The last grain of sand has passed through the hourglass; many souls at the brink of giving up will be rescued – The Resurrection will come for My Peter in Chains through an Act of God; God’s Hand is about to strike the world – Remnant to restore True Church; Pope Benedict will soon give up his spirit; woe upon woe as Babylon receives the Fires from the Heavens – A very serious event to occur shortly; your rescue is near, someone will come to your aid.
LITTLE PEBBLE: Today Saint Sacramessugus came at 2.40pm. He told me the Mother of God would come shortly, but firstly he gave me a private direction. Saint Sacramessugus stands approximately five feet above me.
Now Our Lady comes – not as Our Lady of Fatima, but she is dressed a royal blue mantle and a pure white dress with the emblems of the French Monarchy, and near Her Heart a white shining Cross. Our Holy Mother is in prayer with Her Eyes upwards towards Heaven. She is wearing a Crown with seven points and five smaller points – each point a gemstone. Our Lady holds a beautiful Rosary, which is very strange – seven decades each of them made up of different gems, yet from the Crucifix, which is gold, there are five smaller decades of three beads each of a different gem. Our Holy Mother now is surrounded by twelve Great Angels all holding a scroll.
I see Saint Amor-Dei, Saint Amercius and my Guardian Angel, Saint Menoloutis. Our Lady now opens Her Hands out towards me and the Rosary is on Her left Arm. The little Angels pick up the Rosary and place it over my head. Our Holy Mother Blessed me and smiles. She has just travelled from the Holy Grounds at Nowra: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
OUR LADY: I greet you, My Blessed ‘Angel of Divine Love’ – ‘Angel’ in human flesh and Prophet of the Most High God!
I come to you in this hour of your long suffering that God the Eternal has asked of you with God’s children who suffer with you. The hour has struck, My children – the last grain of sand has passed through the hourglass of Eternity as the closing of an era is near. Many of our poor ailing children who have carried this heavy cross so that many souls will be rescued, are at the brink of giving up – just as it was at Calvary.
Who stood by My Divine Son Jesus – was it not I, His Holy Mother – was it not Saint John the faithful Apostle, Mary Magdalene, Mary of Cleopha and the few shepherds and holy women? How many abandoned My Divine Son? It is the same now – the Shepherd at the End Times, the Mystical Pope, Our ‘Little Abraham’ was struck, and many scattered. The Evil One has placed doubt in many hearts, but where there is faith there is hope.
The Resurrection came for My Jesus – the Resurrection will come for My “Peter in Chains”, suddenly, just as Jesus rose with an earthquake pushed by a Divine Light, so will it occur with the ‘Little White Rock’. Suddenly all will change through an Act of God in a move most would not expect. God’s Hand is about to strike the world and the conscience of humanity will have their rude awakening – as men have sought to become gods and soar to the Heavens, as Satan did many millenniums ago, and will try to do it once again in the personage of the “Man of Sin and Iniquity” and his Prophet.
Doubt no more, My children of the elect! The Church of My Divine Son will now fall leaving the Remnant to restore the True Church. Our Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict XVI will soon give up his spirit as his time on the Throne of Peter will come to an end – then woe upon woe as Babylon will receive the fires from the Heavens as the Angels of the Apocalypse will follow through with the Command of the Eternal God.
My children, I your Heavenly Mother have come under a Title that will have important meaning for the Eldest Daughter of the Church. Take note, My children of France for the hour has tolled – and for the Eternal City.
To all My precious children: rekindle your faith and hope, and trust in the Divine Will of Our Heavenly Father, and say with Me: “Behold the Handmaid of the Lord, be it done unto Me according to Thy Word.” And the Words of My Divine Son Jesus: “Not My Will but Thy Will be done!”
I call on all the Latter Day Saints who must stand out against all that seems right in the eyes of the world, but in reality these holy souls who are humiliated, persecuted, hated and despised are the Latter Day Saints who stand in all humility before their God and Creator. These are the ‘stars’ who will fill the places reserved for them, left by the Fallen Angels. Say with the Warrior of Heaven, Saint Michael: “Who is like unto God?”
Raise up be not afraid, as God is your Protector and Defender! Know this, My children; you will believe mankind has gone mad. Go to the Sacraments daily, where you can pray as a family. Pray in small groups, take up My Rosary and wear the Sacramentals as your armour, as it is important now more than ever to wear your armour.
A very serious event will occur in a short time making the hearts of men stand still. Know always My Divine Son Jesus is Mercy, Love, Forgiveness and Justice.
And to you, My darling little ‘Rock’ that has been tossed and turned with the whirlwind of injustices: trust and have faith as your rescue is near and the one who is to help you will come to your aid shortly. God has counted all your sorrows and your wounds of heart, and these have ransomed many souls for the Kingdom of Heaven. Many of these who have caused you and those you love so much pain will recant and return to the fold they left.
The Twelve Angels are the Angels of the Twelve Secrets of God for these End Times. The first Angels will come to you to open the Seal – this will come at your release, which is imminent. Your spouse will be rewarded soon and all will make perfect sense.
I send my Maternal Blessings to you, to the Order of Saint Charbel and the Mission God gave you. Joy will soon fill the souls of all those who have waited in faith: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
Pray for Pope Benedict – an important announcement is to be made: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
Your Mother of Divine Faith.