Follow the Path of Truth and Righteousness – Do not seek the pleasures of the world, rather seek to please God – You will soon hear of the ‘man of iniquity’ – the ‘man of sin’ – Much is developing in the outer atmosphere; the Eternal One will send a sign in the sun – Volcanic activity in New Zealand to increase – Something important will occur in Rome.
LITTLE PEBBLE: The White Cross is deep in the sky and Saint Michael has been with us for some time. When Saint Michael pointed his sword towards the Tabernacle, many rays of Light came from it and have done for the last ten minutes or so. Saint Barachiel, Saint Sacramessugus, Saint Menoloutis and Saint Sentimintarious have been with us too.
Around the White Cross I can see dark clouds, just below the cross-beam. A Vee-shape, formed by Angels, has started from the Tabernacle and moves out towards the White Cross. Two rainbows appear behind the Cross, one crossing the other, close to the centre-beam and I can see the sun behind the dark clouds, like a sunset.
The Cross now opens up in the centre of the crossed-beams; a strong bright Light comes from the opening, forming a path towards the Tabernacle. Water emerges from the White Light – like a small stream. The ‘road’ of Light has turned into a light blue stream of water, which flows into the Tabernacle. Inside the Tabernacle it is very bright and it has become Light itself. I can see two Pillars growing outside, or through, the Light of the Tabernacle – one has the Image of Our Holy Mother and the other, the Image of Our Lord. They are growing very, very, tall now.
The stream of water has become quite large and very wide and a mighty ship comes through the Cross – it is like a 16th century battleship in full sail and I can see the Vicar of Christ there; many people are behind him. On the mast of the ship a white cross and a red cross can be seen. The vessel sails down the water and stops before the Tabernacle – it is huge. The two Pillars have grown about sixty or seventy metres into the sky and the ship is also about that tall. The Angels have taken two chains from both sides of the prow of the ship and placed them around the two Pillars.
Along the sides of the ship are small portholes – many in total. I can also see the names of different communities of the two Orders – the Order of Saint Charbel and the Order of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Saint Louis Marie de Montfort. The names of the Orders are on the two big Pillars holding the ship.
Our Holy Mother, Who was a statue on the Pillar, has now transformed into Our Blessed Mother in reality, dressed in pure white, with a very light-blue mantilla and above Her Head is a star. Our Lady places Her Rosary through the Pillar, then floats towards the ship, where the Holy Father is standing and now stands next to him. The same is occurring with the Image of Our Lord on the big Pillar – It has become Our Lord in reality. Our Lord is dressed in a burgundy cloak and He too, places a Rosary on the top of the two Pillars, then glides towards the Holy Father, just as Our Mother has done. It is as though They are holding the Pillars together with the Rosary. Both Jesus and Mary place a Hand on the Holy Father’s shoulder and both are smiling very much.
Behind the Vicar of Christ there are many of God’s children. I can see the Twelve New Apostles, the Disciples – the many Disciples; I also see many members of the two Orders – many Priests and many families, all on this ship. There are many others, as well.
Coming from behind the ship are many Angels moving swiftly, to form what seems like a hood over the ship – in formation, Now they are also around the ship, under the ship – even under the water, I am able to see them. The ship is elevated by the Angels – it becomes very bright and then becomes a huge Basilica. On top of it I can see the flag of Peter II – the Coat of Arms. Under that is another flag, but at half mast – that of John Paul II.
All has now disappeared, but the Angels remain and I can see Our Blessed Mother as She comes through the White Cross, escorted by many Angels who seem to be supporting Our Lady beneath the feet, because She is stepping lightly on their wings. Our Lady has come forward very swiftly and now stands inside the Chapel over the Tabernacle, holding two Pillars made of stone – very beautiful hard stone. The writing on them is in Latin, but I do recognise it: it is the title of the two Orders. Our Lady holds them across Her Chest, like a Cross and Her Immaculate Heart can be seen in between these two Pillars.
Our Lady wears a beautiful Crown – the Crown of the New Holy Era – as ‘Queen of the Holy Era’. It has seven points, with seven stones and on the inside it has another five smaller points and many small stones. Woven within all of these different points and stones, are tiny roses and other small flowers.
I can now see Saint Sentilius, who has just arrived with Saint Timothy, to the right of Our Holy Mother and to the left are Saint Sentimintarious, Saint Menoloutis and Saint Sacramessugus. Behind them is Saint Louis Marie de Montfort and behind Saint Sentimintarious is Saint Charbel. Our Holy Mother now hands the two Pillars that She is holding, to the two Angel Protectors of the Orders.
