I travel to gather the Remnant Church to prepare them for the final battle with Lucifer and his Fallen Angels – The Chastisements will continue to fall; the tribulations of the ‘End Times’ are now upon you – Many countries will go into revolution; the world is going towards its own destruction and has succumbed to the temptations of Satan – There are ‘accidents’ occurring that are not accidents; many are caused by Satan – The great war lies waiting to engulf the entire Earth; the great Wonders and Miracles will occur when the Chastisements are at their peak – all children must be the servants of God in humility, in discipline, in love and purity.
LITTLE PEBBLE: The White Cross is much closer than usual, though it is still very large. In front of the Cross is a heart made of roses and around the edge of the White Cross are small roses in many, varied colours.
Saint Michael wears a crown of roses with a golden cross in the front of it; he holds-up his sword. Coming now from the central part of the Cross is a very gentle Light – the heart is opening up, like a door, allowing the Light to pass through it – which forms a ‘street’ towards the Tabernacle here in the Chapel. It is about eight or nine feet wide. Surrounding the white Light’there is a pale pink colour – like a mist. I can see, through the heart of roses, deep within the White Cross – and strewn along this path within the Cross is a ‘roadway’ made from different coloured roses; a rainbow is forming within the Cross – it is like going into another world; it is like going beyond the veil when you enter this White Cross.
I can see many Angels far in the distance, coming forward, forming a procession as they slowly glide from beyond the Cross and through It, on towards the Tabernacle, floating upon this pinkish mist that has also formed part of the road. There are various kinds of Angels from different Choirs. You can see which Choir upon their foreheads, for they all have markings. Behind them, very deep within the White Cross, I can see Our Holy Mother – it seems as though Our Lady came from the rainbow to glide upon all these beautiful flowers – Our Lady of the Ark, Mary Our Mother, Help of Christians. It has been a very long time since I have seen Our Lady under this title. She has the baby Jesus who is dressed in a creamy-coloured tunic. He has on a little Crown and is holding a Scapular and a Rosary in His left Hand.
Our Holy Mother comes very swiftly towards us, then into the Chapel. Many Angels follow Our Lady and they gradually form a semi-circle around Our Holy Mother and the Baby Jesus. In Her right Hand Our Lady holds an Ark and upon Her Head is the Fatima Crown. She smiles, looking about Her, then kisses the Baby Jesus on the Forehead. He now leaves Our Holy Mother’s Arm and is suspended in front of Her, simply floating there. Little baby Jesus now comes over to Me and kisses me on my forehead, placing His little Arms around me. He makes the Sign of the Cross:
BABY JESUS: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Now the Baby Jesus does the same for the two Priests +; He now moves swiftly to Superiors of the Order to repeat it. Our Holy Mother is still smiling. Saint Barachiel – the Archangel who appears at the very beginning each time, before the Apparition starts – has gone over to the right of Our Holy Mother and has taken the ark, placing it in front of the Tabernacle. The ark now grows – it’s Noah’s ark: the boat, the ship and it takes up the whole top of the Altar.
Our Lady now stands on the ark. There is a small doorway underneath Our Lady’s Feet – part of the ark itself – and it falls open. I can see many roses inside the ark itself. Now the Ark of the Covenant is starting to form underneath Noah’s ark – this ship – and it becomes part of the Altar. It looks to be made of gold. Our Lady Herself becomes very bright. The Baby Jesus has returned to Her, not sitting on Our Lady’s Arm but standing in mid-air to the left of Our Holy Mother. The Baby Jesus has roses in His little Arms – very beautiful roses of many different colours; the petals have gold edging. The Baby Jesus looks at us and smiles. The roses are very unique. Within them, in the middle of each – the baby Jesus is showing me – there are golden rings, and names are written on the rose petals, in gold. I recognise some of those names.
The Baby Jesus now floats down and places these roses in the little ark, then returns back to His spot. Again, His Arms suddenly are filled with more roses, which contain more names. Jesus continues to smile and so does Our Lady, as She looks at the Babe, then bends down to kiss Jesus on the Forehead:
OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I greet you, My beloved son, pure ‘White Rock’ of the Apocalypse – Our future Vicar, ‘Little Peter’ and ‘Little Abraham’. I greet My Priest-sons and all My sweet children gathered here before Me and throughout the world.”
“Today, My sweet children, I have come to you under the title which is so dear to My Immaculate Heart, with many symbolic signs for the Church and the world to understand. I am the Woman of the Apocalypse, the Woman chosen by the Eternal Father to bear His Son, Jesus the Messiah – by the Power of the Most High – for the Redemption of the human race.”
