Message 395 – 3 July 1993





LITTLE PEBBLE: Since the beginning of the Rosary the shining `Holy Thing’ – which is going to be given to me today by Abraham – has been in the Tabernacle. It is about six to eight inches long and is like a pencil, but a bit wider. It has the Alpha and Omega engraved on it, upon a small cross. The `Holy Thing’ is white in colour and the Alpha and Omega on the cross are in gold. It is very, very, bright and has been shining in the Tabernacle for some time. Behind the Tabernacle is a brilliant white Cross, as is normal. It is very beautiful and has gold coming out of the edges.

I can now see Our Divine Lord coming from both the Cross and the Tabernacle – at the same time! It is very hard to explain this adequately. Our Lord now Appears on the cloth before the Tabernacle, holding the `Holy Thing’, which is what it is called in Catherine Emmerich’s book. The ‘Holy Thing’ was given to Adam and, also, to Noe and Abraham.
Our Lord is dressed in pure white; upon His Head He has a Crown – as a King. It is not often that Our Lord comes as a King. His Wounds look to me as though there are rubies on His Hands and Feet – and they are shooting forth tremendous Light, through the `Holy Thing’. I do not know what else to call it, for during the past few days several Seers have spoken about the `Holy Thing’ which will be given to me by Our Lord and Abraham.

Now, to the right of Our Lord, I can see the great leader, Abraham of Old – and with him are Noe and Adam. To the left of Our Lord I can see the great Patriarch, Moses – and Melchisedech, the great Angel is there, too. Many people believe that he was a human being, but he is an Angel. Upon Saint Melchisedech is a beautiful, golden, Cross. They are all about the same size as Our Lord.

Behind Our Lord and the Cross are thousands of beautiful Angels. All nine Choirs are represented because I can see their different sizes and the way they look. They all look different and have varying clothes on. The Cherubim – the little Angels – now come very close to Our Lord and move around His Head. They hover there, like little babies with wings and are very pretty.

Visible upon the Cross now are the marks of the Crucifixion – and I can see the tools which were used to Crucify Our Lord. Behind the Angels, in big letters, are the Ten Commandments which were given to Moses. As a matter of fact, Moses holds the Tablets on which the Commandments were inscribed. Now, coming to the side of Saint Melchisedech is Saint Joseph, who has on a beautiful, golden, tunic.

Our Lord smiles and comes closer – not walking, but gliding – looking about at all of us. I can see His Most Sacred Heart as it comes from His Chest and hovers about six or seven inches in front of Him – and a brilliant Light comes out; not only Light, but Fire as well.

I can see the Holy Ghost, hovering over Our Lord as the Holy Dove – and He is brilliant. Upon His Head, also, is a small Crown – and the Dove has blue eyes, as does Our Lord. Jesus comes even closer; Abraham comes to Our Lord’s right side and Saint Melchisedech to His left.

OUR LORD: “I Bless you, My sweet son and My sweet children, here present and throughout the world: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. My beloved – Our sweet – `Rock’; My son who will rebuild My Church upon Earth and lead all My people to the Promised Land: today I have come with the Patriarchs of Old and My Foster Father to bestow upon you, My dear son, very exceptional Graces – Graces that have been given only to the few. In My Hand, dear son, is the Covenant that I made with Adam, with Noe and with Abraham.”

“As I have already said through many Mystics throughout the world: you are the `Abraham’ of the New Era – the one who will lead My people into freedom. In you shall the Triune God Dwell, for you must bring My people into the Light and govern My Church upon Earth for many centuries, until I come to Judge mankind in the Final Judgement. Many millions of Our children will enter the Promised Land after the great Chastisement, when the Church has been renewed, purified and cleansed.”

