Message 567 – 15 August 1998

God will work many signs through little ones as they are pure and innocent of heart – and through them the Church will be confounded and will then submit to the Word of My Divine Son.

The 15th August was a very important day for the Mission of Our Holy Mother at Nowra, Australia. It was the first time that Our Lady had Appeared again, publicly, on Her Holy Grounds of the Shrine of ‘Our Lady of the Ark, Mary Our Mother, Help of Christians’ since some four years prior, when the Holy Grounds were closed down due to human interference. The property did not belong to the Mission at that time but to private owners who had separated in their belief in the Mission of the ‘Little Pebble’ – which, consequently, forced the Apparition to move to the Community of Gethsemane of the Order of Saint Charbel, in the ‘Chapel of All Apparitions’, which was next door.

However, Our Lady Prophesied that one day I would acquire the Holy Grounds property and that the Apparition would be relocated at the Shrine at a time when the Chastisement would fall and the Signs and Miracles would occur, and thousands of pilgrims would return.

Our Lady said, that because we had moved from the Holy Grounds the Saint Joseph Spring would dry up, but She said that it would flow once again when the property became ours. This happened exactly as Heaven had predicted. On the 19th March, 1998, on the Feast of Saint Joseph, the property became legally ours and the spring has begun to come up once again.

Since the beginning of May, the convent for the Nuns of the Order of Saint Charbel has been established on that property and since the beginning of August a new phenomenon has begun, for when the school children of the Order began a weekly Religious Session at the Holy Grounds Shrine, Our Lady Appeared to some of them – thus a pilgrimage was held on the 15th August.

On 13th October, 1998, the official pilgrimages to the Holy Grounds for the days of Atonement will resume and occur each month as they had done previously, from the 8th December, 1983 until 1994.

We thank Heaven for such wonderful Graces and Blessings. It is in the Plan of God to now raise little children to deliver the Public Messages on the Holy Grounds to give a last warning to Australia and the World through them.
The Little Pebble

LITTLE PEBBLE: Saint Michael is standing to the right of the Cross; Saint Barachiel is here upon the Holy Grounds with Saint Menoloutis and Saint Jerusalemaeus. Our Holy Mother comes through the white Cross towards the Holy Grounds, very swiftly, with many Angels. She is on a cloud; over Her Head are the twelve stars. The whole sky is covered with many, many, Angels. Our Holy Mother now stands about six metres from the Shrine, dressed in beautiful white, with a very deep blue mantilla. Upon her Head Our Holy Mother has a Crown of roses. The Angels make a semi-circle, Our Holy Mother takes up the Rosary and the Crucifix and kisses Jesus.

OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

“I greet you, My beloved ‘White Rock’ of the Apocalypse, Prophet of the ‘End Times’, Our ‘Little Peter’; I greet all My sweet children gathered here before Me on this most Holy Day of My Assumption into the Bosom of the Eternal Father. It gives Me great joy to see Our children once again upon these Sacred Grounds, for these Grounds belong to My Divine Son, Jesus, and the Eternal Father will be Glorified through My Name for – through the Word – all men, with time, will believe that I was sent upon these Holy Grounds to save sinners. With time, many will see My Divine Son and I – as they did before – upon these Holy Grounds, so that Holy Mother Church will acknowledge the Work of God. This time God will work many signs through little ones as they are pure and innocent of heart – and through them the Church will be confounded and will then submit to the Word of My Divine Son. I Bless all here present – and the whole Church – as Queen of the Universe and God’s Creation: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Blessed Mother is looking more closely now at the children and I will remain silent.