Thomas Tada
Thomas Tada is one of our main Promoters, and has been very faithful to the Mission of Our Lady of the Ark. He is involved in forming the Order of Saint Charbel in Japan; he is a teacher of English and translates the messages. He also assists me in communicating with the Seers. In 2012 he separated himself from my Mission.
Stephanie Kuge
I owe a great deal of gratitude to the faithful and unselfish workers to the Mission of Our Lady in Japan. One of them, Mrs. Stephanie Kuge, has been assisting with the translation of Messages for many years. She and her husband, Joseph, spent some time in the Community of Gethsemane. Mrs. Kuge is in constant contact with our office here, and both Stephanie and Joseph have been most gracious in providing much needed assistance to the Mission, and to me, personally.
Yoshiko Takahashi
Another Promoter, Mrs. Takahashi, has been a faithful and loyal supporter. She has been a tower of strength in helping the Order to flourish, and is most generous in assisting the Mother House. I thank these noble souls devoted to Our Heavenly Mother.
Sister Agnes
The Apparition Place called Akita, was approved by the Church in Japan. Sister Agnes, the Seer was in touch with the ‘Little Pebble’ via the Sisters and confirmed her unity with the ‘Little Pebble’ but was forbidden to speak about it by the Bishop as the Japanese Bishop opposed the ‘Little Pebble’ very much.