Message 438 – 4 June 1994


NO. 438

Most of you who hear My Word will live to see the return of My Divine Son – Prepare now, for one of the first of the Major Signs will be given shortly – The Tribulations are upon you – My many Tears are flowing because My Immaculate Heart is wounded, for I see only division upon division amongst My children of light – A disaster will occur in the Heavens; authorities are concealing the dangers that now exist in the Universe – Pray for Our Vicar in Rome because he suffers much.

LITTLE PEBBLE: Saint Michael has been visible for a little while, holding a spear in his right hand. He had already thrown a spear into the Altar. There is a brilliant White Cross in the sky, shooting off little spurts of Light every few seconds, which spray out into little slivers of light and come towards all of us. Saint Barachiel and Saint Sentimintarious are to my right – near the Tabernacle – where the picture of Saint Charbel is. Saint Michael looks very stern at this stage. He is very tall and reaches right up into the sky, past the clouds. He is very, very, tall. On the White Cross I can see the centre of the crossed beams, high in the sky, opening-up, like a door. A fine stream of Light comes down towards us – a very slender Light, perhaps about six metres wide – compared to the size of the Cross which reaches very far into the sky. The Cross seems to beam-out a lot of Light over everything that is before us.

Now I can see Our Holy Mother as She comes through this Light from the Cross. It is very hard to explain, but is like someone who has passed through a fog and is just emerging from it. Our Lady glides down the Light, the end of which is at the Tabernacle here in the Chapel. There are many Angels following Her through the Light of the Cross. Above the Cross I can see a circle of Light, like a Crown, consisting of Angels. In their hands all of them hold swords, some of which are silver, some gold – and some are very bright light.

Our Lady is very close now and comes right into the Chapel to stand above the Tabernacle, with many Angels surrounding Her. They are like soldiers, dressed in long white tunics and red capes. Our Lady too, is dressed in pure white and has on a red cape. It looks to be something like velvet with gold trimming on it. I can see Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart resting on Her Chest. I can see Blood coming from Her Immaculate Heart and falling into the Tabernacle, from which there comes a very brilliant Light. Our Lady smiles. She has on a beautiful golden Crown – it’s very plain though. It has a very broad cross on the front and two little crosses at the back. On the band of the Crown I can see written – one on each side – the names of the two ‘Sister’ Orders – the ‘Saint Charbel Order’, and the ‘Immaculate Heart of Mary and Saint Maria Louis de Montfort’ Order, of Father Blais. I didn’t notice before, but a sword has appeared very suddenly in Her right Hand. I have never before seen Our Lady with a sword.

Saint Barachiel comes over to Our Lady and takes the sword from Her. He doesn’t usually carry a sword, either and this one is very unusual. I do not know what it is made of but it glitters like a sparkler. It is very short – like a Roman sword – and on the handle I can see a Crucifix. Saint Barachiel holds the sword by the blade and brings the Crucifix towards his chest, then moves over to the left of Our Holy Mother. She has on a two-inch sash – which is made of gold – around Her Waist. Inscribed on the belt are the names of the Apostles. From Her Immaculate Heart Blood is falling, slowly. Our Lady holds a Rosary in Her left hand. It too, is very unusual-looking, because on the Crucifix there is a small carved ship, like Noah’s Ark. She lifts up the Rosary now and shows me. The Cross on the Rosary becomes very brilliant and shoots off much Light and the boat – this little ship – becomes very, very, bright. The beads too, are variously-coloured stones.

Saint Sentimintarious comes over to the right of Our Lady and places it around his neck, explaining that it belongs to this community; it is a very special Rosary and has significance, which I will learn later. The Holy Angel of this community is smiling; he has on a beautiful Crown which has many stones. The Crown is similar to Our Lady’s, but more ornate. There is a Cross in each of his wings – the white Cross of the ‘Order’. They are spread out now. It is very beautiful. Behind Our Lady I see another Angel whose name is Saint Rosarius. I have never seen him before. He belongs to L’Avenir, and I do not know why he is here. He holds many Rosaries in his hands and offers them to Our Lady now (he comes from behind and offers them to her). Our Lady is very, very, happy.

