The “Smoke of Satan” has entered the Church and clouded heart of the hierarchy; the “Great Harlot” of the Seven Hills has drunk the blood of the martyrs for too long – The plagues of Egypt will multiply a thousand fold and be more deadly than ever shown before to man – Watch Russia; America, be warned, your downfall comes because you have rejected Christ – Benedict XVI will make an announcement which will end his reign.
LITTLE PEBBLE: I have been praying my Rosary, waiting for Saint Michael as my Guardian Angel told me he was coming. I have seen the White Cross – and a falling star is behind the Cross, with a long white tail behind it. Saint Michael came out of the Cross, with his sword raised, and he shouts: “Who is like unto God!”
Saint Michael comes before me, holding a shield, and on it is the Coat of Arms of the last Pope. He greets me, making the Sign of the Cross: †
SAINT MICHAEL: “I greet you, Angelic Pastor of God’s House upon Earth! I have been sent by the Eternal Father to prepare the elect of God, as the time has now arrived for God’s full Justice to be executed. He has been long in waiting for His wayward children to return to His Bosom. He has extended His Love, Mercy and Forgiveness for a very long time, but mankind who have been warned thousands of times since the beginning of the last century – take no notice of the many Prophets and Seers that have been sent. The “smoke of Satan” has not only entered the Church, but has clouded the hearts of the hierarchy, blinding their spirits to the Truth of God’s Warnings, leaving the sheep scattered. For a kingdom divided amongst itself, will fall.”
“The great “Harlot” of the Seven Hills has drunk the blood of the martyrs for too long, and the spiritual blood of God’s children cry out to Heaven for God’s Justice. The City of Babylon that harbours the building of human deceit – the United Nations – shall fall, because mankind have allowed the “Beast of Many Names” to reign. The time now has arrived so that men may see the Power of the Omnipotent One, because He comes as a “thief” in the night to topple the proud-hearted and exalt the humble and sincere of heart.”
“Watch, dear children of God, the Saints of the ‘end times’ – watch the Heavens open and men’s minds exposed to the awesome Power of God’s Wrath! The plagues of Egypt will multiply a thousand fold and be more deadly than ever shown before to man. Look at the sun, the stars and moon, and see the signs of your impending sorrows that you have brought upon yourselves.”
“Turn away from your sins and abominations! Ask God for forgiveness! Turn back the clock and live simpler lives away from the cities that breed all manner of corruption – as they did in the cities of Sodom, Gomorrah, Nineveh, and Pompeii – for now it is far worse in all the major cities of the world, led by the Babylons of Babylon: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Mexico, Paris, Tokyo, Beijing, Rome, London, and so many more. Do you see a Christ-like resemblance in these cities of iniquity? ‘NO”! People of the world – turn back from your path of self-destruction – NOW! The event witnessed now by your Scientists will see the destruction of California – (U.S.A.) – and the Islands of the Pacific Ocean.”
“Children of God, remain at peace, for the coming Warning to mankind is not for you. Simply pray and trust in God’s Love and protection. Watch Russia, my children, as it manoeuvres! America, be warned; your downfall comes because, as the Hebrews rejected Christ, you have rejected Christ and replaced Him with materialism and world domination, based upon the call from the “Beast of the Bottomless pit” – for the One World Order to enslave mankind. Men of great power have taken away your freedom because Jesus does not Reign in your hearts.”
“The events of Iran will dictate the terms of man’s fragile weaknesses and will bring the world to what occurred in Europe in the early forties. It is now time for men to reflect deeply on their lives because, within a moment of time, all is lost and changed.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: I now see millions of Angels poised to strike. All are dressed like Saint Michael – as Soldiers with swords raised.
SAINT MICHAEL: “Know, my brother – God’s Prophet – the time of Pope Benedict XVI is coming to a close, and your time has arrived. I salute you! Be not troubled for the one promised is coming your way. Let men continue to laugh, and mock you and God – thinking that they have won – believing God does not fulfil His Word in your regard. But men laughed and celebrated at the time of Noah – all were swept away! Men do not understand the Wisdom of the Most High in His timing – nor even in delayed events. But who can comprehend the Mind of God? Trust; be patient, as your rescue will be sudden, to the astonishment of humanity. A Mystic who is much favoured by God will be sent to you shortly, to help you. The children sealed by God’s Angels are now completed. The Angels of Justice await God’s Command! Wait for the sign and all will be executed, swiftly.”
“Brother of the Angelic Hosts, Little ‘Peter Abraham’ – the Queen of Heaven and Earth, your Immaculate Spouse, Mary, sends you this garland of Her choicest flowers as a Gift to you. Each one of these flowers is the chosen soul of the ones to come to complete God’s Plan, replacing those who have betrayed you and left your side. You know of whom Heaven speaks.”
“Pope Benedict XVI will make an announcement, which will end his reign as Pontiff for this Era – before the One of Dark Secrets enters Rome.”
“I, Saint Michael Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, send the Triune God’s Blessings with those of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to all of His Remnant Church upon Earth † and the entire Human Race, which needs God’s Mercy. †”
“Go in peace, my Angelic Brother †”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Saint Michael places his sword on my shoulders and my head.