“It is through you, My dear child, that the `new nations’ will be born – the New Tribes of Israel. From your seed, My dear son, in the fulfilment of My Words to Abraham, all the `new nations’ will come – the Seven New Tribes that will rule the Earth with the Five Clans; and the seventy-two small nations will form the cohort of Earthly paradise, which you, dear child, will lead and govern as the Vicar of Christ; as leader of My people through the Kingship of the Godhead. It is from thy seed, dear son, that there will be a multitude of billions and billions of souls that will be Created before the end of the world. In you I make the Final Covenant with man until the end of the world, when I will come and Judge mankind.”

“These Revelations this evening will astound My children in the Church and throughout the world. However, let it be known that I have spoken – the King of kings, your Creator and Saviour. These Words have been revealed to many Mystics throughout the world, but very few souls are aware of it, because only now is the time that it must be known to mankind. So remain at peace, dear son, because you have been prepared for quite some time for this role. Many things will be expected or you, dear child – but be not afraid, for I and My Father, and Our Spirit, are with you.”

“The martyrdom of Our Holy Vicar in Rome is near; the invasion of the nations is near; the tribulations for mankind are near. It is for this reason that a new Covenant must now be made to prepare Our children for the `new era’; for this new era of Peace will come swiftly upon mankind – much quicker than mankind believe – for My Second Coming is near. Watch the signs, dear children, in the Heavens, on the Earth, in nature – and in the weakness of man!!”

“My adversary is raging throughout the world, causing havoc amongst My children of the Faith. Fight him with your steadfastness, with your prayers, with your reception of the Sacraments; wear the Sacramentals as your armour and defence. So now, My sweet children, you understand part of the Plan of the Triune God.”

“Pray for My sweet son – Our `Little Pebble’ of Love; the `rock’. He needs your sustaining prayers, as My Vicar in Rome does at this time. Great changes are coming upon the world and in My House upon Earth, dear children – changes that will bring great devastation in the lives of many of Our children, especially those who do not believe in My Word. You, dear son, are Peter – and upon you I will renew My Church. Receive the Holy Sign – the symbol of the Covenant between the Godhead and man.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Jesus now comes with Abraham and Melchisedech. Saint Michael has come to the side of Abraham, and Saint Raphael to the side of Saint Melchisedech. Saint Gabriel and Saint Barachiel have come to the side of Our Lord. The Holy Ghost has placed His Wings – and has grown in size – right over Our Lord, the Saints, and the other Angels, and now has placed a dome over me.

OUR LORD: “Receive the Holy Covenant of Posterity, My son.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: I can see Our Lord infuse Himself into my body and soul, shrinking and disappearing with the `Holy Thing’ into my body and soul. He placed it where the `seed’ must come forth. The other Saints and Angels have placed their hands over my head in Blessing. I can see some of the Mystics who have come to bear witness; those who have received the Revelations concerning this matter; I can see the Eternal Father as He hovers over my head with the Holy Ghost; I can see Jesus on the Cross, within the Eternal Father – it is hard to explain. Jesus is now again back on the Altar, where He was with the Saints and the Angels.

OUR LORD: “I now give you the thrice Blessing, dear son, from the Triune God: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen (three times). Remain in peace, dear son – and go forward in the Light of My Spirit and breathe forth the Spirit to My children throughout the world, that all may hear the Word of the Triune God.”

“My children of the Earth: hearken to My Voice, because the time for mankind is short. Soon terror will strike the hearts of Our children because so few have stemmed the tide of the Chastisements, due to lack of prayers. Watch, carefully, your news, My sweet children, for soon many difficulties and civil unrest will occur in the land of Poland, in the Slovak nations, in the Middle East – where already the `tyrant’ is preparing an onslaught upon Israel. Beware, My sweet children of the West, because the `Bear’ Russia, is planning an unprecedented attack upon the free nations with the help of the West, for the One World Government is soon [will soon be] at hand under the leadership of the United States of America, due to the power of the Freemasons and the occult!”

