Message 705 – 19 September 2014

Feast of Our Lady of La Salette

ISIS, a smokescreen of the Evil One – Major attack in Sydney and Brisbane; tactics to implement new Laws to control populace – War approaching, greater that all wars put together; millions lost in minutes – Major attack planned by Church of the Antichrist and six major demons – Wars to multiply; US invaded and many other countries.

LITTLE PEBBLE: I have been praying my Rosary waiting for Our Holy Mother. As I prayed I felt Her Presence; She hovered over me and I felt Our Holy Mother place Her Mantle over me.

OUR LADY: I ask, My son William, trust in the Divine Will of God, My Divine Son Jesus, for every moment of your life has the Divine Seal over it, especially when a soul has given over his free will to align itself with the Divine Will of God. This applies to all children, and even more so, to all children chosen by God at this particular time.”

“Son, much is now developing around your life. Remain at peace and know all will go well for you and the Plan We of Heaven have revealed to you. I ask all children of My Heart to unite in prayer, especially My Holy Rosary, as this prayer has great power against the power of the evil one. On this Feast Day of great knowledge of the events which are now unfolding, My children need to re-read the important Messages I gave so many years ago. These Messages are apocalyptic in nature and reveal very important implications given by God in the Books of Daniel and John of the Apocalypse and the Book of Truth given to My daughter, Maria Divine Mercy. Children, all that is happening in the world is the development of these events revealed.”

“What is happening with the sect of fear? ISIS is only a smoke screen of the hidden agenda of the evil one. Hate and fear are the forces behind these atrocious deeds. The events within your country Australia, will lead to a major attack in Sydney and Brisbane; but the aim will be the American troops in the North Australian area. All of this is to control the populace, My children. Only prayer to defeat these false evil ideologies, is the key to defeat the enemy.”

“All these tactics are to make people believe there is a major threat, so that new laws can be implemented to control the populace. But fear not, My children – fear comes from the evil one so that men are subdued into accepting authority, hate is then bred. Only love conquers, My children. My children, fear no man, but love and trust in God’s Protection, but fear the loss of your soul if you live a life of sin and hatred towards God and your neighbour.”

“My children, you must re-read the many Messages given over these centuries of blood. Recently, man celebrated the 100th Anniversary of the First World War, but has learnt nothing. A greater war is approaching, My poor children – far greater than all wars put together – where millions and millions will be lost in minutes. All this, because men have forgotten their God and live a life of sin in all its forms. This war is not only of the flesh, but of the spirit, for you are fighting Principalities, My children, therefore heed God’s Warning now while you still have the time.”

“I Love you, My children! Come to Me as l am your Heavenly Mother, wishing to protect you from your enemies. Remember My Visitation at La Salette and the many places I have come to bring the Message of Salvation to all.”

“I Bless you, My Little Abraham, Little Peter: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. You will have the signs you are looking for, and I am sending you the one whom you are waiting for. I Love you and Bless all My children: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

Feast Day of St Joseph of Cupertino – 18th September

LITTLE PEBBLE: This Message was given by Jesus yesterday. Jesus dictated to me and said:

OUR LORD: “All Chosen Souls must unite under His Most Sacred Heart, and that of His Holy Mother, as a major attack is planned by the Pharisaical Church of the Antichrist and the six Major Demons – the Fallen Angels. All Chosen Souls and their followers must pray for each other and their Missions.”

“The wars will multiply, but the Western Powers must not be drawn into the Middle East conflicts, as it is a ploy to misdirect resources and man power, so that the Big Powers will use their power to attack the free Nations and bring forward the Great War. The United States will be invaded, so will Australia and Europe at the Borders of Poland, Sweden and Italy. Korea and Japan will also be drawn in. Pray, pray, pray!”

The Ebola disease in Africa is not the disease mentioned where all humanity will be forced to be vaccinated.”

“The current crisis in Iraq is a smoke screen by the Powers of the One World Power Group, who control much of what happens in the world.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Jesus says to pray the Holy Rosary, and He tells me how much He loves us all, and sends His Blessings.

OUR LORD: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”


LITTLE PEBBLE: From the Words of the Divine Architect of Divine Love to Maria Divine Mercy:

30th August 2014: OUR LORD: Be at peace and know that when you uphold the Truth – the Word of God – in the face of adversity, all Power of Mine is wielded to save souls. For each soul you bring Me I will lavish more Graces upon you and so it will continue. Heed not the roars of opposition for human opinion means nothing in My Kingdom.”

