, so many children will still come to believe in the Son of the Living God – Jesus, your Saviour.”

“I bring to you, today, Graces for conversion, Graces to give you perseverance, Graces of faith and belief and hope and trust – so all of you will follow My Divine Son to the very end! Children, prepare yourselves interiorly, so you will be pleasing vessels of God – your Creator. The time of the Antichrist is near! His full reign will come in a few short years, My sweet children and in this time you will understand all that I and My Divine Son, Jesus, the Saints and the Angels, have revealed to many of Our children throughout the world. Pray, therefore, for the Vicar of Christ who suffers much now under the yoke of Satan, who suffocates the Church and also those who rule. Therefore, pray for them, that the Holy Ghost – the Eternal God – will enlighten Our children most in need. I Bless you, My sweet children, and give you a kiss from the Triune God Who Loves you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Now Our Lady allows me to see ‘Thornbush’ once again. It looks to me as though she is in a deep coma, or a deep sleep, in her room. There are many Angels surrounding her and, somehow, her spirit is communicating with the Angels. Now she awakens. Our Holy Mother is also standing in her room. She tells her to come, and places ‘Thornbush’ under Her mantle. It all happens almost simultaneously; as Our Lady is standing here, but was there, too. Our Lady has brought ‘Thornbush’ here once again; in her hands she holds a crown of thorns which has red roses growing – very tiny ones. I do not know for whom the crown is meant. She is smiling.

I can see a rainbow, once again, going from here to Canada. This is the third time that this has happened. I do not know the reason why, other than to believe that it is a very special connection.

I also see a pillar of stone being lifted up behind Our Lady. On it is the Blessed Eucharist and Our Lady now rises and moves over to kneel in front of the pillar, before Our Blessed Lord. ‘Thornbush’ also does this. I can see now at L’Avenir, where the rainbow ends, another pillar forming at the Grotto, a pillar of stone and on top of it is Our Lady, who has left the Apparition Place here. The rainbow connects the two pillars and in between them I can see a very large ship. There is an anchor hanging from the ship, falling into the sea. Chains are holding the ship between the two pillars. The ship is on a stormy sea. There are smaller ships coming to anchor themselves to the big ship. I can see the Vicar of Christ upon the ship. ‘Thornbush’ remains next to Our Lord here – before His Presence in the Blessed Sacrament. The Blessed Sacrament now changes into Our Lord Himself, as He stands majestically, on the pillar and both Our Lord and Our Lady turn around to the ship. The Vicar of Christ is no longer there, but Peter II is there, standing on the ship. And I can see the Twelve Apostles – they also are standing on the ship. Jesus and Mary are stretching their arms out towards the ship and creating what looks to me an arc of Light, which is like a bridge. The sea is now calming down and the ship, itself, becomes Saint Peter’s, but much larger – much larger! Also, it is a little different from what it is now. The sea has also gone. ‘Thornbush’ holds out a scroll which I cannot read. She hands it to Our Lord, Who kisses it.

Jesus now leaves the pillar and goes into the Vatican. In the Vatican Square there is something happening – like a great event. I do not know what it is. I see Peter II there with the Twelve Apostles. I see, to the right of him, ‘Little John’ and to the left are ‘Little Bartholomew’, ‘Little Matthew’ and ‘Little Jude’. Jesus now comes and stands next to Peter II and hands him the scroll. I do not know what is in it. Our Lady too, comes from the pillar and stands next to ‘Little Peter’. Something is happening which I cannot explain – the Vatican, Saint Peter’s new Church, seems to be growing. There are beautiful works of art. The streets are different; the cobble stones are different, as is the stonework of the buildings made out of different metals, or stones of different colours. In the sky is written – in very bright colours – “VICTORY”.

Now it has all gone. ‘Thornbush’ has gone back to her place, and everything has gone. Our Lady is back now as ‘Our Lady Queen of the World”.

OUR LADY: “My dear child, what you have seen now is something that will come in the very near future, for the Victory of the Missions from Heaven. For this Victory is very soon – much sooner than what Our children believe – because there are many plans that the Eternal Father has not yet revealed to mankind – because these plans have been given to only a few souls. Publicly, My children do not know this – but the Holy Ghost is working within the Church to bring forth the Victory of My Immaculate Heart – the triumph over evil. The first Victory is very near for you, dear child, and for My sweet daughter, ‘Thornbush’, for united, you are very strong for the Church and, through both of you, the other Mystics and Seers will become stronger. So, therefore, be prepared for this joy that will come to the Church for the Glory of the Triune God and My Immaculate Heart.”

“I Bless you all, My sweet children and give you a kiss once again from the Triune God, Who Loves you and these special Graces are to give you perseverance in the coming days of tribulation: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady now looks over to the ‘Rose’ of Croatia and comes a little closer. (Message given in Croatian to ‘Rose’…)

LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady has sent out many Graces to the people, through the Angels. The Holy Ghost appeared at the beginning of the Apparition, and is now on the Head of Our Holy Mother – just above the Crown. Many rays of beautiful light are coming from His Chest.

OUR LADY: “Continue now, My sweet children, with your prayers for I wish to speak to My little son for a moment and Bless all the articles here present. I thank you all for coming today to offer-up sacrifice – to atone for the sins of the world.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Saints Jerusalemaes, Tryalingus, and Menoloutis are here, and are now giving their Blessing:

ANGELS: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Blessed Mother once again takes-up the Rosary in Her Hands, kisses Jesus and Blesses us:

OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Saint Anthony has come quickly, and also stands to the right of Our Lady. He wishes to Bless the bread:

SAINT ANTHONY: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady goes swiftly towards the Cross with Saint Anthony and Saint Michael makes the sign of the Cross:

SAINT MICHAEL: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”