“Pray, unceasingly, My sweet children; it is urgent now! Do not tire to pray before My Presence, for sometimes I hear the grumbling of Our dear children; but I seek sacrifice from you all because you must do penance – not only for your own sins, but the sins of the entire Earth. My Second Coming is near, and I will come swiftly to bring Justice upon mankind. You still have time to turn away from sin; take-up the Holy Rosary which My Most Holy Mother has given to you over many centuries now.”

“Pray for the people of Mongolia, for much suffering is there now, but is hidden from the eyes of the world. Soon disaster will strike the Islands of Japan and many will perish in the rubble that will follow. The great warnings will soon come upon the world to awaken Our children who have fallen asleep. This is not time, My sweet children, for too much [of the] worldly entertainment and amusements, as within a few short years I will be here.”

“Pray with My Most Holy Mother as She travels the world to gather My sheep. Protect your children from the evil one and from the snares of the world. Use more discipline, dear parents, teachers and leaders of My House upon Earth. My children, My children: how will you enter the Reign of Peace if you do not prepare now? Now is the acceptable time, not tomorrow, for no one knows the hour that I may come and call you. Are you prepared, My sweet children, to stand before Me? Do you have sufficient merit to gain Paradise, or do you believe that if you go to Purgatory it is sufficient? No, My sweet children, it is not, for I desire all My children to be perfect before they leave the Earth and to atone for all their sins before they leave the Earth, because My Justice is great! For you are accountable, My sweet children, for all your actions, your thoughts and, especially, for the sins of omission. The fires of Purgatory are severe, My sweet children, so do not seek to go there, but seek to come into My Arms; into My Kingdom.”

“The road is narrow, My sweet children, and very difficult. Do not renounce your cross, but pick it up and follow Me. You have My Blessed Mother; you have the Saints and the Angels and My Church upon Earth to help you reach Paradise. So be faithful to My Word and be the Disciples of My Most Holy Mother in these last moments for mankind. I Love you, My sweet children; each and everyone of you is precious to Me – your God. Come to Me all who are heavily laden and burdened, and I swill refresh you from the Fountain of My Most Sacred Heart.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lord now shows me His Most beautiful Heart; tremendous fire comes from It and I can see beautiful streams of Light which are very warm. They reach-out to all of us in particular – in different strengths for different souls.

OUR LORD: “You, My dear children, are My Inheritance. Come, follow Me, for I have prepared a place for you – a place that you could not even imagine – where you will dine with Me for eternity. I Bless you, My dear son – Our `Little Pebble’ of Love – and all My sweet children, here present and throughout the world: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Peace be with you, My sweet children; My Peace I give to you from Our Spirit that Dwells in you.”

“In a moment, My dear son, My Beloved Mother will come. You have wondered why My Most Holy Mother was not present? She was, My dear child, but I did not allow you to see Her for [until] this moment. Remember My Mother and I are ONE in Heart; wherever I am She is; wherever My Most Holy Mother is, I Am. This is a great Mystery yet to be understood by My Church upon Earth – but in the `new world’ that is to come, mankind will understand the closeness of My Most Holy Mother [to me]; the Dignity of My Most Holy Mother. Mankind will appreciate the Pureness and Gentleness of their Heavenly Queen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Now I can see Our Holy Mother, coming from afar – from the white Cross – on a beautiful, crystal, Light which is very unusual. It is not pure white this time, but looks like a `road’ made of crystals. Our Lady has been accompanied by myriads of Angels – and they are singing the `Hail Holy Queen’. It is really wonderful – I wish you could see and hear this. The Angels throw roses onto the path as Our Lady comes. It is really beautiful to see.