Our Lady is still dressed in beautiful white, but now also wears a Scapular with two different colours – part is blue, and the other part is dark brown. She smiles and taking a Rosary from the side of Her dress, lifts the Crucifix and kisses Jesus:
OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“I greet you, My ‘Little Peter’, Prince of the Apostles of the ‘end-times’. I greet you My ‘Little Bartholomew’, My ‘Little John’ and all the Apostles of the ‘end-times’. I greet all the Disciples here present, all My Privileged children and all children cherished by My Immaculate Heart.”
“I come this evening as ‘Queen of the New Holy Era’ that is to come very soon upon the world – more so, in your lifetime My sweet children here present and those chosen throughout the world. I have come this evening, to encourage you to be faithful to the Wisdom and the Word of the Most High. Be not afraid, My sweet children, to follow the path of Truth and Righteousness because you have all been called to give freely of yourselves – of your time, of your lives – to your Creator. These moments of your life are very precious now. Act according to the Grace that has been offered to you; do not deny your God; be not like the foolish maidens given to you [who were mentioned] in Scripture, but be like the faithful ones who awaited their Lord with anxiousness, with hope and with joy.”
“The Coming of the Messiah, My Divine Son, Jesus, is near – much nearer than you believe, My sweet children. Do not be confused and perplexed by the times that We give you, for within these times are many hidden secrets which God will reveal to your hearts. For God desires that you are ready at all times, living your life to the fullest to become perfect children of your Heavenly Father. Let your lives be lives of perfection to the Glory of God, for you have many examples before you, sweet children, through the Saints of Old. These children were like you when they lived upon Earth, but they gave their lives to God in their littleness. You are called to do the same, because you are chosen by God in a very special way, for these times. You are the Soldiers of Christ, the Warriors of the Most High. You are being prepared for the ultimate battle, My sweet children – not only the battle against the flesh and the world, but more so, Principalities and the Powers of Hell.”
“Be not afraid, for I, your Heavenly Mother, am always with you. Hold onto My gentle Hand; listen attentively to My Voice, for you have nothing to fear, because I am your Mother and I Love you because you are My children.”
“I call all My children now, in earnestness, to listen to My Voice. You are in serious times, My sweet children – therefore, be watchful; be prayerful. Do not only seek the pleasures of the world, or to fulfil all your desires on a human basis, but rather seek that which will please God. Believe Me, children, God is wiser than you. Think well on My Words. You were Created by God, for God. Meditate upon what I have told you now.”
“All of you, here present and throughout all of the communities and Holy Places: you have been called, personally, through a personal invitation by your God and Creator, to bear witness to the Truth; to sacrifice all for your God. And because of this sacrifice, much will be asked of you, but the reward is not only eternal, My sweet children, but the reward will be seen during your lifetime on Earth.”
“I call My children to the New Foundations that the Eternal Father wills for mankind – the New Orders for Holy Mother Church. It is time for Our children to choose. Do not be faint-hearted, My sweet children. Be not afraid to walk in Faith like the Prophets of Old, for who can give more than what God has given to man? Who can out-do God, My sweet children? If you give yourself to God, do you think that He will give you nothing in return? Do you think He will abandon you? What type of God have you created in your hearts, My sweet children? God is above all; God understands all; He is Wisdom Himself. Nothing escapes God, My sweet children. He knows all your needs, for He is your Father – and I, the Handmaiden, am Your Mother. Trust in Heaven, sweet children, for these are dangerous days. Mankind has fallen far away from God and these children believe that God has abandoned them, but this is not so.”
“Many signs and wonders are given to mankind, but mankind must respond. Therefore, the choice is yours, My sweet children. Come, follow Me – or you will find a path that will remain empty.”
“Pray for the Church; pray for Our Holy Vicar; pray for the communities that are to be born; pray for unity; pray, pray, pray, My sweet children, for time is short. Now is the time of the ‘Man of Iniquity’ – the ‘Man of Sin’ – soon you will hear of him. Therefore, you are called to interiorise and be prayerful, sacrificing all for the sake of God.”
“In a short while My children will be in fear, because in the outer atmosphere much is developing, My sweet children, for the Eternal One will send a ‘Sign’ in the sun and mankind will understand the Power of the Most High. Therefore, be attentive to My Words and follow the Path of Truth.”
