ITALY – Unity of the Seers


Mother Elena Patricia Leonardi

In 1987 – 88 I met the famous Mystic, Mother Leonardi, who was very close to the Holy Father, and met him several times. She had a special Mission from Heaven, and she wrote to me in 1987 and united with me. She also had the support of the Pope and the approval of her Bishop. Every time we were together she held my hands and said: “They have the Wounds of Jesus in them and can heal!” This was correct. She also knew I was going to be The Pope. The following is a letter from Mother Leonardi, who is approved by the Church.

“21st November, 1987 – Dear Brother in Christ,”

“Thank you for your letter, dated 9th July. Please excuse the delay in answering it. However, I know that you very well understand that I am very busy and try to attend to everything at the same time. As you may well know His Holiness knows me very well. I have been received several times by him. I thank you for your interest. Let us unite in prayer and may I take this opportunity to wish you a Happy and Holy Christmas. I will be pleased to receive you any time while you are in Rome! Praise be the Lord.”


In 1986-87 I met many Seers in Italy – especially during my long journeys. I went to their homes and Apparition Places. One of these Seers was Marietta – a very humble woman – who was a Mystic and Seer for many years. The following is a Message given by Our Lady to Marietta on the 30th January, 1987:

We left New Delhi, India, at 4am on the 17th February, 1986, and arrived in Rome at 10 am. We were met by our Promoter, Frank Traini. That morning we went to the Cathedral of Saint Paul to pray, then we went to the Apparition place of Tré Fontaine. When I arrived, Our Lady gave me Her greetings and Blessings and gave me a Message. Our Lady said to me She was most pleased with the Mission so far, told me all would go well and gave us another Blessing.

That afternoon, before we left for Ascoli where the next meeting would be held, we went to Rome and met a Holy Priest friend in Saint Peter’s. Then we went to see Mother Leonardi, the Seer in Rome. She had a Message from Jesus and Mary for me – that They were pleased with our Mission and that I would soon see the Holy Father.

On the 18th February I met another private Seer, named Paulina. She is a genuine Seer. As soon as she came near me she exclaimed: “The Mother of God is in you”. That night we went to Mass. While in Church, Our Lady spoke to me and gave a Blessing to me and my companions, and a Blessing to Paulina. Paulina later came to me and said she knew that I was receiving a Message as Our Lady made her aware of it.

The next day, which was 19th February, we met the Seer, Father Luigi, and in his Chapel Our Lady gave the `Little Pebble’ a Message and said that She was pleased that Father Luigi and he had met, and that many Graces would come from it. While I was receiving the Message, Father Luigi also felt Our Lady’s presence; another private Seer was there who also knew Our Lady was speaking to the ‘Little Pebble’. Father Luigi also received a Message from Our Lady for the ‘Little Pebble’ and told him Our Lady was very pleased with the progress of the Mission in Australia and that he would see the Pope soon.

Then we went to meet the Seer, Marietta. What a wonderful soul. The statue of Our lady had been weeping all the night before. Marietta knew who I was as soon as I entered her house, as Our Lady had shown me to her. Our Lady also greeted me at Her Shrine. Marietta also had a Message for the ‘Little Pebble’ from Our Lady. Our Lady was very pleased with the Mission in Australia and reconfirmed that I would be seeing the Pope.

That evening Our Lady gave me a Message at the meeting place at the Chiesa Di Madre Maria. There were two Priests in attendance. Mass was said first, then the meeting proceeded. There were between 450 and 600 people present at the meeting. While the Message was being given the Seer, Paulina, went into ecstasy, as did another person. The next day we visited Padré Pio’s tomb.

During my stay in Italy I had a lot of chest pain which was caused by the Evil One, but it left me when I left Italy.”

Message given at Chiesa Di Madre Maria, Valle Orta, Appignano Del Toronto P. Ascoli, Piceno Marche, Italy, on the 19th February, 1986, during my overseas trip, as follows:

OUR LADY: “… I send to you once again My Prophet of Love, My ‘Little Pebble’ from Australia, to send to you My Peace and My Love… Continue, My child, My ‘Little Pebble’ of Love, and go forward in your Mission to bring the peace of My Immaculate Heart to the children of God. I Bless you all now: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

The following is a Message given by Our Lady to Marietta on 30th January, 1987:

OUR LADY: “My poor little son, great sorrow and suffering it has been for you, My Little Predilected Son of My Heart. Listen to Me, I, who am the Mother of the whole world. On that day (29.1.87) the Vatican was invaded by evil (devils). What a great Mother’s sorrow for those who did not accept My Call. I have sent you, My Son (‘Little Pebble’) and they did not believe you. This great suffering you have accepted with love and it will make you stronger. My Son, Jesus, was also humiliated, bashed, even nailed to the Cross for the Salvation of humanity. My dearest predilected son of My Torn Heart, you will have to convert many nations, you will have to go around the whole world, you will find many difficulties, but you will always be strong. I, who am your Mother, the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven, will always be in your heart. I will give you much strength, where you will be accepted, you will give much peace, where you will not be accepted you will always bless them, In the Name of Jesus and Mary, In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

“I will make you fisherman of souls and together with you, Marietta, who suffers the Passion of My Divine Son, Jesus. My dearest son, My Call has not been listened to, My Apparitions have not been believed. My Tears have been useless. The days are numbered. We are at the end of time. My Messages tell the whole of humanity to convert. There will be major chastisements.”

“My predilected son of My Heart, I bless you now, together with My Son, Jesus in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. And together with you I bless also, My daughter, Marietta, in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

MARIETTA: – 1st February, 1987 – “Dearest son, William (Little Pebble’), brother in Church Jesus and Mary the Immaculate Conception: I, Marietta, now describe the Vision which I had in Church at 11.30am while attending Mass. The Vision starts: while I was kneeling I saw the Sacred Heart of Jesus all white. I experienced great joy and a little sadness. On the Altar I saw the Sacred Face of Our Lord Jesus, all dejected and pitiful. Beside Our Lord’s Face there was you, dear William (Little Pebble’) and beside you was Our Lady. Above your head there was a Cross all white, and you called me and said: “Marietta, pray, pray, pray”. On Our Lord’s right I saw the Holy Ghost in the shape of a Dove, emanating rays of Light, and within these rays of Light I saw two very beautiful eyes, and a voice saying: “I am Jesus the Nazarene, please love Me”. And beneath the rays of Light there was the whole world. Blood was coming out of it and reaching down all the way to the Earth. I saw you in very much suffering. Our Lady spoke to me of you and said: “My dear daughter: My son, William (`Little Pebble’), I have sent him to the Holy Father’s but they did not listen to him. Oh, what a Mother’s Sorrow! They are not listening to My Call, and you, My son, William, you will be very strong. I will make you a fisherman of men +.”

Luigi Consorti

The following is a letter from Father Luigi Consorti, of Italy – Spiritual Director of Seers, and a Seer himself:

“12th October, 1985 – My dear William, the `Little Pebble’,”

“I am most grateful and very united to you in the great Mission which Our Lord and Our Lady, our Heavenly Mother, have entrusted to you and which you are carrying on with courage and with difficulty, for the trials and for the hardness of so many hearts, and of so many people who do not want to believe. I have known of these Apparitions for some time now and have always believed, using them many times at the Cenacles (prayer gatherings with the statue of Our Lady) to enlighten men. You are always remembered in my prayers and I lovingly follow you in your work and in your Mission. Our Lady and Our Lord will do great things through you. Take courage! Keep on with Jesus and Mary, with Padré Pio and Saint Charbel.”

Frank Traini is a great friend of mine and a brother. He is a great apostle of these Apparitions, works a lot and makes known to everyone the messages of Our Lady, who is Appearing in Australia…..”

Father David Sharp

The following is a letter from Father David Sharp, Rome, in 1986:

“Collelgio Internazionale Agastiniano S. Monica OO193 Roma via S. Uffizio 25, Italy”

“Dear ‘Little Pebble’,”

“Today the Feast of Epifania I thought of you at the Ordination of the seven Bishops of the world. I assisted as Deacon with the new Bishop of Yugoslavia. After I did meet with the Holy Father of Mass and extended your love to him. He was pleased. Because of the large group his attention was drawn away from me. When are you coming to Rome? Please pray for me….”

Father David Sharp helped me to see the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II. I received a further letter from Father in 1986, as follows:

“Dear ‘Little Pebble’,”

“Today I received the message from Father Felix Maria Arane, Spain from the Conversation of Our Lord, Jesus to Rosario, dated the 13th of February, 1986. Jesus spoke of you in this conversation to Rosario with the message to Father Felix: I’m sure you have this already in Spanish and translated for you.”