The Patriarchs have now stepped aside to allow our Lady to come in. Our Lady stands next to Our Lord, then kneels before Him and Kisses His Feet. Our Blessed Mother is dressed in beautiful white which is very clear and bright – and there is a royal-blue mantle which reaches from Her Head right down to Her Toes. A royal-blue belt is around Her Waist. Our Lady holds three beautiful red roses in Her right Hand – and they seem to sparkle. Our Lady smiles as She looks all about Her. Upon Her Head is a Crown formed by roses; She comes, often, with a such a Crown – and all the Angels that have accompanied Her have Crowns of roses upon their heads, too. All the Saints and the Angels rejoiced when Our Blessed Mother came for She brings real happiness. Standing on a cloud of Light, She takes a Rosary from the side of Her belt, then Kisses Jesus on His Heart and Kisses the Crucifix.

OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. My Blessed son; My sweet angel of Divine Love – My `Little Pebble’ of Love – and all My sweet children, here present and throughout the world: I come today to bring many Graces to My sweet children, for their needs are very great at this time because many are suffering under heavy burdens – crosses that have been given to them; but in some cases they, themselves, have allowed these burdens to become burdens in their lives.”

“I have come to refresh you, My sweet children, with the Perfume of My Immaculate Heart; to encourage you to stay on the narrow road with Me. I know, My sweet children, at times it is difficult – but do not give in to temptation; do not give way so the evil one can encroach upon your territory. Stand firm now, My sweet children; stay faithful to Our Vicar in Rome and to My `Little Pebble’ of Love, who will soon take[-over] the reign of Holy Mother Church. Pray for My Voice-boxes who are persecuted by the evil one, because he desires to drown My Voice. Remain firm, My sweet children, and be faithful to your prayers. Pray My Most Holy Rosary with all your hearts now, for time is short. Prepare your households; do all that I have asked [of] you and you will be saved – not only for the new world to come, but also in this world that you now live in.”

“The world is truly in darkness now – and only a flicker of light shines in the world, in the hearts of the few. It is the few who are still holding-back the Chastisements from coming upon the world, so continue fervently with your prayers and sacrifices, so at least in a little way you and I can console My Divine Son Jesus. I Love you, My sweet children; I give you My Immaculate Heart as a sure refuge, to strengthen you; to make soldiers out of you, because the battle has only just begun, My sweet children. Many of you believe that it is nearly over. No, My sweet children – these difficulties that you had in these past years are only the preparation that God is giving you to strengthen you for the greater battles that are yet to come, between good and evil. Once you have reached the perfection that God desires of you, then will come the great and awful battle between the good and the bad; between the good Catholics and the bad Catholics; between those who follow My Divine Son and those who follow the anti-Christ.”

“Many children will die in this period of time, My sweet children. They will give their lives for My Divine Son, to offer up their martyrdom in blood, to nurture the new Church that will be born through the ashes of the old. It is for this reason that We have chosen Our `Little Pebble’ of Love to be the `New Abraham’, and the new Vicar of Christ: to govern the Church and the world and lead all Our children to safety through the great persecution that will soon come upon Our children. So prepare yourselves; read My Words over and over again; read the Holy Scriptures where all of this that I have told you will be found, for the `time of times’ is here now. I Love you, My sweet children, and bless you from My Immaculate Heart: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Now Our Blessed Mother slides very, very, close – is only about a metre from me. The three roses which She held have been given to Saint Gabriel. Our Lady shows me Her Hand – and on one of Her Fingers – second finger on Her right Hand – I can see a ring. The ring has a beautiful red ruby in it – and it is very beautiful.

OUR LADY: “My beloved son: today I wish to speak to My daughter, [Name Withheld], whom I have called this evening to be by your side. [Name Withheld], dear daughter of My Immaculate Heart: give Me your left hand, dear child, please!”
([Name Withheld] lifts up her left hand to Our Lady.)

LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady now takes the ring from Her right Hand and places it on [Name Withheld]’s left hand, on the second finger. Our Lady bends down, Kisses the ring, and then Kisses [Name Withheld] on the head.

