RAINBOW ROSE: My dear Jesus and Most Holy Mother, the recent dictation of Maria Divine Mercy leaves many questions, as the words say that Pope Benedict is the final Vicar. My Dears, I beg you to reply and clarify what has been said and sent around the world.
I see Our Blessed Lord beside me as I write. Our Lord smiles down, kindly, and is solemn, to denote a sadness. Jesus is tall in His white tunic and I see His Most Sacred Heart exposed. I see a Great Fire within it and a band of Thorns around it; they seem to tighten with each beat of His Heart. This causes the top and the bottom of His Heart to enlarge greatly – it looks painful.
OUR LORD: “My children, be not alarmed with this dictation as it stands. Please, I ask you to grasp these words, examine them and then look, in faith, at your own lives, your own missions; see what you have done through the Charbelite Order, accepted and believed as a singular truth and work of Heaven. Should not every Article of Faith that you carry be so examined? And when it is found to be real within you as deepening, as lasting, as consensual, between your soul and yourself – as free-thinking man, as vivid and alive and built on love, then one may know the truth as something of God because you are at peace in your certainty.”
“Look at the work of a movement of God – how many times in man’s history has Satan tried to confound poor man with his own words and lies; even worse – even more sublimely dangerous – as interjected between two truths as to surround the lie and make it seem plausible. This is where the test comes: when a heart is squeezed by the mind in perhaps a dangerous tug of war. Come to Jesus; say your prayers. I promise a reply; I promise clarity. Can there be a greater answer than Truth when a question is presented to the Blessed Sacrament as the greatest, most profound sublimate: God as a helpless slave.”
RAINBOW ROSE: Jesus sits beside me now as I write for Him. I am both here where I am and in the white room at a picnic table. Jesus looks at me, and continues:
OUR LORD: “So we shall examine.”
“Would I say that Pope Benedict is the final Vicar when plainly he is not? Examine scripture; let us look at our clues: the Book of Daniel, the number of days between 2 events yet to take place. No, My children. Look at the state of Israel, as of yet her “Allies” remain. Look at age; look at fatigue; see the tired light that yet shines out from your Holy friend, Benedict, as he is pushed, pulled and battered about in his own prison of Vatican apartments. I speak plainly! The one I have chosen who is to come after – the one fully supported and diagnosed as from Heaven – has a great fire within him: the fire of humility, poverty and happenstance – as to be fully acquainted with the condition of all men, and fully acquainted with the example of Christ as imitated; who, from his own cell shall defeat so much. Who can yet ignore what has been provided to this man as Heaven’s choice, and who God uses to test and uphold Mary’s Army. Be not afraid; does God make an entire Order without reason; an Order that has been ordained through its membership – the Church? God has done this before. Look at the first days after the Resurrection; look at the first days since the Ascension. We, too, will survive this. God will not tear down what He has made, but leaves to each to accept or reject what He offers.”
“Examine truth and pray, little flowers.”
RAINBOW ROSE: And I ask My Jesus why would Maria Divine Mercy’s Message say what is not true?
OUR LORD: “Because she has been told some things she does not understand, and her advisers reject. They have put their own ‘interpretations’ on My Words. My Words have been changed, but I will yet do more through her. This is a test for my faithful – a test for those who have been brought through the Grace of God to this Order, and My choice of Peter II. “
“Be careful, My Priests, not to let reason or blind faith in words overtake love and years and years of tangible manifests as to bring you to your Missions. Be not afraid, My Peter! This shall pass and Ours: victorious. My people, the Anti-pope – and he will come – will not take the name Peter. I have told you how to discern what is from God, and what is not. If you do not cling to prayer, cling to Holy Mass, cling to Jesus: your orthodoxy, you will not survive these shadows. Please be at peace; live in peace and peace shall be in you, as your love. Be submerged in Jesus and have hope.”
“Jesus, your Moderator for the end of the world and the beginning again.”
RAINBOW ROSE: Jesus holds a bouquet of roses and says gently:
OUR LORD: “I will answer. Let this go out!”
RAINBOW ROSE: Jesus said that all who read this message He himself will be with each person as they read it.