Message 392 – 5 June 1993



Great Powers on Earth already plan to destroy Christianity; Evil One well entrenched in the Church and World Leaders – Error of Russia is atheism; great division will come in God’s House – World will receive a sign, a warning. This will not be the Great Warning, but will bring fear into hearts – Protect your children: Satan wishes to poison their minds with impurities, drugs, occultism, modernism, materialist, etc. – Bishop of Wollongong to make an important decision re. the Holy Grounds.

LITTLE PEBBLE: For some time I have observed a lot of little Lights which come towards the Altar and the Tabernacle. There are Lights actually shooting from the Tabernacle itself, in all different directions and different colours. I can see the sky opening-up; it is very blue – like a summer’s day – and is very beautiful. I can also see the White Cross, but this time It is coming from very far away, not ‘developing’ here as it normally does. It seems to be floating down towards us. Above the Cross there are seven stars which are extremely bright and gold. I do not know the meaning behind the appearance of these stars.

I can see Saint Michael standing behind the Cross, which has now come to rest a little outside the Chapel. It is very large, going very high into the sky. A brilliant Light emerges from the centre part of the Cross, throwing Light upon us and, it would seem, upon the whole world. Saint Michael holds his Sword on high – as though to bring it down, hard. He doesn’t say anything.

There are many other Angels who have gathered with him, including Saint Raphael, Saint Gabriel and Saint Uriel. I can see the Blessed Mother, through the Light of the Cross, coming on another beam of Light and She slowly descends, to arrive between the statue of Our Lady of the Ark and the Crucifix, in a beautiful ‘ball’ of Light, which shines very brightly around Her. She comes this time, under the Title of Our Lady of ‘Rosa Mystica’ and I can see three roses upon Her Chest, plus a Crown of Roses upon Her Head. Our Lady looks very beautiful. In Her Hands She carries a bouquet of different-coloured roses; in Her right Hand She also has a Rosary of red coloured beads and a golden Crucifix. Our Lady looks very happy, although I can see that in Her right Eye there are one or two little Teardrops. One of the Angels removes the roses from Our Lady and She then takes-up the Crucifix and kisses Jesus.

OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

“My beloved child – Our ‘Little Pebble’ of Love and all My sweet children, here present and throughout the world: I greet you all from My Immaculate Heart this evening. I thank you, My beloved son, for making the long journey to the land of the ‘Rising Sun’. You and your companions had to carry the cross with My Divine Son to offer this suffering for the people of Japan for their conversion; but this suffering was not only for those souls, dear child, but also for your Community and for the Vicar of Christ, who now is undergoing the Passion of My Divine Son for His Church upon Earth. Likewise, dear child, now you and other members are carrying the cross at this moment for Our Holy Vicar and for My Personal Intentions. I ask, sweet child, that you and your loved ones and this Community – carry this cross patiently, with love, for My Intention.”

“I thank you, dear child, for carrying the cross patiently. Continue to go forward in the Light of My Divine Son Jesus, for much is expected of you, especially in the coming years, as you will lead the House of My Divine Son upon Earth, to bring My children into the New Era.”

“My sweet children: I need your prayers [for] the world goes further away from its God. Your prayers are urgently needed now! You must even put other things aside – because without prayer the world is already doomed! The ‘great powers’ on Earth have already in place a plan to destroy Christianity; to destroy all that is good and wholesome by the invasion of the West – the ‘free’ nations who are still able to proclaim the Word of Christ openly, without persecution.”

“The Holy Father suffers much now, at the hands of those who surround him. He needs your prayers so he can fulfil all that We, of Heaven, have asked of him – even before the end of this year, My sweet children.”

“Pray constantly! A vigilance of prayer is needed for the salvation of souls for Holy Mother Church, because the Church has gone into darkness and the Light of My Divine Son is no more seen in His Own House upon Earth, except in a few places where devotion to My Immaculate Heart still reigns. Many of Our children do not realize how serious [corruption in] the world is today; how seriously endangered mankind are! The Evil One has already entrenched himself well in My Divine Son’s House upon Earth and also into the hearts of many of Our children and world leaders.”

“I have spoken to you many times about the great ‘error’ of Russia, My sweet children. What is this ‘error’ I speak of? – it is atheism, My sweet children. Atheism knows no God – but self; hatred; persecution of the truth! The West has become blinded by Satan – for the West was promised peace; but you cannot have a pact with Satan, My sweet children and expect peace! War is the answer to sin! All the free nations will soon capitulate and many of Our children will find themselves abandoned; starving. I and My Divine Son Jesus, have come to the world so often in these past years, to tell mankind to open up your hearts and listen to Us before it is too late.”

“My children continue to wander around like lost sheep – the blind following the blind – and yet, the signs have been given to you; the path has been laid-out for Our children. Little do Our children realize that a great division will come in the House of God soon, for a decision will have to be made by Our children – a decision of faith!”