He said, “Today I come because of My dear son, Felix, the resident priest in this Sacred Place. I want to tell him something very important, for all, if he wants to listen. I want to give you a heavier cross, My son, Felix, you have to make known with my help, something very important, My son, Felix: I’m going to have you discover something very far from you; a son of Mine, very privileged by My Mother and by Me, a very long distance from you, he can give great Testimony of this Holy Place of the white Cross. Because, the place and the receiver of the White Cross is very important for Me. For men who do not have courage, (force) nor value to defend this Holy Place. But one (a) son of Mine, very far, very far, still so far (more further yet) than you can imagine Felix, from Australia! This son of Mine of Australia can give life to this Holy Place with his Testimony….”


The following is a Vision to Paola, Seer of Ascoli, Italy, on the 13th March, 1987, as follows:

“I, Paola, now describe my vision: “Even this morning at 2am and every day at 4.30pm since William was here last January, Our Celestial Mother and Our Lord Jesus, has shown me a little girl of about 10 months old with wavy black hair, and with rounded cheeks, wearing a long white dress all the way down to her feet, some days ago. I asked Our Lady who she was? Our Lady showed me who the Father was, and showed me William (`Little Pebble’) picking his daughter up from the cot and lifting her up towards Heaven. I asked Our Lady why I continue to see the little girl every day? Our Lady told me that the little girl represents herself, as when she herself was a little girl. I asked Our Lady: I can’t understand why I always see the little girl wearing a white dress? Our Lady said it represents purity. Then Our Lady showed me the little girl wearing a pink dress, a little shorter, with shorter sleeves. At 2.30pm of the same day I saw William in the clouds beside Our Lord Jesus, wearing a chequered jacket – Our Lord was wearing white, and on His Sacred Head the Crown of Thorns. I saw Our Lord and William very close together. On the 21st February, 1982, while I was in the kitchen cooking and praying I saw William, who said to me: “Paola, Pray!”

Renato Baron

Another Seer, from Italy, united in 1990 by the name of Renato Baron.

Seers of Olivetra Citra

In 1987 I travelled overseas and spent a short time in the town of Olivetra Citra, Southern Italy, the Apparition Site, where Our Lady Appeared to a number of Seers. These Seers received a revelation about me before I arrived which confirmed to them that I was a true Seer. They told me this when I met them. I also received Message from Our Lady on the 23rd September, 1987, which follows:

LITTLE PEBBLE: “I can see two Angels kneeling, flanking the Cross. The Blessed Virgin Mary is coming through the Cross, holding the little Baby Jesus in Her left Arm and She is dressed in a beautiful creamy-white dress, with a sky-blue mantle. It looks very pretty! Jesus is holding Rosary beads in His Hand – and He looks at His Mother and offers them to Her. Our Lady takes-up the Crucifix and Kisses Jesus.”

OUR LADY: “I Bless you, My child – My ‘Little Pebble’ of Love – and My sweet children here present. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. My dear child: your journey here has been most difficult; however, We are pleased that you are here to give witness to this Holy Place of My Immaculate Heart. I sent you here to bring peace and unity among the Seers so that they work together for a common goal – and that is to bring the Love of Jesus, My Divine Son – and [of] My Immaculate Heart – to the children of this nation.”

“This place which I come to will bring forth great prodigies which will astound this nation one day. I seek that the children come to My Divine Son in the Eucharist; in the Tabernacles of your Churches; I seek that Our children unite in prayer, praying My Holy Rosary for the salvation of this nation and the children of the world. Let unity be the goal of every man’s heart, for it is in unity that love and peace will foster. Pray for Our Holy Vicar, Pope John Paul II, who is My special son of unity.”

“Pray for your Priests that they may know and experience the Love I bear for them, as their Heavenly Mother. Pray that all children throughout the whole world unite in one heart; in one Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church, under one shepherd. This is the desire of the Eternal Father, through the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

“I have been sent by My Divine Son to this Earth to call mankind to prayer, sacrifice and penance, for time is very short. I Love you, My sweet children – and I Bless you with My Immaculate Heart and the Heart of My Divine Son: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. The Peace of Jesus Christ I give to you, My sweet children. Go and proclaim His Name to all generations.”

“Thank you, My child, for offering Me your sacrifices; for doing all the things which I ask of you. It is by giving that one receives – and more so when it is given with love. I Bless you all now: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

“Our Lady is now going further back into the sky; into the Cross. The Angels are bowing their head – and the little Infant Jesus is making the Sign of the Cross.”

Vatican Secretary

The following is an excerpt of a letter from the Secretary to the Secretary of State, Monsignor Giovanni Battista Re, on the 25th September, 1986 (translated from Italian):

“… the letter recently directed to the Holy Father reached its destination and, while expressing sincere appreciation for this revelation, he is happy to impart his Apostolic Benediction …”