“The Closed Book of Heaven”
(Poem of the Man-God, Volume 3 pages 503-506)
Some days ago, the Little Pebble asked me to read certain pages from the writings of Maria Valtorta – the Poem of the Man-God. The important point being the Plan of God in relation to each soul created by God for eternal beatitude. In these pages Our Lord speaks about Divine Wisdom being analogous to a closed Book that is known only by God – because God is it’s Author. This concept embraces Divine Providence in relation to the vocation and/or mission offered by God to every creature – Angels and Mankind. However, not all have the same specific vocation. The effects of the Original Sin have left humanity in a constant state of enmity between God and the devil. We are caught in the middle of a great battle all our lives – between good and evil. It is part of the Plan of God that Mary, the Mother of God is the Co-Redemptrix and Mediatrix of All Graces. Thus Mary is the first “victim-soul” to suffer with Her Beloved Son in His Passion, Death and Resurrection. All souls are called to share this vocation with Mary through our consecration to Her Immaculate Heart.
In the history of God’s Plan for His People – there have always been specially chosen souls – chosen by God. Persons who are given a special mission or mandate to do God’s Will in a specific circumstance. There is Divine precedent for this beginning with the Old Testament and continuing through the New Testament – until this very day. For instance, the Patriarchs and Prophets; the Twelve Apostles; the Saints in every generation – all who have been called, justified and established by God as leaders — for the sake of God’s People. Through the practice of heroic virtue – faith, hope and charity — these persons become a living “mirror” of Christ living in the world, as His Mystical Body – the Church. Thus they also “mirror” into creation the “parallel passion” of Christ the Redeemer – as seen in their own lives. It is only through the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ that Salvation has come to Mankind. To be like Christ then is to be a “co-redeemer” or “victim” with the Victim. This is the universal call to conversion, reconciliation and holiness. However, God also raises up His Seers — to give out His message at any given time in History. God has seen fit to place before the eyes of the world from time to time – His chosen children, so that the world is forced to hear God’s Word and look at the “face” of Christ in the “mirror” of their souls. They suffer much because of God’s election – but especially they suffer the envy of proud men who refuse to believe in God’s Word to His instruments.
In the Poem of the Man-God (Volume 3) Maria Valtorta sees Our Lord speaking to His Apostles about the future Church. It is a marvellous explanation on how Our Lord allows his little apostles to be tortured by the Devil – who uses envious, proud and incredulous men to be his malicious instruments. These pawns of the Devil come from every rank of society and even the Church’s ministers. The Seers suffer a kind of moral martyrdom – not less painful than a physical martyrdom – because the pawns of the Devil use every means available to make God’s instruments appear to be mendacious (bad-willed), mad and possessed. The satanic purpose is to paralyse God’s Work in His instruments in order to nullify their fruits. Yet, God’s Will cannot be hindered from it’s final end or purpose. After all, the Devil is only a creature – he is not God! God controls him and he must serve God’s Will – which is always perfectly Good for His children. Our Lord gives us an insight into the mystery of His Plan – a Plan that has a special place for His Seers, privileged souls, mystics – and most of all His prophets. He tells Maria Valtorta that His chosen children will resist the Devil and his pawns – but that it will be difficult – because they will have to believe, not only the Deposit of Faith (the Teachings of the Magisterium, Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture) but also in their “secret missions” (page 505) and that their missions are holy and useful and that they came from God. Satan will try to terrorize them interiorly and the world will detract and make a mockery of them. But the Church’s ministers – who are often not very bright – succumb to the suspicions whispered in their ears by envious, proud and malicious minded persons who are “hell-bent” to put a stop to God’s Work! Fuelled by the media, there is no end to the rash judgements and false conclusions used to justify the condemnation of God’s chosen instruments! Our Lord points out to Maria Valtorta that this is the destiny of God’s “voice-boxes”. Yet, He laments to her (Maria Valtorta) that He will have no other means to call men back to the Gospel and to Himself – their Saviour. But these chosen instruments of God will receive eternal joy for the sufferings they endured to remain faithful to God’s Will. They will receive a special glory.
Now, Our Lord explains about this holy book in Heaven (page 505). It is a closed book and only God can read it. All of the Truth is in this book. But God, sometimes removes the veil that covers this book and revives the truth which is already revealed in the Deposit of Faith – whether implicitly contained there, or virtually contained there [see related explanation regarding the Dogma of the Assumption of Our Lady in the book: Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, by Ludwig Ott]. Our Lord explains how God selects a man for this purpose – chosen for that destiny, to know the past, the present and the future, regarding what is contained in this closed book of Heaven. What follows is a lovely parable to help the reader understand the meaning of why God unveils this book for certain souls at any given time in the History of God’s People. The parable is about a father and his son. How the father assigns to his son to read passages from this closed book of Heaven – dealing with adult matters – and as a child, to explain it to the adult listeners. The imagery of the parable pictures the father – with his arm around the shoulders of his son – pointing with His finger at the passages He wants his son to read to the adult listeners. The father wants His little son to understand the passages as well, so the father helps the boy to understand what he must read out. This is the imagery of the parable.
