Message 520 – 13 June 1996

You are at the half-way point of time of the seven years of tribulation – The world is in great darkness and in danger of being lost forever – The evil one has entrenched himself deep within Holy Mother Church; many have betrayed their trust and sold their souls – The Holy Ghost is pouring Himself out upon all flesh – The Wrath of God will be seen through many chastisements – Much has been written about the Last Vicar and you are he – Little Peter: you must lead and all most follow – Explanation of Catherine Emmerich’s Vision of these times.

LITTLE PEBBLE: The White Cross has been in the sky since the beginning of the Rosary and Saint Barachiel, Saint Michael, Saint Menoloutis and Saint Sacramessugus have been with us for some time. The White Cross has two beautiful, large gold-trimmed doors set in the centre part of the crossed beams and the big Cross itself also has gold trim around the edge. Three coloured Lights come from the Cross – a white one from the centre, red from the right side of the cross-beam and gold from the left. Together they shoot out to form a ‘street’ which comes towards the Tabernacle – a wide and very beautiful road.

Saint Michael pointed his sword towards the Altar when he appeared; several lightning bolts came out of it, going into the Altar. The sword is still pointed at the Altar and he has spread his wings, which cover most of the sky.

Saint Sentimintarious has now arrived – the Guardian Angel of the Order of Saint Charbel. The doors in the big White Cross open up and a tremendous Light comes from behind them. It is not easy to explain or understand, but once you see the view through the Cross it is like going into Heaven. I am able to see beyond the Cross, inside. I can see many Angels and I can also see what seems to be a green valley with many different gardens in it. The ‘road’ of Light continues way out behind the Cross. I can now see Our Holy Mother floating on this Light, followed by many Angels.

Our Lady glides through the doorway of the Cross, then down towards us, very swiftly. Behind Her are many Angels of different sizes, with different coloured clothing and tunics and all of them are holding different kinds of flowers in their hands. Our Blessed Mother is gliding much faster now towards us. Coming behind the Angels I see Saint Anthony of Padua and also Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Dominic, Saint Benedict, Saint Ignatius and Catherine Emmerich. They are all following the Holy Angels, coming very swiftly towards the Chapel. Behind Catherine Emmerich I can see Saint Louis Marie de Montfort; with him is Saint Charbel and Holy Rafka, from Lebanon – it is only the second time that I have seen her. They are following the Holy Angels in a procession on this beautiful ‘road’. Our Holy Mother is ‘Our Lady, Rosa Mystica’ – and She now enters the Chapel. The Angels have made a semi-circle around Her; the Holy Saints have come close to Our Lady. Closest is Holy Catherine Emmerich – she has come to the right of Our Holy Mother and she has the Stigmata of Our Lord. It is not very often that I have seen her. Our Lady smiles.

This time, Our Lady wears a Crown made only of roses and there are three roses which are of the same colour as the ‘road’ which comes from the Cross. Three roses are on Her Chest – an unusual Light around them – thin bars of blue Light, like an inverted triangle, that surround them. On top of the triangle is a small white Cross and inside the triangle, I can see the emblem of `Peter II’, at the top. Our Lady is smiling, looking about her. In her left Hand She is holding a beautiful, but unusual, golden rose – it is shaped similar to a lily, but has a rose inside! It is very hard to describe, because I haven’t seen a flower like that, but the outer petals are formed by rose petals into a lily shape!. I can see a name written inside. Our Lady is still smiling.

In the right Hand of Our Holy Mother is a beautiful Rosary made of red beads which glitter in the light, making them look like delicately-cut crystal, or like a diamond. It has a Crucifix made of wood, with Our Lord on the Crucifix – although made of metal – looking like real flesh. Saint Catherine Emmerich – though not yet a Saint proclaimed by the Church – holds a beautiful Crucifix on her chest. To the left of Our Holy Mother are many other Saints whom I have just noticed – in particular Saint Francis, who is standing right next to Our Lady, then the other Saints. Our Lady now takes up the Crucifix and kisses Our Lord, very gently:

OUR LADY: ‘In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

“I greet you, My beloved White Rock of Truth, Our future Vicar for Holy Mother Church, Our solid ‘Rock’; I greet you My beloved son, ‘Little Bartholomew’, Apostle of the end-times and I send out My greetings to ‘Little John’, also Apostle of the end-times. I greet all My Apostles and Disciples, the Royal House of David and Privileged Souls and all My sweet children gathered here before Me and throughout the world.”

“Today I come to give more Counsel to Our sweet children, to prepare Our children for the times of Tribulation that you are now undergoing in the world, in the Church and in your lives. The Tribulation Prophesied to you through the Book of Revelation is now with you, My sweet children, which means you live at the end of your time. Many of you who have heard My Voice know of this and are wondering why the Queen of Heaven repeats Herself many times. It is quite simple, My sweet children, even though you have heard the same Words, these Words have not registered in your hearts – and many more children have not heard My Words. Therefore, like a caring mother, I must repeat Myself, to open up the hearts of Our children to the Divine Truth of the Eternal Words of God.”

