This day, many centuries ago, I closed My Eyes to prepare My Soul to enter into Paradise. For three days My Soul prayed, then I was taken to My Divine Son – Soon the world itself will be judged and purified by the Hand of the Eternal Father.
LITTLE PEBBLE: The white Cross is very bright in the sky, as always – and this time there are small red roses around the edges of It. Saint Michael stands to the right, taking up half of the sky, with the six Archangels. At first, Saint Barachiel was here to the right of the Tabernacle, but he went to join the other Archangels. To the right of the Cross are many, many, Saints and Angels who form a triangle – I do not recognise any of them, in this great number.
Through an opening in the Cross I can see a beautiful pink misty Light, as it emerges – in the form of a cloud – it gathers speed and travels towards us, forming a ‘street’ of pink mist.
Coming through the Cross now I can see many Angels; they have on a crown of flowers, like a wreath – all of them – and many also hold a bouquet of roses, lilies and various other flowers. They are now gliding on top of this ‘street’ of mist, coming towards us.
Our Holy Mother has appeared through the centre of the crossed beams, dressed in a white tunic with a blue cape over Her Shoulders. On Her Head is a beautiful veil, which is held together by many roses. Our Lady is attended by Cherubim Angels under Her Feet, as She glides down with other Angels. Behind Her are many, many, more Angels who are pouring out of the White Cross. Now the Angels and Saints have disbanded the triangular form and joined the Angels who are presently emerging, to form a long line – like a procession.
Now Our Holy Mother enters the Chapel and the many Angels and Saints accompanying Her form a dome. In between the Saints and Angels are bushes which are covered with flowers and are just suspended there; they are like shrubs, but much larger.
A beautiful perfume from these flowers fills the Chapel – some of you will be permitted to smell them right now. It is a very beautiful perfume of Our Heavenly Mother’s Garden of Delight. Our Holy Mother is smiling and She is looking about Her as She always does, showing a lot of interest and concern for each person, individually – truly, an individual Mother. Under the Feet of Our Lady – something I didn’t notice until now – is the crest of a moon. Between where Our Lady has actually placed Her Feet, and the moon, is curled a small green snake. Her left Foot is on the head of the serpent, which is not dead. Underneath all of that are many of the Cherubim Angels.
In the right Hand of Our Lady is a baton made of marble; on top of it is a Cross of gold and entwined around Our Lady’s Hand and the baton is a Rosary. The Rosary itself is pearl and the Crucifix is gold; the ‘Our Father’ beads are also gold. Our Lady smiles. Coming out of the White Cross are yet more and more Angels and Saints, filling the entire vault of Heaven. Now above Our Holy Mother appears the Holy Ghost, as the Dove, in a Triangular Light, which is very bright. Our Holy Mother takes-up the Crucifix and kisses Our Saviour:
OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I greet you, My beloved son – My ‘Pure Rock’ of My Immaculate Heart; My ‘Little Pebble’. I greet My Priest-sons and My Privileged children, and all My sweet children gathered here before Me and throughout the world.”
“I come today as ‘Our Lady of the Assumption’, to bring many gifts for Our children; gifts for those who need many Graces to persevere in these times of trial and tribulation. This day, many centuries ago, My sweet children, I closed My Eyes to prepare My Soul to enter into Paradise. For three days My Soul prayed – and then I was taken to My Divine Son. This was, in many ways, an imitation of My Divine Son through His Death and Resurrection. This was to show all of Our sweet children of the promise of the Resurrection of the Body into Eternal Life with the Soul and the Spirit.”
“Rejoice, My sweet children, that this same promise is for all of Our children who remain faithful to My Divine Son. Soon the world itself will be judged and purified by the Hand of the Eternal Father. Once all has been cleansed, a new world will dawn and life will be simplified in its perfection – for, as it was in the time of the first parents, so shall it be for those who remain till the end. Therefore pray, My sweet children and persevere in your faith, for these are the days of the separation of the sheep – and know that all who call on Me, their Heavenly Mother, will be secure.”
“Go often and receive My Divine Son in the Eucharist and in the Sacrament of Penance, for My Divine Son is your strength, your consolation and the gateway to Eternal Life.”
“I Love you, My sweet children, and send to you many Angels and Saints to accompany you on your road to Paradise: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Holy Mother moved back to Her place, and then moved swiftly forward to several other Privileged children who are here. I do not know when She will be speaking through any of the others; I do know that Our Holy Mother is shown to them in vision, but She hasn’t told me whether She speaks to them directly, or not.
Our Lady is still smiling and has given a Blessing upon all of the articles presented to Her. Our Lady holds up her Rosary, which glitters in the sunlight. She has asked us to continue to pray now.
OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: The two Priests will now give their Blessing:
TWO PRIESTS: “Benedicat vos, Omnipotens Deus: Pater, et Filius, et Spiritus Sanctus. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: We will now sing a hymn to Our Lady.
(‘Hail Queen of Heaven’ is sung.)