Because humanity has placed My Words aside, mankind has drifted very far away from God and His Truth – All that was revealed at Fatima is now unfolding quickly – The Seal of the Son of God has been placed upon Our children’s souls – When men least expect it, judgement will occur – time, as you know it, will cease to exist – Many events have been delayed – Be watchful, for the Evil One lurks in every corner to snare a dedicated soul – Pray unceasingly, to rescue souls in this final hour.
LITTLE PEBBLE: Since the beginning of the Rosary three Crosses have been suspended in the sky – the larger one being the white Cross. To the right of this is a black Cross – the one to the left is red. From each of them, a thin beam of its colour shoots out, combines to form one stream of light – then forms a ‘street’ which shoots towards the Tabernacle. Behind the white Cross I can see a shooting star that has a tail. A name is attached to it – “Astra“.
Saint Michael stands to the right of the white Cross – but very much deeper in the sky. He is very tall, as always, and carries a shield that has the colours of the rainbow on it – the white Cross is superimposed. The tip of the sword that he holds in his right hand touches the star and the way Saint Michael holds the sword gives the impression that he is about to flick it with his wrist.
There has been a lot of fine, golden dust – it comes from the Angels’ wings – falling into the Chapel. Around the Altar it is more concentrated, forming a mist which is approximately ten to fifteen metres in diameter, and this is more distinct than the rest of the dust which is falling around us.
The white Cross now opens up at the centre of the crossed beams, whence the Light is shooting out. There is a very large doorway, filled with Light – an entrance into Heaven. It seems to be like a pathway that leads to where Heaven is, beyond the stars – a distance no one can calculate.
Coming through the white Cross now, swiftly gliding upon the multi-coloured Light, are many Angels. They each have a wreath, or crown, of variously coloured roses around their head. As they descend, from beneath their wings rose petals fall upon this ‘street’ of Light. Considering the distance between us and the Cross – it is like that between us and the sun – it is very, very, far away in human terms. I now see to the right of the white Cross, but further away in the sky, the sun, spinning extremely fast. Large explosions are being generated within the sun and on the surface, causing fire to spew out towards the Universe. There is also some reaction occurring.
The Angels are still coming down and emerging from the white Cross is Our Holy Mother, as ‘Our Lady of Fatima’, accompanied by many more Angels. I do not know which Angels they are, but my guess would be from the Rose Choir, considering they have many roses coming from them, and they are wearing a crown of roses. Our Lady has glided swiftly towards the Chapel and now enters it, to stand on a small cloud above the Tabernacle. I can see Our Lady’s Toes. In between the big toe and the next toe on each foot there is a little golden rosette.
Our Blessed Mother holds a Rosary in Her right hand, and in Her left is a bouquet of various flowers, but mainly roses. The Fatima Crown that She wears is always quite large. Of all Her Crowns, that would be one of the largest. Our Lady smiles, but I can see a glittering in Her Eyes, as though She has been crying. Our Lady nods and looks very intently at the souls present, taking time in doing so. The Angels are still emerging from the white Cross – there would be thousands of them now – and they form, as always, rows in a semi-circle behind Our Holy Mother, each row slightly higher than that in front of it – just as a choir is placed. Our Blessed Mother now takes up Her Rosary, kisses Our Lord on the Crucifix and says:
OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I greet you, My beloved son – My sweet ‘Angel of Divine Love’; I greet My Priest-son, ‘Little Bartholomew’, and all My sweet children, gathered here before Me and throughout the world, and in all the Kingdoms Created by the Eternal Father – except for those whom are lost to God and have been judged.”
“Today, on this Feast Day of My Appearance in Portugal so many years ago, I wish to remind Our sweet children of the Message that I delivered – a Message of hope, a Message of mercy, and a Message of warning from the Eternal Father to mankind. Many of Our children throughout the world know this Message very well, but few of Our children – especially those in authority – have listened, and because humanity has placed My Words aside, mankind has drifted very far away from God and His Truth. All that was revealed at Fatima is now unfolding quickly before your eyes. Like the Message of the Gospel, it is repeated through My many Voice-boxes throughout the world. Repent, for the hour is near when the Son of Man will come to change the world into the new Heaven and the new Earth. The time of the Second Coming is near.”