I can see another Angel coming – Saint Gentlemere. He too, comes from behind Our Lady and also has many Rosaries, which he offers to Her. She smiles at him. There are many Angels here this evening – the Chapel is full of them – hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of them. Our Lady now takes one Rosary each from Saint Rosarius and Saint Gentlemere. They sparkle very brightly. Our Lady places one Rosary in Her left hand, and another in Her right. She lifts the Rosary in Her right hand now and kisses Jesus on the Crucifix:

OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

“My beloved son – My ‘Little Pebble’ of Love, solid rock and foundation for Holy Mother Church; My beloved ‘Little Bartholomew’; My sweet Apostles of the end times and all My sweet children here present and throughout the world: I greet you this evening and bring with Me many gifts for Our children throughout the world, especially My children of the communities and the new Religious foundations given to Holy Mother Church at this time.”

“The many Warrior Angels that stand with Me this evening, will be sent to the communities for the protection that is now needed, especially in the coming months of tribulations that the world will experience! My sweet children, there is not much more that I can tell you, for already I have spoken for many, many, years to the Church and the world, with many Words given to My children – not only those of the Light but also the children who are in darkness at this time. My Messages remain the same: The time for change is now here; time for conversion; for Our children to do penance and reparation for their sins; to prepare yourselves for the Second Coming of My Divine Son, Jesus, upon Earth; to prepare you for the tribulations and chastisements that will come upon the world soon and for the time of the Antichrist and the New Era.”

“I have repeated these same things to you many times now. Therefore, My sweet children, you should be well aware of what is to come within your lifetime. Most of you who hear My Word will live to see the Return of My Divine Son, Jesus, before the end of this century. Therefore, dear children, do not be alarmed, because I ask that My children now prepare, for one of the first signs – major signs – will be given to mankind shortly! Let My children prepare themselves, as I have asked you for many years now. For what is more important, My sweet children, is not the human and physical preparations but, rather, the spiritual preparations of your souls, for many children will be taken and placed before the Judgement Seat of the Eternal Father. Ask yourselves, My sweet children, are you prepared for that?”

“It is for this reason that, many times, I have told you to live one day at a time. Forgive one another, for if My Divine Son would call you to your ‘resting place’ at this moment, have you forgiven those who have hurt you? Do not be jealous or envious of one another with the gifts that We give to Our children freely. Let the Word of My Divine Son, Jesus, be deep in your hearts, My sweet children. These Words must live within you! You must practice the Word of God in your souls! It is easy to Preach the Word of God, My sweet children, but difficult to live the Word of God. It is only through humility, tolerance, patience, love, mercy, forgiveness, endurance, that you will become the children of God – the Saints of the Latter Days, for you are all called to become holy and be holy, so all of you will become ‘living signs of Christ’ upon Earth.”

“The tribulations are upon you, My sweet children! You still have some three years of these tribulations to undergo. Each month, as it passes swiftly, will become more difficult; more unbearable. Therefore, the virtues of Christian love must be practiced heroically – as the Saints did, My sweet children. That is why they are in Heaven now – that is why Holy Mother Church proclaims them as Holy Saints. Do not judge one another, My sweet children, especially My children who are dedicated to the cause of righteousness within My communities throughout the world; within My Holy Places amongst My Seers; amongst the Apostles and Disciples. Love one another, as Christ, My Divine Son, had taught you two thousand years ago and still teaches you from the Tabernacle now, throughout the world!”