“Perseverance in suffering brings a soul closer to Me. Never underestimate how My Presence in a soul goes unnoticed by the evil one who is drawn quickly towards those souls. Know that the Glory of God, which is present by your side, will draw forth a terrible venom and you will be cursed in My Name by those weak souls.”

25th August 2014: OUR LORD: “Never ignore hatred of God’s Visionaries or Chosen Prophets, for if they hate these souls then they hate Me.”

25th August 2014: OUR LORD: “When a person says he loves Me, he will do all according to My Holy Will.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: In a recent Message from Heaven given to MDM it is very clear that those who oppose and attack God’s Seers, Visionaries and Chosen Prophets – as all are the Chosen Souls of God – will be punished by God severely. Many people believe I am a fallen Prophet, or even a false Prophet due, to the situation I have found myself in now. Yet many have forgotten all the good God had given them via the Mission of Our Lady of the Ark.

Countless Seers were united to this Mission and there were countless cures and conversions. Did these Blessings come from God’s Goodness or man? Therefore I say to you, listen to God’s Words given to MDM and act upon it. Judge no longer, but pray and reconcile once again, so that God will continue to Bless you and save many souls through your offerings.

To the Chosen Souls: take courage, for the road now is steep, but short, and Jesus will soon Return to reward you. His gazing glance is always upon you in these great trials. Let us pray for each other:

8th June 2014: Crusade Prayer (155) – for the Protection of the Mission of Salvation:

“O dearest Mother of Salvation, hear our call for the protection of the Mission of Salvation and for the protection of God’s children. We pray for those who defy the Will of God in this great moment in history. We ask that you protect all those who respond to your call and the Word of God, to save everyone from the enemies of God. Please help release those souls, who fall prey to the deceit of the devil and open their eyes to the Truth. O Mother of Salvation, help us poor sinners to be made worthy, to receive the Grace of perseverance at our time of suffering in the Name of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Protect this Mission from harm. Protect your children from persecution. Cover all of us with your Most Holy Mantle and favour us with the Gift of retaining our faith, every time we are challenged for speaking the Truth, for conveying the Holy Word of God, for the rest of our days now and forever. Amen.”

Always pray to your Patron Saints who fought the good fight to the end.

I have enclosed a segment from the Book of Azariah, the Guardian Angel of Maria Valtorta’s writings, to guide you in these end times.

BOOK OF AZARIAH – 22 December, 1946: Commentary on The Epistle of St Paul’s First Epistle to the Corinthians 4:1-5.

It is precisely for you and all those who perform extraordinary service of all those faithful to God.”

“What value does the sevenfold Sacramental fount have? The Grace infused by Baptism dies, for whoever does not follow the Word, sins and whoever sins loses Grace, and with Grace, Light and Life.”

“Extraordinary dispensers of the Word – never sufficiently given, in view of the continuous work of the adverse forces against the Word and the spirit of man, never sufficiently conserved, assimilated, and turned into life of the individual to make the individual the citizen of eternity – are the ‘voices’. What is required of them, as of Priests, masters in the explanation of the Word, just as the ‘voices’ are the Word’s channels.”

“Many are called; few are those able to remain faithful to their mission. … Lucifer – always raging and towards all, but especially towards those he sees to be more in the ways of God. … Some creatures have received nothing but opposition ….even though pain struck you from all sides and the thought ‘God does not love me’ would have been justified. But you felt that He loved you and that the  storms were predilection, for they made you wise in the great truth that God alone deserves all the love of His creatures.”

“Dispensers of the Voice of God: ‘It matters very little to me to be judged by you or by a human tribunal … though I do not feel guilty of anything, not for this reason am I justified, since my judge is the Lord.”

“To be in perfect justice, O extraordinary souls enclosed in creatures in whom the creature’s moral reaction is not suppressed – and you must keep it subdued in a heroic, continuous struggle between the spirit and humanity to obtain the final victory of the spirit over humanity – do not judge as you assayers. Do not judge them before the time, until the Lord comes; He will point out what is hidden in darkness and manifest the deliberations of hearts, and then each will receive from God the praise he deserves.”

William Costellia