“I Love you, My sweet children – and once again, I offer to you My Immaculate Heart as your Refuge and Strength and give you a Powerful Blessing from the Triune God to strengthen you in these times of tribulation: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“And to you, My little ‘Rock’ – pure white ‘Rock’ of My Immaculate Heart: continue to carry your cross, as you have. Be assured that you have Heaven’s Protection, for We know that the Evil One is raging against you, because much fruit has been born in these past weeks. Take courage! No harm can ever come to you in body, or soul, or mind, or will, or spirit – for I am in you, as I have told you before – I am your Shield and I Bless you through My Pure and Immaculate Heart, to strengthen you to be the example to My children and to the Apostles, for you must lead them now to unity and strength for the Authority of the Papacy will be given to you shortly. Remain in peace. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“And to all of My children here present and throughout the world who are faithful to My Words, I send once again to you a Saint from Heaven to assist you, to strengthen you and in time, My sweet children, you will learn of these Holy Men and Women who stand by your side to help you to attain sanctification, so you will become ‘lights’ in this time of darkness, to bring many children back to the Bosom of the Eternal God. I Bless all of you, and I send greetings to My little children from the country of the Maple Leaf. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“Continue now, sweet children, with your prayers, for they are truly needed in these times of great darkness in the hearts of men.” (Prayers continued.)
FATHER BROUSSARD: “Benedicat vos, Omnipotens Deus: Pater et Filius et Spiritus Sanctus. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Holy Mother has Blessed all the articles – so have Saint Joseph and Saint Benedict. Our Holy Mother told me that the volcanic activity in New Zealand is going to increase – another volcano is going to erupt there. Our Lady sends Her Blessings to the three ‘Roses’, and to the [Name Withheld], the Seer of New Zealand. Our Lady Blessed Mary Jane Evans and Franz Keiler, on their Mission to Japan. Our Lady said that something would occur in Rome this year – something very important – and She asks us to pray.
Our Lady kisses Jesus, once again, on the Crucifix. Our Lady also took a rose from Her Immaculate Heart and placed it in Father Broussard. Our Lady now lifts the Crucifix:
OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: I can see many Saints coming out of the White Cross towards us all, placing themselves beside each person. Many are going with Saint Sentilius and Saint Timothy. Now Saint Michael and the Holy Angels who are present are making the Sign of the Cross, also:
SAINT MICHAEL & HOLY ANGELS: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady moves swiftly towards the White Cross, taking with her many of the Angels and Saints. They have all disappeared now and Our Lady, once again, as She enters the Cross, smiles and blows a kiss and makes the Sign of the Cross.
OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: We will continue with Our prayers.
On the 25th May, the ‘Little Pebble’ asked Our Holy Mother a very serious and important question. regarding the purpose of the Religious Communities of the New Orders. The ‘Little Pebble’ asked himself – and through ‘Thornbush’. Read and be edified.
The Little Pebble
- Dear Precious Mother: I greet you from my little heart and wish to tell You once again that You are my Sunshine. I Love You, Mother; please help me to understand something, because as time progresses and directions are received from Heaven, the understanding – instead of becoming clearer – becomes more complicated. e.g. Heaven says to purchase stores and properties and prepare communities. Yes, this we do gladly, without hesitation; but, Sweet Mother, it is so difficult to comprehend because, before the year two-thousand, the great warning is to come; the Third World War is to start and finish. What good are the stores then, during a war? Goods will not be available. Now we spend hundreds of thousands of dollars setting up all that You ask. It will take some two years before you can truly benefit from the stores – to what avail? Before the year two-thousand we will be lucky to have, maybe, forty communities. What is that compared to the world?
- Why work so hard when only a very few accept God’s Plan to build the communities, until God and the Church give them a sign, because after the warning I will be Pope, therefore I will have control of all, as all will be Catholic – then, truly, the communities will be formed. I cannot understand the reasoning behind it. Yes, Faith, Trust, Obedience, I accept this!
- Mother: You say Bishops will one day support the communities – but will this be after the Pope speaks, or after the Order is approved? But what then? Will Father Broussard and Father Blais have their faculties then?
- Some three to five years ago, Heaven said to remove funds from Banks as the Market will collapse. This has not happened, but when it does this will affect the stores, and many projects like it. So what is the good of them other than a temporary means, as the benefit will not be seen for two years?
- Mother: what I truly feel at this time, is that people should leave the cities and purchase farms so that once the difficulties come, they can sustain themselves – and after the warning, these will become communities. They can even be affiliated to us.
- Mother: You said when we have the stores we can place our own products in them. Under Australian Law we can’t do that. And besides, the way You speak, it is as though we had more than ten years before the warning. Can You explain this, because You and Jesus said the year two thousand will not be written. If that is so, the communities are not developed enough to make sufficient products to sell in the stores. Everything You say, Mother, says to us the Pope will remain for a long time yet on the Throne of Peter – not merely two-and-a-half years, as indicated in all Your previous Messages. Please help me to understand, so that I can convey this also to your millions of children who have the same dilemma.
