Message 393 – 13 June 1993



Feast of Corpus Christi and St Anthony of Padua

More help would be given to mankind if they prayed for the Souls in Purgatory – Of the 800-million Catholics in the world, less than 10 percent pray – The Church is already in schism; communism has spread throughout the world; it is atheism, hatred of God – Follow directions given and be not afraid. Fear is sent by the devil, but there are many Angels sent to help you – The Eternal Father says to listen to the Words of His Daughter, Mary and obey them.

LITTLE PEBBLE: I can see St. Michael, who has been here for some time, dressed in his usual garb as a Roman soldier of some two thousand years ago. He holds his sword very high and from its point comes lightning flashes, which first travel towards Heaven, then ricochet from the firmament of the Earth and strike several places on the Planet. Wherever the lightning strikes there is an explosion – and this happens constantly!

The beautiful White Cross now materializes in front of me – it is very intriguing how it appears and disappears. The base of the Cross is driven into the ground and the fires of Purgatory are around it, coming right up to the Shrine. Many Angels are ministering to the souls down there.

One of my great Angels is standing to my right – Saint Merisus, a Seraphic Angel, who is even larger than Saint Michael at the moment, his head reaching into the planetary Solar System. He is extremely tall and He also carries a sword, upon which there is Hebrew writing. He points the sword and from it emanates a wave of light which travels towards the Shrine. Many more Angels have gathered around the Shrine. Our Holy Mother comes through the Light of the big Cross – as though in an elevator which is made of light – with many Angels around Her.

Our Lady has come as ‘Our Lady of Mount Carmel’, wearing an appropriate and beautiful Scapular over Her Chest. Around Her Neck is a chain; a golden Crucifix hangs from it and a three-pointed Crown with a stone on each point, is upon Her Head. The forty or so Angels with Her are clad in blue tunics and have crowns similar to the one worn by Our Lady. I do not know who they are but perhaps they have something to do with the souls in Purgatory. Our Lady smiles. In Her right hand She holds a beautiful Rosary made of black pearls and She now raises the Crucifix and kisses Jesus:

OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“My beloved son – Our ‘Little Pebble’ of Love; Our Sweet daughter, Maria, the ‘Rose of Croatia’ and all My sweet children, here present and throughout the world: I greet you today from My Immaculate Heart. I have come today to ask Our children for special prayers for the souls in Purgatory – this place which has been forgotten by many of Our children of the Catholic beliefs. And the reason, My sweet children, that this place has been forgotten is because Satan has taken it away from your minds – especially by the lack of preaching on the subject of the suffering souls, who need the help of the Militant Church. So, once again, I come today to ask Our sweet children not to forget your relatives and loved ones who are still being purged by the fires of Purgatory, for a soul must be pure before it can enter the Kingdom of Heaven, My sweet children.”

“Many of Our children throughout the world believe that when a soul dies it remains only a short time in Purgatory – even when that soul has led a good life. But, My sweet children, very few of you understand the Justice of God and what atonement He requires for the sins of mankind. It is, therefore, beneficial to you all to listen to My Words and pray constantly while you live upon this Earth, because many souls die and when I say souls, dear children, I say that many souls do not only go to Purgatory but die as they enter the flames of Hell, because it is like death – for in hell there is no God, only punishment to the soul!”

“Remember well My Words that I give throughout the world: to pray for sinners; to pray for the conversion of souls. Pray for your leaders, Priests and Religious; pray for your brothers and sisters. The world is turning black, My sweet children, for these souls. Many of them are in deep sin and, as there are many souls in mortal sin, they are cut away from God – the Eternal Light – and only your prayers and sacrifices can bring light to these souls. Many thousands of children die each day and most of them are not saved, because so few of Our good children offer their prayers and sacrifices for their conversion.”

