A New Devotion in honour of the Feastday of the Eternal Father – 7 August (every year). How to console the Eternal Father every day of our life.
A PLENARY INDULGENCE is granted to those who devoutly pray the Chaplet of the Golden Heart. Given on 20 May 2016 by +Bishop Malcolm L. Broussard, Jr.
The Kiss of the Golden Heart Foundation
LITTLE PEBBLE: Dear souls of every faith — this devotion is to console the Golden Heart of God — Our Father the I AM WHO AM.
The purpose of this devotion is to send a kiss to God, Our Father who is, and has been, hurt every minute since time began for every soul, God lost to Satan in the Eternal Warfare between good and evil.
Let us read the Words of Jesus through the works of Maria Valtorta of Italy in her writings of the Notebooks.
GOD: “Lucifer is very intelligent and astute, he uses his intelligence to ruin a soul and inflicts much pain to Me — he steals souls from me”.
He is more fortunate than God — he brings more souls to Hell than God brings to Heaven. He does not get distracted nor compromises his positions to gain a soul — to inflict more pain on God. Satan greatly celebrates when he can cause God pain and offence and disappointment. For this very reason I wish to introduce Kisses for God Our Eternal Father reflecting upon the 13 Virtues that bring us close to God, to thank Him for His Goodness.
The Little Pebble
(The 13 Levels of Purgatory)
BEGIN: Recite “I Believe in God …” (Apostles Creed)
- Fear of God –> Recite: “Our Father”
- Charity –> Recite: “Glory Be”
- Faith –> Recite: “The Magnificat”
- Hope –> Recite: “Hail Mary” in honour of the First Day of Creation (Eternal Father created Heaven and Earth – Genesis 1)
- Obedience –> Recite: “Hail Mary” in honour of the Second Day of Creation (Eternal Father divided Light and Darkness – Genesis 1:3-10)
- Patience –> Recite: “Hail Mary” in honour of the Third Day of Creation (Eternal Father produced seed bearing plants – Genesis 1:11)
- Piety –> Recite: “Hail Mary” in honour of the Fourth Day of Creation (Eternal Father created the Stars – Genesis 1:14-19)
- Chastity –> Recite: “Hail Mary” in honour of the Fifth Day of Creation (Eternal Father made sea creatures and birds – Genesis 1:20-23)
- Prudence –> Recite: “Hail Mary” in honour of the Sixth Day of Creation (Eternal Father made the animals, and Adam and Eve – Genesis 1:24-31)
- Fortitude –> Recite: “Hail Mary” in honour of the Seventh Day of Creation (Eternal Father rested on this Day – Genesis 2:1-3)
- Temperance –> Recite: “Hail Mary” to thank God for His Mercy
- Purity –> Recite: “Hail Mary” to thank God for His Goodness
- Justice –> Recite: “Hail Mary” to thank the Eternal Father for giving up Your Divine Son Jesus and for sending the Holy Ghost. Thank you Mary, Our Mother. We send You countless kisses to heal the wounds the infernal spirits caused.
My soul magnifies the Lord,
my spirit rejoices in God, my Saviour.
He looks upon His servant in Her lowliness;
Henceforth all ages will call Me blessed.
The Almighty works marvels for me,
Holy is His Name!
His Mercy is from age to age,
on those who fear Him.
He puts forth His arm in strength
and scatters the proud-hearted,
He casts the mighty from their thrones
and raises the lowly.
He fills the starving with good things
sends the rich away empty.
He protects Israel, His servant,
remembering His Mercy,
the Mercy promised to our fathers,
to Abraham and His sons forever. Amen.