OUR LADY: “My dearest daughter: this evening I have given you a ring from My Immaculate heart. This ring signifies faith and trust in the Will of God. It is a Sacramental, My dear child. The reason I give you this ring is to strengthen you, for I desire that you understand the Plan of the Triune God for your husband. Many things will be asked of him. It is to you that I ask that you have faith and trust in the Plan of God. Never lose courage; never lose faith or hope, for you will always be by his side. But the Eternal Father has great Plans for My holy child – Our `Little Pebble’ of Love – to bring forth the new generations – the new nations that will be formed for the `new times’ that are coming upon the world.”

“Your child-like faith and trust in My Immaculate Heart has brought you to this point, for it is this faith that pleases Me. Defend your husband, always – and remain by his side and trust in the Will and Plan of the Eternal Father. Many beautiful Graces are in store for you, dear child, [Name Withheld] of My Immaculate Heart. Soon you will see Me and will understand all that I have now told you. I Love you, dear daughter of My Immaculate Heart.”

“Be an example to your sisters, who have also been called on the same path that God has given to you. Pray for them. The `Three Mary’s of the Cross’ must bear witness to the Cross and to My Immaculate Heart. These three roses come from My Immaculate Heart to you and your sisters. I Bless you, dear child, with My Immaculate Heart: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Remain at peace, dear child, for I am always with you – and My Immaculate Heart will always be your refuge and strength. Peace be with you.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady now returns to the side of Our Lord and Kisses Him, once again, on His Most Sacred Heart.

OUR LADY: “Continue, My sweet children, with your prayers, for your prayers are truly urgently needed now for Holy Mother Church, and for My Vicar in Rome, who suffers greatly at this time. I Bless you all, My sweet children: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Continue now with your prayers, for I wish to speak to My little son, privately.”

(Prayers are continued.)

Extracts from the Biblical Revelations of the Venerable Anne Catherine Emmerich – the Life of Christ Volume I, Fresno: Apostolate of Christian Action, 1914 page 22 and 79.

Among the Angels, I noticed a kind of ostensorium (Note: a type of Monstrance) at which all were working. It was in a shape like a tower, and on it were all kinds of mysterious carving. Near it on either side stood two figures, their joined hands embracing it. At every instant it became larger and more magnificent. I saw something from God passing through the Angelic Choirs and going into the ostensorium. It was a shining Holy Thing, and it became more clearly defined the nearer it drew to the ostensorium. It appeared to me to be the germ of the Divine Blessing for a Pure Offspring, which had been given to Adam, but withdrawn when he was on the point of hearkening to Eve and consenting to eat the forbidden fruit. It was the Blessing that was again bestowed upon Abraham, withdrawn from Jacob by Moses, deposited in the Ark of the Covenant, and lastly received by Joachim, the Father of Mary, in order that Mary might be as pure and stainless in Her conception as was Eve, upon coming forth from the side of the sleeping Adam. The ostensorium, likewise, went into the tower.

The Angel spoke with Abraham, and the latter received the mysterious Blessing, the Holy Thing from Heaven; he opened his garment and laid it upon his breast. I was told that this was the Sacrament of the Old Testament. Abraham, as yet, knew not what it contained. It was hidden from him, as from us is concealed the substance of the most Holy Sacrament. But it was given to him as a Sacred Thing, as a Pledge of the promised posterity. The Angel was exactly of the same kind as the one that announced to the Blessed Virgin the Conception of the Messiah. He was also as gentle and tranquil as Gabriel in the execution of his commission, not so hasty and rapid as I see other Angels under similar circumstances. I think Abraham always carried the Mysterious Gift about with him. The Angel spoke to him of Melchisedech, who was to celebrate before him the sacrifice which, after the coming of the Messiah, would be accomplished, and which should be continued forever.

Set below are some references made by Jesus and Mary through other Seers re: the `Little Pebble being the `New Abraham’ and the receiving of the `Holy Thing’.