“Already, in those selected by the Eternal Father – where the Seal of the Son of God has been placed upon Our children’s souls, they are aware that the return of My Divine Son, Jesus, is imminent. The signs are in the Heavens, on the Earth, and in the hearts of men. The separation between good and evil has accelerated, for all that has been prophesied will come to pass, very swiftly. My children, the ‘elect’ are being tested, purified and tried, to perfect them through perseverance and patience, so that they will be ready to inherit the Kingdom of God on Earth in the New Holy Era to come shortly.”
“My Divine Son, while on Earth, revealed how swift His Coming will be. When men least expect, then judgement will occur and time, as you know it, will cease to exist. Therefore, sweet children, remain focused upon your Saviour; remain focused upon your inner calling to holiness, and a life of true virtues, as another Christ upon Earth.”
“Many events have been delayed. Have you ever asked yourselves why, sweet children? Yes, many of you are frustrated because of the delays permitted by God, but God foresaw all, and for the sake of the few that would change their lives, God extended the trials for the many. Much is needed to save souls – to save sinners – for if it were not for the prayers of the few, many more would be lost for all time. Therefore, persevere, My sweet children – live each day for itself, as My Divine Son has taught you, for you never know the hour when you will be called. We of Heaven Love Our children, and know all their needs. Therefore, never cease to pray, and take-up My beads of Love and pray unceasingly, so many more souls will be rescued in this final hour. The days are numbered in the few in the celestial time clock – therefore, remain at peace and be assured that the victory of My Immaculate Heart is near, and will be manifested through Our Holy Vicar, John Paul II, in a very short while. Pray for him, for his time is coming when the Eternal Father will call him to his home. The hour of darkness – in its fullness – will be upon you soon, but this will be also the moment when My Immaculate Heart will triumph. Spend more time, dear children, not only in prayer, but in reflection, in reading the good Words of My Divine Son, Jesus, and of My Immaculate Heart, through many Privileged Souls given to the world over many centuries.”
“Remain alert, and do not become complacent and slack in your lives, for the Evil One never sleeps. It is for this reason, much sifting is occurring at this time amongst Our children of the ‘elect’. Be watchful and vigilant, for the Evil One lurks in every corner, desiring to snare a soul that is dedicated to My Divine Son and I, to take that soul away from the path revealed to that soul. For if Satan could have pleasure, his pleasure is in removing a soul dedicated to God away from the path of goodness. All of you have the Grace to be faithful. No one needs to fall into sin, because you have the Sacraments, sweet children, the Sacramentals and the many gifts from God to sustain you. It is for this reason, We of Heaven often tell you to be vigilant in prayer.”
“Today, on this Mother’s Day for all My beautiful mothers throughout the world, I – as your Heavenly Mother – send you a Kiss from My Immaculate Heart, knowing how many of you are wounded in heart because of your children. Pray with Me, and through Our prayers many of these ills and woes will pass away, for I am your Mother of Consolation, and will help you. I send you My Maternal Blessing, as I Bless all of Our children throughout the world: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Holy Mother now steps back and sends the Angels to all the members here – and everywhere else, too – with rose petals that fall like raindrops upon us and all places dedicated to God.
The year 1972 is written on the white Cross right now, in red – and now it has been put upside down. Our Lady says to count the months and the hours from that year and it will give us a clue to an event to come. Our Holy Mother Blesses us again:
OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady holds up Her Rosary, reminding us to always pray upon the Rosary, then moves back, very swiftly, with the Angels. Our Lady has said that another soul is going to be raised soon, with the title ‘Rainbow Rose’. Now Our Lady has returned to where the white Cross is, and although many of the Angels have followed Her, the rest have stayed.
We can now sing the hymn of Our Lady of Fatima – after the hymn Father will Bless all of us. (Hymn is sung.)
FATHER BROUSSARD: Benedicat vos, Omnipotens Deus. Pater, et Filius, et Spiritus Sanctus. Amen.