“The Teachings of My Divine Son never change, My sweet children. Love is the corner-stone of all Foundations of God. And what is love, My sweet children? How do you practice this love? Do I need to tell you? How many Tears must I shed throughout the world, constantly, because the children of the Light do not love one another as they should? Bear with one another, My sweet children, with your burdens. Work together as one, for united you will remain strong, divided you will all fall! Satan is in the midst of My children, to bring forth division upon division, to the point that the ‘Mystic’ Church will be destroyed, or at least weakened to the point where there is no more strength. Likewise, Satan is within the House of God. He has already divided the Church in many parts from Cardinals to Bishops and Priests, Religious and laity – for very few listen to the Vicar of Christ, who is infallible, My sweet children. Likewise, in the ‘Mystic’ Church, we have placed a leader for you, Our ‘Little Pebble’ of Love – though he is not infallible at this time. However, We have given him ‘Signal’ Graces to guide this ‘Mystic’ Church; to discern all that is necessary for the sake of unity and strength. Likewise, this is also for My communities throughout the world. You are to work together as one team – united as one! My Seers and Voice-boxes must unite as one so you, My sweet children, can lead the world to a Glorious Victory in My Immaculate Heart.”

“My many Tears are flowing – not only Tears of water, but Tears of Blood – because My Immaculate Heart is wounded, for I see only division upon division amongst My children of the Light. Satan has done his work well, My sweet children – he has nearly succeeded in taking away the elect from God! Therefore, I ask all My children who bear witness to the Truth to be faithful to the Word of God, in charity and work for the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart, in charity and love for your brothers and sisters! If this is not done, My sweet children, many will leave the Mission – not only here but throughout the world!!”

“The world will soon go into great difficulties, My sweet children, because of a disaster that will occur in the Heavens! Those in authority do not wish to tell Our children throughout the world of the dangers that exist now in the universe. My children of the Light need not fear, for My Divine Son, Jesus, and I and the Angels and Saints, are always there to protect Our children. However, I have asked you in the past and I ask you now – be prepared, My sweet children – stock up with food, gather clothes and warm blankets and store water in those places that are necessary [where it is necessary for it to be stored]. This sign that will be given to the world shortly is not ‘the Warning’, My sweet children, but one of the warnings that will come to the Earth, for it is time now that Our children be wakened from their deep slumber – especially those in authority who have discarded Our Messages over many, many, years. Pray for them, My sweet children, that the Light of the Holy Ghost, the Eternal God, will enter their souls and they will be saved – rather than lost – in this time of tribulation!”

“Pray for Our Vicar in Rome, because he suffers much at the hands of those who should be helping him – for many of the Cardinals and Bishops are not listening to him – like many of the Priests and children who should be. Remain faithful to the Word of God, My sweet children, for I Love you. I have given My Immaculate Heart for all of you, to save at least part of the Church; to protect it from the power of the evil one. ‘Maitreya’, the Antichrist, is gathering his forces now in the spiritual realm, My sweet children, to attack My communities throughout the world, for he knows that these communities are the gateway to the Eternal City – the New Jerusalem – and also, the New Era that will soon come upon the world, for these communities are a ‘light’ to the Church and the world. And soon you will understand, My sweet children, what I mean. ‘Maitreya’, at this time, is preparing to create disturbances amongst the Asians – therefore pray, My sweet children, that war will be averted; that peace will come to this region and remain there. Pray for the Middle East, for there, too, is great danger, as it is in many parts of the world now. Keep alert and keep your ears open, My sweet children, for many events are soon to occur that will change the lives of many of Our children.”

“I now send a Blessing to My sweet Apostles, who must stand firm now and defend the Truth – for you are all called to stand forth, as soldiers for Christ – My Divine Son, Jesus. I Bless you all: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I also Bless the Vicar of Christ, that he may be strengthened at this time, as he is well on his way to Calvary. And he weeps many times for the Church for he knows that the Church is in danger of a great division that will soon come.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: I can see the Vicar of Christ, as he has come now. He kneels before Our Lady and has his hands up to his face. He is weeping a great deal. She now bends down to him and places Her mantle – Her red cape – around him. I can also see myself next to Our Lady – under Her mantle – kneeling and praying. Our Lady Makes the Sign of the Cross over the Vicar of Christ:

OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady now lifts-up the Crucifix again, with Her right hand.