Our Lord now gives the application to the parable – the meaning God wishes for us to understand from it. The chosen souls – chosen by God for the destiny of a “voice-box” — with all that must be endured for such a mission – are like the little boy in the parable. God draws them to Himself like the little boy pictured as in the arms of his father who is pointing out the passages. God forces them to read what He wants read and to understand the meaning – and to repeat it later while at the same time, suffering derision and slander because of it. Not to mention a great amount of personal penance and grief because of the mission they have – namely to hand on these passages from this closed book of Heaven. Jesus explains to Maria Valtorta that He – the Saviour, is the Founder of the family of those who speak the Truth of this heavenly book, and that He, as God suffered mockery, grief and death because of what His Father asked of Him for the redemption of mankind! Our Lord explains that He Himself will one day read from this closed book of Heaven – in the face of all of risen mankind. He will bring these chosen souls close to His side in the presence of all — and point them out to all! These little souls will smile as they see and hear once again the words that were clarified to them when they suffered on earth.
I think that it is easy for us who read these pages of the Poem of the Man-God — to see that this meaning applies to the Little Pebble – God’s Prophet of the Three-fold Covenant — and the many Seers, voice-boxes, privileged souls and mystics united with him in this Plan of God. All is contained in this wonderful closed book of Heaven. I hope those privileged souls who read these lines are comforted, enlightened and inspired to hold fast to the truth of these many passages that God has shared with you in your “secret mission” – making you read the special Wisdom contained in this great mystery of Love and salvation. May you be inspired to “give all” by your renewed conviction and “fiat” to offer yourself to carry your special “ounce” of the Prophet’s Cross — that God wants read to mankind at this time in our History. Like that little boy in the parable – God holds you in the palm of His hand, and you will suffer in the Heart of Christ. And the world will be forced to see in your face – the face of Christ imprinted upon your soul, and in your heart. One day, they will see how much love there was in your heart and how much you resemble your Crucified Lord. May you have eternal rest in the joy of having made your Eternal Father happy – you a little soul, in whom the Eternal Father sees the resemblance of His Divine Son, Jesus. May you be faithful and true to your own conscience – to your own conviction, and may Our Lady be your “Veronica” to strengthen you on your way of the Cross. May many souls be saved and may God be glorified forever.
The Little Pebble deserves the credit for seeing in these pages of the Poem of the Man-God, the Wisdom of God contained in this closed book of Heaven, and asking me to type a formulation of the meaning for our edification. I was very edified in reading these pages in the Poem of the Man-God, and I have already preached on this theme.
Please continue to pray for the release and vindication of your brother, the Little Pebble, who suffers very much in Prison — to be held in the Arms of his Father in Heaven who makes him read the many passages of this closed book – and since the beginning of his “secret mission” as a young man – has made him read them out to mankind. The derision, slander, rash judgements and mockery which has been unleashed at him – is all because of God’s Will. He is God’s prophet and like Christ he suffers a “parallel passion” just like Maria Valtorta did [see Notebooks 1945-50]. May God’s Grace flourish through the merit of a life which has been poured out in immolation for the Eternal Father’s Will to be accomplished. For those who believe in his “secret mission” — no further explanation is necessary. For those who do not believe in his mission – only God can make you see the truth. Just like Jeremiah (1) and particularly, Ezechiel (2) – God will make His prophet the “sign” for you. And just like the Prophet Ezechiel said to the people of his day — you will follow in the same footsteps. May Jesus Bless you and Our Lady love you tenderly.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
+Bishop Malcolm L. Broussard, Jr. (18 February 2008)
(1) “Listen to My Voice, then I will be your God and you shall be My people. Follow right to the end the way that I mark out for you, and you will prosper. But they did not listen, they did not pay attention; they followed the dictates of their own evil hearts, refused to face Me, and turned their backs on Me. From the day your ancestors came out of the land of Egypt until today, day after day I have persistently sent you all My servants the Prophets. But they have not listened to Me, have not paid attention; they have grown stubborn and behaved worse than their ancestors. You may say all these words to them: they will not listen to you; you may call them: they will not answer. So tell them this, ‘Here is the nation that will not listen to the Voice of the Lord it’s God nor take correction. Sincerity is no more, it has vanished from their mouths'” (Jeremiah 7:23-28)
(2) “The Word of the Lord was addressed to me as follows, ‘Son of man, I am about to deprive you suddenly of the delight of your eyes. But you are not to lament, not to weep, not to let your tears run down. Groan in silence, do not go into mourning for the dead, knot your turban round your head, put your sandals on your feet, do not cover your beard, do not eat common bread.’ I told this to the people in the morning, and my wife died in the evening, and the next morning I did as I had been ordered. The people then said to me, ‘Are you not going to explain what meaning these actions have for us?’ I replied, the Word of the Lord has been addressed to me as follows, ‘Say to the House of Israel: The Lord says this. I am about to profane my Sanctuary, the pride of your strength, the delight of your eyes, the passion of your souls. Those of your sons and daughters whom you have left behind will fall by the sword. And you are to do as I have done; you must not cover your beards or eat common bread; you must keep your turbans on your heads and your sandals on your feet; you must not lament or weep. You shall waste away owing to your sins and groan among yourselves. Ezekiel is to be a sign for you. You are to do just as he has done. And when this happens, you will learn that I am the Lord.'” (Ezekiel 24:15-24)