Thank you Mother. Your loving son, Little Pebble.
LITTLE PEBBLE: Mother, what I truly feel at this time is: people should leave the cities and purchase farms so that once difficulties come, they can sustain themselves and later these will become communities. I posed this question directly to Our Lady myself.
OUR LADY: “My precious son: I greet you once again. What you have perceived is true and was enlightened, because Heaven has many Plans and stepping stones for Our children, to prepare the way to enter the Orders of the ‘end-times and to prepare them for the times of trial, as the Chastisements are falling now and will increase as the weeks and months and years pass.”
“My ‘Little Peter’: you are to write to My children explaining to them the path of entering the Orders and how the future will be and how they must prepare the way – for many of Our children are not yet ready to enter the Orders, until the signs from Heaven and the Church are given. However, many are ready to move into the country awaiting your word, which is very influential and [will be] more so in the near future, once you become Priest and Bishop with the true Church of My Divine Son, Jesus, which is under the current Vicar, Pope John Paul II.”
“Take courage, sweet son of Divine Light and Truth – Our pure ‘Rock’ – for God will bring to fruition His Promises. I Bless you and all children who listen to God’s Voice and put them [God’s Words] into practice +. Your Loving Mother of Truth, Mary.”
The Little Pebble
OUR LADY: “I greet you, My sweet angel and little ‘White Lamb’ of My Virtuous Immaculate Heart. I know well that your heart is perplexed and that you are laden with fatigue. Listen well, My sweet son and reflect upon the hope that the chosen communities have brought and shall continue to bring. Reflect upon the hearts that you have touched.”
“Do not worry for the future and all that will occur, for remember that God is fully in control. All is not accomplished in vain, My little son. My beloved little ‘White Rock’: why do you think that God, the Most High, would will Heaven’s chosen communities to be constructed – and built with a solid foundation of true faith, to sow the seeds of true virtue in vocations, so that He may harvest Saints – and then permit that all be destroyed at a turn of His Omnipotent Hand? For all of the chosen communities that will remain true and faithful to the most Perfect and Divine Will of God: this, you need to know, shall not occur, but the chosen communities – all of [those in] the different communities and dwelling places who have not remained truly faithful and do only as they please – will all experience the same fate.”
“War, famine, a plague, great fires, uncontrollable and fatal illnesses, undesirable insects, great floods and great droughts, with many natural disasters, are all still to occur. But because of the chosen communities willed by Heaven, these places shall be protected – in a singular way – from the Wrath of God. When God shall punish His children who have mostly become slaves of this world, I desire you to be aware that He shall chastise the unjust – and especially those who have been offered so many Graces and yet they have refused them. It is mainly these ungrateful little children who shall witness the Divine Justice of God, Who continues to call out to each one, so that these meandering little children would return to the true path.”
“However, when it rains, the rain falls upon both the just and the unjust. This is also the same regarding the sun shining – it shines upon the just and the unjust. You need to understand, My little son, that the Most High is Merciful at the same time as He is Just and Loving.”
“If Heaven’s chosen communities did not exist at all, the world would already be mostly destroyed in its wickedness and corruption. Even with the few communities chosen by Heaven that exist – you see them as being minute compared to the rest of the world. Even though this is so, My ‘Little Peter’ you need to know that these struggling communities are looked upon as priceless treasures, by God.”
“How many of My little children were saved in the great flood during the time of Noah? And how many were saved from the great fires of Sodom and Gomorrah? Only a very small number, because they prayed, trusted and worked to sanctify their souls. This is the key. The more My little children pray and work together for the salvation of all souls, to Glorify God, the more they shall be brought together. And it is those of My little children who will live in and form the chosen communities, who will be given the strength to be able to pass through the trials and difficulties – for through prayers and working in true unity, in harmony, God shall allow them to shine forth within His Glory, to sanctify their souls.”
“It has always been the most Perfect and Divine Will of God that His children live in communion with each other in small villages – which are the communities – where everything is placed in common, so that it is shared by all. This Divine Will has not been entirely fulfilled because mankind, My sweet children, are tarnished with sin, so they think always of themselves first, interiorly and what benefits they shall reap from any arrangement or agreement.”
“I say unto you, My beloved and faithful little ‘White Rock’ of Truth and to all of My little children, that those who enter into the chosen communities as innocent little children thirsting to become holy and just, abandoning themselves entirely to the most Perfect and Divine Will of God, thirsting to please Him and to trust Him – these little children shall not hunger or thirst, for the Love of God will provide everything that they shall need, for they will live and dwell within the providential care of the Most High through Our Undivided and United Hearts. They have been granted eternal salvation within the Paternal Bosom of Abraham.”