OUR LADY: “I wish to Bless all My children here present and throughout the world and all My communities, My Seers and Disciples – all My sweet children in all nations: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: The Pope now turns around and sees me kneeling. I have left the place where Our Lady was before. John Paul II now stands up. He is dressed in his white attire and has a red cape. He looks very unsteady. In his right hand he holds a scroll and says: “This is to do with the Orders”, Orders that he will soon approve. He hands the scroll to the Guardian Angel of this community, Saint Sentimintarious, and makes the Sign of the Cross: “In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.” I can now see the Apostle come down to the left of Our Lady. He is ‘Little John’. The Holy Father is motioning me and is going to say something:

POPE JOHN PAUL II: “My beloved son, Our ‘Little Pebble’ of Love, as Heaven calls you and my successor: I greet you, My dear son. I greet all the Apostles – the new Apostles of Holy Mother Church, the Disciples and all my sweet children who believe in the Mother of God and Her Mission for the Church at this time. I ask all of you, dear sons and dear daughters, to pray for the Church and pray for me, your Vicar, because at this time I carry a heavy burden, for many enemies surround me where I live and where I travel. I have great difficulties in fulfilling all that Heaven asks of me. However, I wish to assure you all, dear sons and dear daughters, that all that Heaven has asked will be done – but I beg of you, my brothers and sisters in Christ, that you pray for me – that you offer up sacrifices and penance to help me carry my cross, so I may bring forth the declaration that God Asks of me.”

“Many changes will come in Holy Mother Church soon. I ask of you to be prepared and pray. Trust in the Mercy of God, My dear children; trust in the Love of Our Heavenly Mother – for it is through Her that the Victory will finally come to Holy Mother Church. Pray for my brothers, the Cardinals, Bishops and Priests, for many have betrayed me and have betrayed God, for there are many Judases in the Church, today, My dear sons and daughters. You must believe this! Soon, there will be many meetings around the world with the Bishops, but these meetings, My sweet children, will not bring unity within the Church, because many Bishops desire to be like Popes in their own Diocese and even believe they are infallible.”

“As you know, my dear sons and daughters, only the Vicar of Christ is infallible. Understand that well, for much that I will say will be refuted by the Bishops. Therefore, listen to the voice of your Vicar and discern all that will come from Rome. It is very important now that you understand this – for I will bring out many Declarations in these coming years to correct the abuse that is now within Holy Mother Church – though it is the last ‘hour’ for the world and the Church. But yet, the corrections must be done to help the one who will follow me, because he will receive the full burden of the Church – because the end times are now here, and the Antichrist will soon seat himself upon the powers of Rome and Jerusalem. I want you to know this, sweet sons and daughters. I do love you as your Vicar and I pray for you all. I Bless you all, as the Vicar of Christ: In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: And now, the scroll that he had in his hand is handed over to ‘Little John’, the Apostle. I can see the twelve Apostles behind Our Lady and John Paul II is smiling. I can see ‘Thornbush’ once again. This is the third time in a row that she has come. She is kneeling at the feet of John Paul II and is embracing him and consoling him, for she is called the ‘Angel of Consolation’ for John Paul II. She is also my consolation. She smiles. Now all have gone except for the Mother of God and the Angels.

OUR LADY: “Continue now, My sweet son and dear children, with your prayers, for these prayers are necessary for the salvation of many who have fallen into darkness. I Bless you all, sweet children: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.” (The prayers now continued…)

LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady is about to leave. She has been Blessing everything and, also, speaking to me for some time. She gave me Her Immaculate Heart to hold for a moment. She asked me to kiss the Heart and then I gave It to Father, ‘Little Bartholomew’, because Our Lady asked me to do this. And something very unusual happened – I was praying for certain souls and then Our Lady showed me Her Immaculate Heart, in Which a door opened! Out of It came little hearts and they were the people for whom I was actually praying. It is really amazing. Then, out of My own heart, I saw a red rose grow. I have never seen that before. I gave It to Our Lady, and She placed It into Her Immaculate Heart. It had a golden rim around the petals. All this is really extraordinary. I have never experienced anything like that before. Our Lady is smiling now and asks that Father gives us the Blessing with his Crucifix. (Father now gives the Blessing…)