Rainbow Rose of the Ark of Mary – 28 March 2015

RAINBOW ROSE: After assisting at Holy Mass, reciting the sorrowful mysteries in the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament, another sorrowful mystery recited, then the glorious one at home, I see our Lord in ‘His Spot’ in this room. Jesus is dressed in a brilliant white tunic, tied with a thin long, white sash at His waist. His Holy fingers knitted together. Jesus answers some personal questions and I receive from Him more titles of Our Holy Mother. Then Jesus, smiling, gently says, “I wish to tell a story.”

Jesus: “In the days after Jesus left the apostles, briefly prior to the descent of the Holy Ghost, you may well imagine how difficult it was for the apostles without the Savior and Teacher; frightened men – My poor priests, who, naturally looking for safe haven, sought My Mother.”

“These men of mine, already facing much persecution, unsure of what they were doing; worried that the words of Jesus had not sunk deep enough into their heads – worried, they would disappoint their Master, their Jesus, and not fulfill properly the mission set out for them. Missions, that were at this time undisclosed – Jesus only providing the littlest of clues to them.”

“So, there was Mary as Mother, as Queen of the Apostles, Mother of the Faith and Defender of the Mass, with her poor friends, individually and together, encouraging these leaders of Christ.”

“What scope to face! For Mary – more than My first priests – knew what was to be accomplished in the evangelization of Nations and the dispense of the Mass. We remember now, how much work and learning a baby acquires and accomplishes in those first years – so much! So it was in those early days, Mary knew what to say and do in perfect formation, taking over where her Christ had left His bedrock.”

“Just as in the Resurrection, it was Mary that had gathered the sheep together in prayer, in cenacle, to hasten the coming of The Lord in His Pentecost. Who cannot listen to Mary’s imploring – certainly not God!”

“With that Pentecost, besides the gifts to their physical and mental faculties; more, their spiritual selves – of life, uplifted – made strong! There was not a moment to lose for Christ! Mary had done it again, as Man and God’s avenger.”

“With the words, ‘peace’, ‘be still’, ‘have patience’, the counterparts were prepared – those She loved, loving all heroically. Mary prepared and hastened the fire and wind of God.”

“So your Jesus says again, hasten to Mary, live in view of Mary – seek Her company and hasten to yourselves the Holy Ghost: God and His activities.”

“Pray for your priests – so the perfection Christ wishes to see and that which is needed for the people may be gained, for the furtherance of world and God in it.”

“Patience My little ones, as the tribulation draws to a close, before that however: those on the Earth to prepare through Mary, the coming of My Power; first, with attendance at Holy Mass, then My Coming in the Warning. You shall see and feel to your very profundity — pray this lasts in you and others.”

“Pray, pray, pray, in every moment; with the beats of your hearts and the breath you take, in unison with Mary; says Her Jesus.”


Jesus: “There is always a scatter before a great coming together, you shall see!”