Message related to the Last Pope, Peter the Roman, has many multiple meanings – Spirit of First Peter already within the Last Pope, Peter II: St Peter to teach Church through you from Heaven – Illumination and Warning to open hearts and minds; unite under one Head, My Mystical Pope – Benedict: last legitimate elected Pope, the next will be false Prophet of Antichrist – Revelations regarding yourself and Great Monarch, will be achieved after Warning – Mission of MDM to proclaim Book of Truth and open 7 Seals related to evil reign of Satan – Prophet of Threefold Covenant to remain Mystic Pope until Great Monarch and my Chosen Bishop comes to you acknowledging My Choice.
LITTLE PEBBLE: I feel Christ’s Presence so strongly. It is just a few minutes to midday and I see the White Cross in the sky – the same White cross that will bring the Great Illumination. I was saying the Rosary and this beam of pure white and pink Light formed a pathway from the Cross. Jesus was gliding from the Cross on this pathway of Light into my cell and behind the White Cross was a gentle sweet yellow Light. On the path of Light were big white lilies and red roses. Jesus’ Heart is exposed and He is holding my beautiful Angel, Saint Amor-Dei in His Arms. This Angel is only twelve inches or so tall and he has a lovely tear-drop shape on his chest. He was a gift God the Eternal Father gave to me. Saint Amor-Dei holds the Holy Rosary in his little hand and Jesus is holding the Mercy Chaplet in His Hand. The Angel hops off Jesus’ Arm and comes and kisses my forehead, and then stands on my cupboard in my cell.
Jesus is dressed in His usual outfit of a white tunic and red cape. He smiles, makes the Sign of the Cross and says:
OUR LORD: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Listen carefully, My Chosen Prophet and Prince of the Apostles! Write as I speak to you!
Son of My Sacred Heart, I have heard your prayers and those of many of Our faithful children who have become confused with the recent Messages of My precious daughter, Maria of My Divine Mercy. Do not be disturbed, My children. The Message related to the Last Pope Peter – Peter the Roman – has many multiple meanings. Be assured you, My son, are Peter the Roman – the Last Pope for the Church – as this revelation has not changed since you and countless Seers and Chosen Souls were given this revelation for over thirty years. However, this has a deeper meaning and it was not given to My daughter Maria to understand many of the Mysteries surrounding this great revelation as God gives to each Privilege Soul a special task – a Mission to reveal part of God’s Plan, like a jigsaw puzzle – one part without the other may sound contradictory. However, when looked at with the guidance of the Holy Spirit given to selected souls and the Magisterium of the Church, the full meaning will be understood with time.
My people of Old were waiting for the Second Coming of Elijah; some even believed I was He! But in reality Saint Elijah did come again in Saint John the Baptist; his holy spirit was in Saint John. Likewise the spirit of the first Peter, Pope Saint Peter, is already now within the Last Pope – you, My son – and Saint Peter will teach the Church through you from Heaven, as was revealed through My daughter. It must also be understood that I have already spoken to Maria about the authenticity of your Mission as a Chosen Soul – Instrument of God. But like other Chosen Souls as Father Gobbi and Brother Elijah – both from Italy – and others who were given instructions from Me about you being a Chosen Soul of Mine for the End Times, was constrained by the authorities not to publicly acknowledge you as My true Instrument, fearing that to do so would bring condemnation against themselves and cause great confusion upon the faithful followers, who have great difficulties in accepting you, My son, as a true Prophet, due to the many controversial revelations given to you.
However, My son, the Great Illumination and Warning will open up the hearts and minds of Our children and all the Privileged Souls, Chosen Souls, who must unite under “One Head”, and that is you, My Mystical Pope on Earth. There will be no more confusion or division amongst My Elect and those chosen by Me to be My Chosen Instruments.
I will also reveal the truth about these matters through My Instrument, The Rainbow Rose of the Ark of My Most Holy Mother, who will receive clear directions, so that My children will not be confused.
God’s Instruments will always be “signs of contradiction”, just as I was to the Jews and the people of My Time. However, they will not receive Messages that totally contradict My true Instruments, or the Teachings of My Church – the Holy Apostolic Roman Catholic Church – through its legitimate Magisterium.
And so that My sweet children do not get confused, Pope Benedict XVI is the last legitimate elected Pope, and the next Pope will be the false Prophet of the Antichrist, who will take away many from the true Church. However, during this reign, which will symbolically be the three and a half years mentioned in the Apocalypse, and in the Book of Daniel counted in days, a true Pope, namely you My son, elected by God – the Mystical Pope on Earth – not elected by a Conclave – will be guided by Heaven by the spirit of Saint Peter with the Remnant Chosen Leaders around the world, guiding My sheep until My Second Coming. At the Second Coming you, My son – and during the Reign of the New Holy Era of Peace – will reign by My side and at My Most Holy Mother’s side as Petrus Romanus – the Last Pope for a thousand years until My Third Coming as Judge for the Living and the Dead.
