Message 727 – 25 December 2015

The hour of My Second Coming is near – Time has been shortened for the sake of the elect – Many signs will be witnessed by mankind – Hearts of men have grown cold – The Antichrist has moved forward and soon all men will know who he is – Men will know good and evil to its real depth, like the revelation given to Adam and Eve when they ate of the forbidden Tree

LITTLE PEBBLE: It is 5.40pm. I see the White Cross in the sky and many twinkling stars in the firmament. From the Cross is a beam of light creating a path of light towards me. I see Jesus – He is about two years old and crowned like a little King – like the one we see as Jesus ‘Infant of Prague’. Our Holy Mother is at His right dressed in a beautiful snow cloak of red velvet – like you would see in winter in Europe many centuries ago and Saint Joseph is also wearing a beautiful warm coat in a brown colour and behind them I see Saint Nicholas, the true Santa Claus. He is dressed like a Bishop. They stand just outside my flat, a little above Our Lady’s Statue. It is snowing and the snow is falling like glitter, as the snow particles are like crystal stars. They all have presents in their hands and I see Saint Michael high in the sky.

Jesus comes forward and places the gift on the Altar; He smiles and says:

OUR LORD: “Happy and Blessed Christmas My predilected son, William! Even though I am a little Boy in your vision, I am Jesus Christ, the Messiah, who has come today to bring good news to you and all of humanity, as We of Heaven bring you abundance in Graces and Gifts from the Eternal Throne of God.”

“Son I Bless you through the Heart of My Blessed Mother – as I Bless all of Our beloved children in the world – especially now in your loneliness, your sorrows, hunger and deep sufferings. The hour of My Second Coming is near, as Heaven has prepared the path for mankind to witness this great event. It will not be like My First Coming, in obscurity, but will be heralded by the trumpets of the Angels and all the Heavenly Hosts will accompany Me for all men to see and experience.”

“Time has now been shortened for the sake of the elect, so that not too many of Our children are lost.”

“Many signs will now be witnessed by mankind, so that men will finally acknowledge the Power and Love of God.”

“The hearts of men have grown cold, where brother has turned against brother, parents against their children and children against their parents – men have lost their sense of reason, but rather have become savages amongst animals.”

“The Antichrist has moved forward and soon all men will know who he is, then you will know that the major part of the tribulations have come, with the war and the Warning, because through this star of the Illumination, men will know good and evil to its real depth – like the revelation given to Adam and Eve when they ate of the forbidden Tree.”

“This coming year will see the fulfillment of these many events, for major changes will come in Holy Mother Church that will bring the major division that has been prophesied for many years.”

“Children of My Heart, take up your crosses now, with Me and My Mother for your brothers and sisters, so that We can distribute all the gifts from Heaven between now, on this Great Feast of My Birth till the coming birth of your conscience being illuminated into the understanding of yourselves and the great price your Jesus gave on that Cross and continues to give through the unbloodied Sacrifice on your Altars.”

“The Holy Family desires to enter your lives, to nurture you through the necessary Graces you need until the Second Coming of Jesus. All Our children must now prepare their souls, hearts and minds for the Mini Judgment that will come to the world.”

“We send Our Gifts and Blessings for Christmas and the coming year of Divine Fire: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Many Angels now come sending these presents like we see when Santa Claus comes; these Gifts seem to dissolve into the souls and bodies of people.

LITTLE PEBBLE: Mary Our Holy Mother says:

OUR LADY: “Forget not the real spirit of Christmas and why you are celebrating at this time, as many people have forgotten what Christmas really is. Satan has changed Christmas into a Pagan festival of ego and self, removing the Virtues that My Divine Son, Jesus, brought to the world through His Birth.”

“Learn to pray as a family, My children – say the Rosary together, because God’s Promise remains – those who pray together will stay together in this life and the next.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Mary Our Loving Mother Blesses us:

OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Saint Joseph smiles and says:

SAINT JOSEPH: “Listen to what Jesus and Mary say, because Their Words are Eternal Life and remember to pray to Us, your servants, for We too can help you, especially in these final hours of redemption.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Saint Joseph Blesses us too:

SAINT JOSEPH: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: As does Saint Nicholas, who says:

SAINT NICHOLAS: “Remember those in need; share your gifts with the more unfortunate people who are in their tens of millions – and God is never outdone in generosity.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Saint Nicholas looks at me and says:

SAINT NICHOLAS: “Brother, all that you and your loved ones have prayed for will now be given, so that the path the Divine Christ Child gave you so long ago, will be completed.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: As Saint Nicholas is a Bishop, he makes the Sign of the Cross:

SAINT NICHOLAS: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Baby Jesus, the Christ Child, glides over to me and holds my face and kisses me on the forehead. Mary Our Mother takes my heart and places it into Her Heart and says:

OUR LADY: “You belong to Me!”

LITTLE PEBBLE: They all Bless us and many stars – like confetti – are thrown towards the world, containing Graces. The snowflakes when falling, are like the crystals you see when you place the snow under a microscope. Then all disappears.

Jesus the Christ Child, told me many private things relating to what happened to me these past weeks, which I will write about in the near future. Keep looking at the website for up coming information.

Wishing God’s Blessings to all of you for the Christmas Season and may 2016 be such a wonderful year for you – a year of Divine Mercy and as this year is one of Mercy, be also merciful to each other, to yourselves and to God. Send Him and His Holy Mother many, many kisses and words of love.

Count your Blessings today – compare your life with others and reflect: are you sick, poor – do you have food, shelter, love and friends? God is everything.

William Costellia Kamm

NB: 27 December 2015: at Mass today, the Holy Spirit came to me and said: He was pleased with the Priest who was saying Mass. Then He said as a final sign to God’s Children before Jesus Returns — Jesus will appear to every soul who is at Mass or in places where His Children are gathered in His Name and receiving Jesus in The Blessed Sacrament — then all the species of the Holy Sacrament of the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, will withdraw from the Tabernacles — the Mass and other places where Jesus is housed and return to Christ, then in a very short time after Jesus will return in His Great Glory.