1st July, 1993: Account of Message given by Our Lady to the `White Rose’ of Singapore:
Our Lady and Our Lord told me that the `Little Pebble’ will receive the `Holy Thing’ from Abraham, on Saturday the 3rd July, because he will be the `Father of Nations’. What Abraham will give to the `Little Pebble’ is to give him strength to be the guiding Light to the `new nations’. The Holy Ghost will be watching-over the `Little Pebble’ and protecting him very closely when he receives the `Holy Thing’. The Seven Nations (Tribes) that will be raised will represent the Seven Gifts of the Holy Ghost. Jesus said the `Little Pebble’ is to take courage and not to fear, as the Grace of Peace had been given to him – and to pass this Peace on to others, for then the work of Satan will be destroyed.
3rd July, 1993: Message given by Our Lady to `Thornbush’, Mystic of Canada:

OUR LADY: “The`Holy Object’ that is placed in My sweet `Little Pebble’ – My angel of Divine Love – is the Holy Staff. I send a special Blessing and a Kiss of Love to him.”
July, 1993: Message given by Our Lady to `Cleopha’, Seer of Japan:

OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. My Blessings to you all: Maria Cleopha, little Rosette, and Maria Michaela; I am embracing you all with My Immaculate Heart. The questions to You from My beloved son, the `Little Pebble’, are very important for you all and for the future. I – the Holy Queen of Heaven, and as your Mother – will proclaim these are all true. Maria: I have told you before about the `Little Pebble’: that he will be the Pope and will construct the New Church. It is now effective. He will sit on the Holy Seat of the New Pedro, and will build a new Church in the Name of Our Lord, as the second Pedro; and, like the Apostles of the First Church, there will be married men, too, to be chosen as a Bishop, and a Priest. They will live to love through the righteousness of Heaven.Many of them will suffer in time, but God has already decided to build a new Church, and He is getting ready to choose many children.”

”I will say to you that if people do not agree to the righteousness [of this], everything will be said to be right by Heaven. Follow him, and trust in him. It is for your needs – and also [is] important for the `Little Pebble’, too. Also, We used to call him, often, the `Second Abraham’. It is because he will become the second Father of the world and will be king, to stand before the children. He was always faithful to Heaven – and he will always be. We shall keep on giving him yet several trials – the same trials given to the great Abraham. God has tested him in this way. By his competence, we shall keep on testing him. But in any circumstances, he, like the Old Abraham, will always be honest to Us and will be faithful.”

April, 1993: Message given by Our Lord to `Cleopha’ of Japan: (excerpts of the Messages, translated from Japanese to English.)

OUR LORD: “We shall continue to confirm, first of all, by saying: My Most beloved son – the `Little Pebble’ – will be called the `Second Abraham’. All of My children, whatever may happen, must trust in him; never have a doubt about him; never deny him. I shall make this clear – to be [quite] clear – before I answer any of the questions for you. Listen well, Maria Cleopha: the `Little Pebble’ was chosen by Heaven to be [both] the `Second Abraham’ and the `Second Peter’ [the final Pope]. His faithfulness to Heaven has been the most faithful of all the children in the world. That is why I have chosen him to be the king of the world and of the Church.”

“Soon, all the children of the world shall die – and only a handful of mankind shall live; and in that handful you will find five clans, and these five clans will be a part of the twelve tribes. There will be one king to unite the twelve tribes: the `Little Pebble’.”

(This Message was confirmed through `Thornbush’, Mystic of Canada.)
5th July, 1993 Message given by Our Lady to Rosette, Seer of Japan:

OUR LADY: “The`Holy Thing’ that the `Little Pebble’ received is a Promise between God and the `Little Pebble’ – a Promise for His `new tribes’ that will come out of him and re-populate the world; for Heaven has given the `Little Pebble’ the `Key’ of Heaven, to be king and father of all nations.”
(The above Message was also confirmed by both the `Little Pebble’ and `Thornbush’, on 6th July, 1993. In these Messages – and more from many Seers – the same details have been given.)