It is to be understood, My son, the revelations given to countless Saints and Prophets and Seers over the past two thousand years regarding these times, including yourself and the Great French Monarch, will be achieved after the Great Warning.
Until the Second Coming of Myself in the Flesh – for just as I Ascended into Heaven, likewise I will Return with the Angels and Saints to Earth, and all children marked with My Sign will meet Me face to face in the Heavens, and the false Pope and the Antichrist, with Satan and his fallen angels, will be thrust down into Hell by the General of God’s Army, Saint Michael, by the Power of the Immaculate Conception – Mediatrix – Co-Redemptrix of All Graces, My Pure Mother Mary, Who will crush the head of the Serpent.
Children, it is to be understood after the one thousand year Reign of Perfect Peace and Holiness – the time being only symbolic, as there will not be time as you currently know – Satan will be released one more time to test God’s children, then will come the End of the World and the Final Judgement.
Time after the Great Illumination also will be changed for the sake of the Elect. So remain at peace, My children for who is with Me is not against those who are preaching My Word, for by their fruits you will know them.
The role of My Last Peter, being you, My son, is one of Great Mysteries – the Mystical Pope not elected by a Conclave just as I have revealed through countless Saints of Old, including your mentor, Saint Francis of Assisi. My daughter, Maria of the Divine Mercy, does not as yet understand this, but with time My Instrument will.
The Angel of My Eternal Father, Saint Amor-Dei, carries the remedy of any misunderstandings or confusion surrounding My children and My Prophets – the Holy Rosary of My Mother – and I carry the Prayer Chaplet of My “Divine Mercy. These two prayers are the most powerful prayers of this time.
Trouble not your hearts, sweet children, nor My Chosen Instruments; only prayers will clear the road of understanding. Work together to overthrow the power of the enemy, as time is very short. The Mission of Maria is to proclaim the Book of Truth – to open the Seven Seals and prepare mankind for My Second Coming, and to reveal the secrets relating to the iniquitous time related to the evil reign of Satan on Earth. Son, I will reveal more as time goes forward. My Prophets and Chosen Instruments are under heavy attack by the Evil One as he desires them to be divided so as to control their influence over the children of the world.
The Chair of Peter will be empty soon, My son, as Benedict will leave the Vatican; the false Pope will take over, but in reality the Seat of Peter will remain empty. You, with other leaders will Govern the Church, but you as My Prophet of the Threefold Covenant will remain the Mystic Pope of My Church during the time until the Great Monarch of France and the Bishop whom I chose come to you, acknowledging My Choice.
These Words will console many, and Maria must not be afraid to read My Words, even though I have instructed her to keep to herself so that she is not influenced by other Chosen Souls like you – being My Instrument – yet I desire her to read these Words for her edification. This will not be harmful to her as God will enlighten her.
For you, My beloved Little Pebble of Divine Love, your time has now been reached; help is now on its way and all will be fulfilled as Promised. I love you and all My Chosen Souls in whom I have entrusted the salvation of the world as co-redeemers with My Most Holy Mother Mary and I.
I Bless you + as I Bless Maria of My Divine Mercy + and My Rainbow Rose of the Ark of Mary + with all My beloved children of My Father in Heaven: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
Take courage; pray, pray, pray and gather all the children together united with all the children around the world, so that all souls are prepared for My Coming in Spirit to all men in the Great Illumination of men’s consciences. Together, My children, we will defeat the enemy of God and men: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
Pray for Pope Benedict so that he will bring forth the Final Dogma of these times – Mediatrix – Co-Redemptrix of All Graces of Mary My Holy Mother.
LITTLE PEBBLE: Jesus Blesses me and Kisses my heart: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. The little Angel Blesses me and kisses my head +. The roses and lilies represent God’s Chosen Souls. Jesus leaves the Rosary and Mercy Chaplet with me.
The Little Pebble
- Firstly, the Pope flees;
The Illumination – the Great Warning;
The open revelation – the revealing of the False Pope and Anti-Christ, possibly around the end of 2012;
2013 – the Miracle of Garabandal and on other Holy Grounds;
Appearance of Enoch and Elijah and Old Prophets; Short Reign of Peace after the Warning;
Building of the Holy Army of God under the Holy Monarch;
The Great Persecution;
The Time of Miracles;
The killing of Enoch and Elijah;
Possibly 2017 – Anniversary of 100 years of Fatima;
Six days of Suffering
Three days of Atomic War
Three days of Comet hitting the Earth
Second Coming of Jesus
Remnant Church meets Jesus in the Rapture
Satan + Anti-pope and Antichrist thrown into Hell
Heaven and Earth merge
New Paradise – New Heaven
New Earth
Christ Reign of Peace – 1000 years
Satan released for short time
Jesus Comes as Judge
End of the world
Eternity Begins.