“I come to you, My sweet children, clothed with the sun and standing upon the Ark of Salvation for mankind. Already, My sweet children, understand well that time is very short for mankind. It is the Will of My Divine Son that I continue to travel the world to gather the sheep – more so, the lost sheep – that have been scattered, because of the weak leadership of the Bishops and the leaders of the world.”
“Mankind have refused to hearken to the Word of My Divine Son. Therefore, I travel to gather the Remnant Church upon Earth so they will be prepared to do the final battle with Lucifer and his Fallen Angels. This is that time, My sweet children. I cannot promise you total happiness upon this Earth at this time, for the world has fallen deep into sin; thus, the Spirit of God is choked out of the lives of His creatures. All of you who have been marked with the Sign of Redemption must pick up your cross and follow My Divine Son, for now is the time for the Crucifixion of the Mystical Body of Christ upon Earth and every member will be part of this, until the time of the enlightenment of the mind and the soul in the coming great Warning given to man through the Mercy of the Eternal Father.”
“Recognise the times that you live in, My sweet children; acknowledge it in your hearts. Make reparation to God and do penance and atone for the sins of the world. The Chastisements will continue to fall and the tribulations of the ‘End Times’ are now upon you, but each day you must take up your cross. Do not count the cost, but go forward – in trust and confidence – in the Divine Providence of the Most High. Be not afraid; live the Virtues of My Immaculate Heart. Continue to say your true ‘yes’ with Me – thus your Crucifixion will be bearable and you will attain the merits that you are in need of to pass through these trials, in perseverance.”
“Continue to pray for Holy Mother Church, for the Vicar of Christ of My Divine Son, for your future Vicar – Our little ‘White Rock’ of My Immaculate Heart. Pray for all those in authority, for much is expected of them now, to lead the sheep to true pasture. Be not afraid for Heaven Loves you and desires only good for you. The Chastisements cannot be removed any more, My sweet children, for many have denied God and betrayed God, thus betraying themselves and their fellow-man.”
“Many countries throughout the world will go into revolution, just as My sweet son has told you today, for the world is going forward towards its own destruction. All that I revealed at Fatima many years ago on this day will now be fulfilled and, shortly, My Divine Son and I will come for Our precious daughter, Lucy, on the Feast of My Heart. Know this, My sweet children, that many changes will continue to come into your lives – in the world and within Holy Mother Church. Therefore be attentive; be vigilant in prayer. Do not seek the world, but seek God’s Justice and Truth and follow all that is good, for there is good, still, in man, My sweet children. But yet, the world has succumbed to the temptations laid out for it by Satan, for all must be fulfilled according to the Holy Word of God.”
“Soon, My sweet children, you will hear from the words of Our Holy Vicar, for the many changes that will be made within Holy Mother Church and great division will come – division between Cardinals and Bishops, and Priests and Clergy and lay people – from every part of the world. Know this: that this time has come, and you will understand all of the prophesies given over many centuries. Therefore, you must be vigilant in your prayers.”
“Pray for the youth – especially those of this nation – for many have been lost to the world, for they see no love amongst those who should love – for there is much bad example given to them.”
“To all My children who live the Consecrated Life within the Orders Founded now by many Seers and Prophets: you must all follow My Divine Son in living a virtuous life, preparing your souls not only for the Second Coming of My Divine Son, but rather, for your own salvation, giving example to all you come in contact with – where you live and where you go – so that all may call you, truly, the Disciples of My Divine Son, Jesus. Learn to be disciplined in your lives; live ‘exact’, so that you will not be accountable for any idleness that you portray in your lives, but that every moment of your hours you spend is spent to please God by serving His children. Remember, My sweet children, everything you do is accountable before God – therefore, do all things well to please God.”
“I Love you, My sweet children. I have offered to you, many times, My Immaculate Heart as a refuge for sinners. Once again My Immaculate Heart is open to you. Also, My Divine Son, Jesus, has offered His Most Sacred Heart, even as a child, so that you will come to love and serve God in its true meaning, as a little child.”
“Be not afraid to sacrifice your lives; be not afraid to give of yourself to God, unreservedly; be not afraid to relinquish all that you own and give to My Divine Son, for thus you will be rewarded – not only a hundred fold, but it will be uncountable, My sweet children. None of you can outdo the generosity of My Divine Son. Therefore, be generous in heart, and be not afraid, for God will not let you be orphans; God will not abandon you. He Created you out of Pure Love – therefore, remember His Love for you.”
