Luz de Maria – Extracts of Messages – 2012

Luz de Maria Website

January 4th 2012: The waters are shaken strongly; the changes will happen suddenly; humanity will suffer from nature to the Throne of Peter, which will find itself shocked and My people will fall into the wrong hands.

You wish to make too many Rites within my Church and you scourge it severely.

January 7th 2012: I invite My Ministers to alert My people about those scourges that today undermine the Sacramental Institution of Matrimony.

January 25th 2012: Blessed are the hands that help; blessed are the feet that aid the path of My Evangelisers … and woe to those who are stumbling blocks!

January 28th 2012: Pride is the mother of all evils. Love is the cure for all evils.

My beloved children, the instants draw near. I come before each one of you. It will not be necessary for one brother to call the other in order to recognise Me. Each one will have me before himself or herself and will know that I Am Who Am.

February 5th 2012: A plague is making its way on Earth. Pray and do not forget Me. Pray and forgive.

February 8th 2012: My Second Coming is near – it is very near and I will not come in silence: My Archangels will announce Me so that every man – so that every creature knows that his King is coming. But first I will allow everyone to purify themselves for his or her works or actions.

February 12th 2012: I bless My Priests those who awaken with the Truth in their word, the flock I have entrusted to them.

Plague advances causing havoc; seal yourselves in the Name of My Blood. Bless your food with the sign of My Cross and maintain faith alive.

February 24th 2012: My Church will shake and My Passion will be shed upon all of humanity. She will shake from her foundation. My Mystic body falters blinded by the false gods that the Antichrist’s tendrils have been made visible to humanity.

February 29th 2012: You await the Antichrist and he co-exists in the world, taking My Son’s Treasure – humanity – temping you with what is pleasurable and easy; controlling you through technological means that make your life easier.

The microchip is the culmination of the great experiment that the powerful have carried out so as to control every step of human beings.