“The Militant Church of My Divine Son has forgotten and abandoned the children in the fires of Purgatory. If only they would pray more for these children, more help would be given to mankind in this hour of great darkness for the Church and the world. I, as Mother of Mount Carmel, come with My Scapular and My Promise, to save all Our children – for those who wear My Scapular with faith and trust. But who wears My Scapular? Who wears the Sacramentals that My Divine Son and I give to the world? Who bothers about God at all?”

“Just think, My sweet children: There are over eight hundred million Catholics in the world! Do you know how many pray, My sweet children? Less than ten percent of these Catholics pray at all! What do you expect from the Eternal Father – kisses and hugs – when you spit in His Face?! It is not enough, My sweet children, to say that you love God and do nothing. Much prayer and sacrifice is needed now, while you still have the time. Be not like the children, in the time of Noah, who cared little or nothing about God, but only about themselves and then, when the rains came, these very same children were begging God to save them. But they were all washed away, except for the handful of children who survived the great Chastisement!”

“Likewise, in this world today, God is giving mankind the opportunity to do much, but they do little. And, likewise, you will be swept away – but not by fire alone; not by water alone, but by the great Chastisement that will come from the Hand of God, Himself – for your souls will be purged by God, very soon and many of you will be swept away, never to be seen again on this Earth – nor in Paradise! There is so little time left for Our children to repent and straighten-out the paths of their lives.”

“I am like John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of the hearts of Our children. Wake-up, My sweet little ones! Do not be swept away by the promises of Lucifer who entices you and takes you away from My Divine Son. Is it so difficult for you to spend half an hour a day, before My Beloved Son, in prayer? – to pray in your homes, or wherever you may be? Is this too much to ask of Our children? What will you do when the enemy has captured you? Will you pray then, My sweet children, in the dungeons? When your cities are on fire and destroyed; your children starving – will you come-out then and pray on your knees? Then, my sweet children, it will be too late and I will not be able to help you any further!!”

“I do not come to preach to the converted, My sweet children. I come to preach to those souls who are in darkness and desire to remain there – for I am a mother, am I not? I cannot bear to see My children fall into Hell, like the snow that has just fallen. You who are mothers and fathers: weep with Me as you see the children fall away from God. See how my children are suffering in Bosnia, Africa, South America, Asia and all of the nations – suffocated by the poison of Satan! The leaders have fallen asleep as they watch their children being murdered! How foolish is mankind.”

“My Voice will not be silenced, sweet children, for I will continue to speak until all of Our children throughout the world take heed. Do not look only for ‘signs’ and ‘wonders’, but look in your hearts. Seek My Divine Son! Seek his Forgiveness! Turn to Him! I truly Love you, My sweet children and I offer you the mantle of My Scapular to place over your hearts, to protect you from the evil one; from the temptations of the world, the flesh and the devil. Keep your Rosary on you, My sweet children, for it is your protection! The devil is very powerful now. He knows that his time is very short. Therefore, he goes throughout the world to destroy every soul!!”

“The Church is already in schism – but it will be openly [so] soon, My sweet children and many of Our children will be scattered and divided! Pray for Our Vicar in Rome, who must be given the strength to lead the Church in this very dark hour; to restore Holy Mother Church to its former glory and faithfulness. Pray, My sweet children, for your Bishops – that they may be enlightened, for the spirit of darkness has engulfed their hearts. Only a few of them have the Light of the Holy Ghost.”

“Communism has spread throughout the whole world, because it is atheism, My sweet children – hatred of God – persecution of the Truth! I have told you this any times. When will My children listen and obey? I Love you, My sweet children, and give you my Immaculate Heart – for you are My children of Love, and the Light of My Divine Son, Jesus. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

“Remember My Words, My sweet children! Forget them not! Follow the directions that My Son and I have given you; put them deep in your heart; engrave them in your heart and be not afraid, for fear is from the devil. He plays on fear! You have nothing to fear, My sweet children – other than the loss of your souls! There are many Angels sent to you – to help you. Forget them not – but pray to them often, for they are your light, strength and consolation, given to you by the Eternal Father.”

