Rainbow Rose of the Ark of Mary – 8 January 2012

RAINBOW ROSE: After Holy Mass today, after the Glorious Rosary, after the Saint Charbel Rosary for 2011-2012, and just after the Joyful Rosary I see Jesus standing in front of me a little to my left. He wears a white tunic and is smiling kindly and gently with His shiny grin – He is beautiful!

JESUS: “You will write, Rainbow Rose: War is months away; not the big war that draws all the countries of the world – the ‘pre-war’. They will posture back and forth, and there will be loss of life, this too can be mitigated. Pray My children; pray as the land of Israel – the Holy Land of God – is pummelled and Israel is pursued, forced into concession after concession. God’s people must pray and hope as the stage is set. This is why the Warning occurs at this time; here again, God is bargaining to save the life of man; will man listen? Pray so. And as the stage is being set for the full revelation of the Antichrist and his team of destruction, so too does Heaven now ready the means and weapons we have planned to combat this destruction – this ‘destructive force’: the beginning of the Church reformation.”

“My children, we have many cures! Do not be alarmed with the views of the world, look to our world of peace: of happy souls united with us! We have nothing to fear, do we? We own the minutes, moreover, God is in control of all.”

“My dears, the world has descended it is true, but let your souls ascend; touch with Jesus the clouds and your voices raised to Me do much! Your hearts lead your voices and My little ones, you shall be inspired in your prayers and good works in My nation. Much comes, fear not. Little souls, your leader is to be raised and surrounding him We have amassed such a wondrous army of staunch hearts as to inflame the Saints. These are days of joy! These are days of surprises as our enemies are confounded. Let them divide themselves as they collapse onto one another.”

“Watch for these events: an assassination, a release.”

“Then comes the Church forward, more prophesy shall be fulfilled. And on this Epiphany Sunday, it is well and pleasing to God to reveal He will allow greater gifts to be showered on to His ‘most’ faithful souls as they allow themselves to be led by wisdom and come to the full realization of plans for the Church, so that in the dark days to come she grows as a beacon of light. Amen. Meditate on this.”

“Surprises are in store. My signs and wonders grow, as the signs of war advance; there will be a clear wall made between good and bad, between good and evil – truly, you would have to be blind not to see it and Jesus shall work in such a way in souls, indeed, the blind will hit it.”

RAINBOW ROSE: Jesus smiles:

JESUS: “I love surprises!  I love you all,


“Be bright in your eyes and faces, Jesus kisses your heads.”

RAINBOW ROSE: Jesus says to me:

JESUS: “Please let this be distributed, Amen.  Thank you.”

RAINBOW ROSE: (Jesus tells me:  “Remember to put a date on this note)”