“I send you a powerful Blessing through and with My Divine Son, Jesus, so that you will be strengthened in the coming days of great trial and tribulation upon this nation, Australia and the whole world. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“Remember well, My sweet children, all that My Divine Son and I, and the Saints and the Angels have told you, through many, many, Apparitions throughout the world, for there are ‘accidents’ now that are occurring that are not accidents, My sweet children, for many of these are caused by Satan, because the protective Hand of the Eternal Father has been removed from sinful man. Therefore, all of you, call on Saint Michael, the Prince of the Heavenly Hosts; call on your Angels often, to protect you. Be more prudent where you go and when you travel, My sweet children, for the Evil One lurks everywhere, permitted by God at this time, and you will need much protection.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady now looks around – and beyond – these walls. She is showing me scenes of how much the world is in deep sin.
OUR LADY: “See, My son and My children, how far mankind has gone. Many wars shall break out soon, My sweet children. This will be in preparation for the great war that lies waiting to engulf the entire Earth. Continue to watch the stars and the Heavens, for many signs will be given there. The great Wonders and Miracles will occur when the Chastisements come upon the world at their peak. Continue to pray My Most Holy Rosary, for this will be your weapon of strength and truth and wear My Scapular as your armour, so that the Evil One cannot penetrate your souls.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: The Baby Jesus has once again taken some roses and put them in the ark, and now returns to the left of Our Lady. Every time Our Lord returns His Arms are full of more roses, with more names and each time I recognise some of those names.
OUR LADY: “Continue to pray now, My sweet children, for I desire to speak with My little son.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady has revealed a few things. But Saint Charbel has arrived – I haven’t seen him for a long, long, time. He is very, very happy and I have been told by one of our Sisters that this year is the 100th Anniversary of Saint Charbel. Saint Charbel nods and smiles as he looks about him at souls, as though he is reading those souls.
You will be pleased to know Saint Charbel is wearing the Habit of the Order and although the Scapular is the same, the cross is a little different, and the Hearts are embedded within the cross, which is much smaller, and they are very bright. Baby Jesus goes up to Saint Charbel to kiss him on the forehead – then sits on his left arm. In Saint Charbel’s right hand there is a Crucifix. He kisses Jesus, the Baby, nods to Our Lady, and makes the Sign of the Cross:
SAINT CHARBEL: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I greet you, My beloved brother and Founder of the Order that bears my name. I greet all members of the Order and welcome you. You are to know that the Order of Saint Charbel will spread far and wide to gather many of the lost sheep of Israel.”
“When I lived upon Earth, the Queen and Virgin – Mother Mary – Appeared to me, often, and revealed that one day, from the fruit of my labour, an Order would be Founded to give understanding to the Western world of the need of true unity within Holy Mother Church. But this unity will only be seen when God’s children live in perfection of the virtues. I, too, was required to live the virtues in true obedience to my life. You, My sweet children – brothers and sisters – must learn to be truly obedient to the Calling of God in your vocation, living the Orderly life, according to the Rule and Constitution given by God Himself, for your benefit and welfare and salvation.”
“Continue to love and serve those who are over you, because by doing this you serve the Divine Master, Jesus Christ. Remember, all children must be the servants of God – in humility, in discipline, in love and purity. Therefore, my brothers and sisters, be faithful to your calling, and you will therefore see the fruit of your labour, just as I, and many of the great Saints that have now entered into Paradise. I, Saint Charbel, send a Priestly Blessing to you through My brother Priest-sons at this time.”
TWO PRIESTS: “Benedicat vos, Omnipotens Deus: Pater, et Filius, et Spiritus Sanctus. Amen.”
SAINT CHARBEL: “Live in peace and harmony – and always remember that if you become children in heart, you will see God and be like Him. And you, my sweet brother, Our Little Rock’: continue to go forward and carry your cross. Heaven knows how difficult the road is for you, but you are called – above all of the children of God – to lead the Church that Christ Founded on Peter, very soon. You will receive the assistance from my fellow brothers from my country of Lebanon in a short while. Continue to pray and offer all for this purpose. I Bless you, My son: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Holy Mother now kisses Saint Charbel on the forehead and he now disappears through the wings of the Angels! I don’t know how that happened, but he moved so very quickly. Our Holy Mother now moves back a little bit and the Baby Jesus now hops onto Our Lady’s left Arm. Our Lady kisses Jesus and both make the Sign of the Cross:
JESUS AND OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
OUR LADY: “Continue to pray, My sweet children, for now is the time for prayer.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: We will continue now with our Rosary, as Our Lady now swiftly returns, with Jesus and many of the Angels, towards the White Cross.