“And you, My sweet child – My ‘Little Pebble’ of Love – the ‘rock’ of My Immaculate Heart: Continue to carry your cross with My Divine Son, because this cross will help Holy Mother Church, and govern it with a firm hand and bring back all that is dear to the Hearts of Us in Heaven.”

“Pray for your Vicar, dear child, because he needs your help. I Bless him as I Bless you, for both are guiding the Church of My Divine Son in these dark and dreadful days. I Bless you, dear sons: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Blessed Mother now looks towards Maria (‘Rose’ of Croatia) and I know that She will speak to her. (Message is given to ‘Rose’.)

LITTLE PEBBLE: Saint Anthony of Padua has just arrived, to the left of Our Lady. So too, has Saint Thomas Aquinas and I believe that this is the first time I have seen him; he seems to be quite chubby in his Benedictine garb. In his right hand he has a book – I see that the Holy Spirit hovers over his head – and he smiles, pointing at the book.

SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS: “I Bless you, my dear child of Light: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I have come today only to give my Priestly Blessing to all Our sweet children – especially those who are devoted to me; particularly my dear son, David. Pray, dear child – for, through my intercession, many Graces of Enlightenment will be placed in your soul.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Saint Thomas now goes back, towards Our Lady. Saint Anthony holds a little loaf of bread and he now makes the Sign of the Cross: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

SAINT ANTHONY: “I greet you, my son of Love – son of the Immaculate Heart of Mary – and all my sweet children throughout the world – especially those who are devoted to me. I send forth my blessings to the ‘little loaves’ who will bring life and love to the hearts of many of the children throughout the world. Pray often to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of all hearts. I bless you, sweet children: in the Name of the father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Blessed Mother shows me the ring which is on Her right Hand. It has a beautiful blue stone. Our Lady asks me to tell a soul to give Me her left hand. (She leans forward to give her hand). Our Lady takes off the ring and places it on the second finger of her hand.

OUR LADY: “My child – listen well: this is an exceptional Grace given to you from My Immaculate Heart. Follow the Directions of My Divine Son and trust in His Will for you. This ring – which comes from My Immaculate Heart – will strengthen you, for I Love you and place My protective mantle over you. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady now returns to the Light. I can see the Blessed Trinity behind Our Blessed Mother, with the Eternal Father seated upon a Throne – His Divine Son, Jesus, at His right Hand and the Holy Spirit above Both of Them. They have come very close to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Both Jesus and the Eternal Father place their hands on Our Lady. The Holy Ghost becomes larger, and places His Wings around the Father, Jesus, and the Queen of Heaven. I can hear a resounding Voice saying: “HAIL, QUEEN OF HEAVEN AND EARTH! It is resounding right through, echoing into Heaven. The Eternal Father looks very deep into my soul with his beautiful blue Eyes and is smiling.

ETERNAL FATHER: “I Bless you, My son: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. My beloved children – My Creation: listen to the Words of My Holy Daughter, Mary the Immaculate and let these Words be obeyed, from the highest to the lowest for, soon, My Justice will be felt by mankind, because My Patience is coming to an end – for this generation has denied the Words of My Eternal Son and My Daughter of Light. Heed well My Words as your Creator and obey them!”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Now, in a flash of Light, the Trinity has gone – as have Saint Thomas, Saint Anthony and Saint Merisus. Saint Michael and a few Angels remain.

OUR LADY: “I Love you, sweet children. Continue with your prayers, to atone for the sins of the world. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Blessed Mother now goes back into the Light, after taking-off the Scapular and giving it to an Angel, who now places it on my person. Our Lady is blowing kisses. It is really very sweet because they are like Light. The souls in Purgatory also receive some kisses, which relieve their suffering.

She now goes further into the Light, and Saint Michael says to continue the Rosary. (The Rosary is continued.)