Message 723 – 5 September 2015

World in danger; Great War – Russia and China are behind ISIS; military moves upon an un-expectant Europe and Asia – Australia’s laws regarding refugees, is an affront to God – Once Europe is overflowing with refugees, revolution will come – Russia will strike when Europe is at its weakest – Revolution will come to America with civil unrest and God will strike with natural disasters – Once Pope Francis reaches the shores of U.S.A a pact will be made and the fate of the world sealed.

OUR LORD: “Peace, My son, Peace!”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Jesus is standing to my right and has placed His left Hand on my shoulder. Before this, He asked me to say the Saint Michael prayer with Him, then He made the Sign of the Cross +. I saw the White Cross in the sky, with Light coming from it to Jesus.

OUR LORD: “Write, My son! The world is in danger – it stands at the precipice of major events, which will drag mankind into the Great War. The atrocious events that are unfolding in Europe and the Middle East at this time, with My poor children the refugees, are a preparation for revolution and finally war. ISIS is the cause, but in reality it is only a camouflage of the real Powers who have orchestrated this slaughter of the innocent. Russia and China are behind ISIS because, by forcing millions of children to flee their homes towards Europe, is to weaken the European Union of Nations – to pre-occupy them – so that Russia and China will be able to make their move, military wise, upon an un-expectant Europe and Asia.”

“It is pleasing to God that My children in Europe open their arms to the plight of the unfortunate children – not like Australia in particular, whose laws regarding refugees are an affront to God.”

“My weak children over-emphasize the smuggling ring – this in itself is a grave sin and crime. However, this should not over-shadow the great sufferings and needs of My children who seek protection; seek food, shelter and flee from oppressive Regimes.”

“Understand this well, My children – ISIS and its related Organizations, are evil and are part of the Antichrist forces who, in themselves, do not believe in the True God, but a God of hate and vengeance. Once Europe is overflowing with refugees, the revolution will come to its fullness – it will draw the forces from Europe and then Russia will strike, when Europe is at its weakest.”

“America, you will not come [out] unscathed, for China is about to make a move in Asia, united with its ally, North Korea, embarking upon the free world in all of Asia. You, America, have come complacent and within your land, revolution will also come, with civil unrest, as the battle lines will be drawn between the Races and, as you deal with this menace of great sorrow, God will strike you with such major natural disasters, that you will be helpless, as your Nation becomes invaded by foreign forces.”

“All the events spoken of over so many years will now unfold, as darkness rules the world – where charity has grown cold and hearts have become like stone. All this, My children, because you have turned your backs on God. Yet I am still a God of Mercy and await your return to Me. Seek Me out, My wandering children, for I still abide, hidden in the Tabernacles of your Churches.”

“A Great Division in Holy Mother Church is at hand. Once the visit of Pope Francis has reached the shores of the United States of America, know that a pact will be made and the fate of the world will be sealed.”

“Pray, My children, pray, as sad days are approaching, where Calvary will be placed into the Body of Christ, the Church. Turn to My Most Holy and Blessed Mother, Mary, with Her Holy Rosary, to that She can place you under Her Mantle.”

“How I Love you, My precious children and especially those who now are fleeing their countries. God sees all and watches all. I Bless you and Bless the Nations who are generous and merciful to My suffering children: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

“Peace be with you children – Peace! And to you, My Rock of Faith – trust and know all will turn out well: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

“Peace; Peace! In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Jesus kisses me, speaks about personal matters and leaves.