“Do all that you are able regarding all that is asked of you and when you are at your limit, remember always that God shall provide the part that you do not have the capacity to accomplish. Your great trust has proved this many times, My gentle son, so therefore, take courage, for all is possible. Do not allow Satan to discourage you, or to place negativism into your heart, regarding the chosen communities.”
“It is true that when you shall reign on the Throne of Peter as the Sovereign Pontiff, Pope Peter II, you shall rule as Supreme King, but you must not lay dormant until that time, as much more than you are thinking will be accomplished before that time.”
“Know this, My little son, Prophetic time is not according to the time of the sun, but the time of the moon. Heaven’s chosen communities are special places where the outside world, governed by Satan, is not permitted to enter – but Satan, through many different ways, tries unceasingly to lure My cherished little children [back] into the world from the chosen communities – and he will not rest! So therefore, the battle is unceasing, until the final victory when My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”
“My little children of the world are already prisoners of Satan, but those who do not live for the world – and they live in the chosen communities – have not been conquered by Satan, for he knows that they all belong to My Divine Son through My Immaculate Heart and he cannot touch them. So when they become weak, he waits and then tries to influence them, attacking mentally to lure them gradually, little by little, away from the chosen communities, where they are living to sanctify their delicate souls. When this occurs My tender, little, cherished, children become more and more blinded from the reality of what is occurring, until they become so tormented that they leave, for My little children are all free.”
“The solution to this very grave problem, is for all of My little cherished children to work together within all the various levels and when the Superiors are informed, Satan is permitted to go no further because he is thwarted by virtue.”
“My beloved little ‘White Rock’: your perception regarding My sweet children moving away from the cities to live on farms is just, but they should have many people live with them and then these farms and the surrounding houses and various buildings would all form part of an individual community. The more that My sweet little children work and pray together and live the new form of consecrated life according to the True and Most Perfect Will of God, the more they shall be watched-over and protected by Heaven, for Heaven shall be present in a singular and extraordinary way. The many laws shall gradually change, My tender little child, because of certain events and circumstances.”
“Remember what I have already revealed unto you, My sweet little son, for the Divine and Most Perfect Will of God shall be accomplished through you.”
“I Bless all of Heaven’s chosen communities in a very special way + and also all of My tender and delicate cherished children +. I Bless you as the Founder of the Order of Saint Charbel +, and I Bless My beloved chosen Priest-son, Father Yves-Marie Blais, the Founder of the Order of My Immaculate Heart and of Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort +.”
“I thank you once again, My beloved little ‘White Rock’, for answering My call and I am pleased that you have continuous recourse to My Immaculate Heart.”
FATHER BLAIS: Dear Holy Mother: in the 13th May, 1996, Message, You speak of Heaven’s chosen communities and of holy dwelling places, which are being prepared. Can You explain to us more? – because some prefer to stay in their home rather than to enter into communities: what to answer them and how to guide them safely?
OUR LADY: “I greet you once again, My beloved, chosen, Priest-son and ‘Rose of Divine Justice’ of My Immaculate Heart. Once again I desire you to know that I am pleased that you are seeking more clarifications regarding this matter, for it is important that you remember that Heaven’s chosen communities are the ‘portals’ to enter into the New Holy Era – as this has already been revealed. Because, in the New Holy Era, all of My little cherished children will live within the Orders, which shall be known as Kingdoms and each Kingdom will contain a certain number of the chosen communities.”
“The ‘Houses of Prayer’ and the ‘Living Stones’ are only temporary, to prepare My tender children for the community life of prayer and work. The ‘Houses of Prayer’ and the ‘Prayer Groups’ will not always remain as they are now, for they are a preparatory stage. The ‘Houses of Prayer’ and ‘Prayer Groups’ shall only be protected, if their goal and desire is to enter into one of the chosen communities within the Orders willed by the Most High.”
“My Divine Son knows well the true intentions of every one of My sweet children. Those who prefer to remain in their homes – they are free to do so! However, it is important that My little children who desire this realise that their decision and freedom, shall cause them to become a prisoner and slave within their own house, because they will not be able to leave it ever again until the very end – if they receive the Grace of final perseverance.”
“This Grace is refused by those of My little children who are called but [instead] desire to remain in their own homes. They pray, but are alone. Within the communities My little children pray [together], and their prayers and all of the work accomplished is multiplied by the number of people who are present.”
“It is not only necessary to pray; My little children must also work and labour to sanctify their souls. Both are most necessary and truly essential.”