“O, My sweet children, I am your Heavenly Mother Who Loves you and cares for you – but even I cannot hold back the Chastisements that are coming upon mankind, because Our sweet children do not listen and do not pray! Out of the many, many, millions of Christians on Earth, only a handful have obeyed My command as a Mother. Most of Holy Mother Church have disobeyed My Word – going back to La-Salette and Fatima – and [still do so] now, in all the Heavenly manifestations given throughout the world, which are in the hundreds, dear children!”

“My beloved Vicar in Rome – Pope John Paul II – has now realized the great danger that Holy Mother Church is in and he has begun to restore the Church as it should have been done – more than twenty years ago – My sweet children. But now he finds it difficult, because the enemy is well entrenched. Saint Michael must be returned in the House of God, for he will drive out the enemy – but this can only be achieved through your prayers, My dear children.”

“Soon, the world will receive its sign – its warning from Heaven!! This will not be the Great Warning that We have told you about, sweet children, but this warning that God will send will [nonetheless] bring fear into the hearts of all the children of the world and they will know that the Hand of God has struck!”

“The events are moving swiftly now, My dear children, as the Return of My Divine Son, Jesus Christ, the Messiah – is near! So prepare your household, because your redemption is near. The time for the New Era approaches the world and all that is rotten and old must go. The world must be purified, to be able to receive their inheritance of the New Era.”

“Protect your children, My sweet ones; protect the ‘little’ ones from going out into the world. Be careful and discreet in all the dealings that My ‘little’ ones have, for Satan wishes to poison all the ‘little’ ones; poison them in their minds and intellect with impurities – not only of drugs, My sweet children – but the occult, modernism, materialism, self; all of these things to take away Our ‘little’ ones from the Bosom of the Eternal Father.”

“My dear parents: Be watchful over your children. Let not age be a barrier, for a child is a child to a parent – like you are My children. Is there any age difficulty between Us, My sweet children? Even if you were a hundred you would still be My child and God’s child. It is therefore My duty as a Mother to watch over you and to instruct you as to what is good for you; to lead you on the path of holiness and righteousness – the path that leads to Heaven.”

“It saddens My Immaculate Heart, as a Mother, when I come down from Heaven to instruct My sweet children throughout the world; to help them along the path of Truth; to show them the way of holiness and yet some of My children do not listen to Me, but believe that they know better than their Holy Mother. Be careful, My sweet children, because God has offered many, many, Graces to you; do not shun your God by placing these Graces aside. The world cannot offer you what God can offer you, My sweet children; nor can mankind; nor can your family or loved ones, for God knows what is best for each and every one of you; more so, if He, Himself – through My Immaculate Heart – gives you the consolation and directions that you need for your life upon this Earth. For each Grace that you receive from the Eternal Father you will be accountable before Him if you lose this Grace, My sweet children. The Justice of God is severe, as His Mercy is never ending.”

“Remember well the Souls in Purgatory. Many of these dear ones disobeyed God, too, because they believed that they knew better than the Eternal Father. Now they pay the price for their human judgement. Yes, My sweet children, when God calls you to a life of holiness you must follow Him to the very end and carry your cross, patiently, with love and endurance. Remember that no one can love you as much as your Heavenly Father and your Heavenly Mother. We both gave the Son of God for you as reparation for your sins and the salvation of your souls.”
“I Love you, My sweet children; it is for this reason that I come so often, especially here in this Chapel upon these Holy Grounds of My Immaculate Heart. You, My sweet children here in this Community, have all been called to live a life of holiness and sacrifice, because all of you have been called to enter into the New Era – as all Our children from every Community are called. It is a special Grace from God. Do not lose it! Love one another, My sweet children and learn what this love means! Love means to sacrifice and give of yourself. Love does not mean to give a kiss to one and ignore the other! Remember: My Divine Son lives here amongst you, as I do. I come frequently here in this Chapel and in your homes – through your prayers. If you profess to love My Divine Son and I, then live accordingly.”

“Soon, My sweet children, Holy Mother Church will come and investigate this work. Will you give the example to show them that you are a follower of My Divine Son and I? Carry each other’s burdens; pray for each other; place self aside, My sweet children and you shall become a ‘beacon of light” to the whole Church, for to this you were called! And this I say to all of My children throughout the world, through all the Communities; to all My children who pray in the Houses of Prayer of Saint Charbel; to all the Children of the Light: “Be ye the Light of Christ. Walk in the Light. Talk in the Light”. It is through you that I can work and save the Church. Pray for your Bishop here in Wollongong, My sweet children, for he must make a very important decision. It is for the benefit of My Most Holy Grounds here in Nowra.”

“I Love you, My sweet children, and Bless you all from My Immaculate Heart. Remain firm in your faith and have confidence in My Immaculate Heart. I Bless you all now: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Continue now with your prayers, as I wish to speak to My little son.”

(Prayers continue.)