“What My ‘Little Peter’ has spoken to you about today, My dear children, is very important for you to understand. These are not merely words, but rather, they are Words that come from the Triune God, to prepare you for the times that are to come into your lives. The end of the world – the end of time – is now upon you; time as you understand [it] in the human sense. Therefore, live your lives in that ‘frame of time’ as if you were to enter into a new life.”

“The time of the Second Coming of My Divine Son is very near – and more so, nearer for those souls who are to come over the veil in the coming years. The countdown for the end is here, My sweet children. You are at the half-way point of the time of Tribulation of the seven years of Tribulation mentioned in Scripture.”

“It is important for Our children to spend time in re-reading the Messages that Heaven has given to mankind, to pray and meditate upon the Words given to mankind through the Goodness and Mercy of God’s Heart. The Words given, My sweet children, are not only words of Prophesy, but words of hope and salvation – words of peace and joy and fulfilment of God’s Promise to man.”

“Do not become discouraged, for many of you are on the road of discouragement, because you await the Coming of the Messiah, yet you are becoming impatient, because God’s Words are still not yet fulfilled to the letter. You must trust in God, My sweet children; trust in His Plans and His Design upon the world, the Church and your lives – for remember well: God is God, and you are His Creation. Give yourselves unreservedly to your God – without strings, without conditions, but purely from loves-sake. God will not abandon you; God will not betray you. It is the weakness of man which betrays you; it is sinful man that destroys trust and confidence within yourselves.”

“The world is in darkness, My sweet children and you are called to be the light'. Think about what I say. What is thelight’? Is it merely energy, My dear children? The Light I speak of is the Word of God: Truth! Be truthful to yourselves; speak truthfully and live the truth to the fullness. Meditate upon this, My sweet children, for the Truth will set you free – free from your anxiety – free from your sinfulness – free from the enslavement of your bodily inclinations and human desires.”

“Defend, always, what is true – for God is the Truth, the Life and the Way. My Divine Son, Jesus, is preparing the way for His children on Earth and this preparation is within your souls, to lead holy and pure lives, sanctified in Grace, so that your lives will shine like the Saints of old and those of new, for you are all called to become holy and righteous before God. You are all called to be a shining light for those who are in darkness. It is for this reason you are called the chosen ones, the elect of God in these times – the Latter Day Saints, before the end of the world as you know it.”

“Therefore, be an example. Do not only pray for one another, My sweet children, even though prayer is very important in your lives, but you must live the prayer that you pray by your sacrifice – by your self-giving – atoning for your own sins and making reparation to God for the sins of others. Holy Mother Church has many Holy men and women as examples to follow, for this truly is the mission of each soul attaining to reach God – for Heaven begins on Earth, My sweet children, regardless of all the Prophesies that have been given. Heaven begins now through your true “Yes” to God – and [you must] allow God to do with you as He pleases. “Do unto Me, according to Thy Word” – the ‘Fiat’ of Truth, of self-giving, of abandoning yourself totally to God. This is the Mission entrusted to all of you, My sweet children, for God has a Plan for each and every one of you. No-one is unimportant to God, for My Divine Son, Jesus would come again on Earth to die once again, even for one soul who would be sanctified and saved through His Precious Blood, if it were necessary.”

“Jesus and His Holy Mother are calling you, My sweet children, to form an alliance with God – an alliance of Truth, because the world is in great darkness and [is] in danger of being lost forever, for if it were not for the sake of the few, the Eternal Father would have destroyed the Earth many, many, years ago. But God is Eternal and His Mercy is endless and infinite. Therefore, listen to My Voice, sweet children, for Satan has entered the world and the Church – and into every life that is on Earth – to tempt mankind away from God and Truth. You know the remedy: pray My ‘beads of Love’, which have been offered to you from the Triune God for many centuries now, for prayer is the power to overcome evil and the sins of this world – and the temptations that Satan offers to man.”

“The plan of Satan is now unfolding before your eyes – the enslavement of the world! And what is the enslavement, My sweet children? It is called sin. Sin is an act of rebellion against the Goodness of God. Therefore, strive to remove sin from your lives and become holy.”

“The many signs promised will now unfold before your eyes – the signs of goodness against the signs of evil. The Evil One has entrenched himself deep within the bosom of Holy Mother Church, through many souls who are in authority – and little souls who should know better – for many have betrayed their trust and sold their souls to get to the head, believing in the promises given by Lucifer – the promise of power and wealth and pleasure. Be attentive to My Words – for remember, Satan never sleeps!”

“The time of the Antichrist is here – not only of the Spiritual world, dear children, but also of the flesh. Therefore, be alert; be vigilant in prayer; receive the Sacraments often, to strengthen you. For truly, I say unto you, My sweet children, you do not understand what you are up against. You are up against the power of Hell – against the fallen Angels and Principalities. Therefore, seek help from your Angels. Pray for one another to strengthen the Mystical Body of My Divine Son upon Earth. Pray for the Head of the Church, John Paul II; pray for those who are in authority, that the Spirit of Christ truly will dwell in their hearts, that they will be enlightened to understand the sign of the times.”

“Already now, the Holy Ghost is Pouring Himself out upon all flesh, bringing enlightenment into the hearts of many children who were in darkness – because, truly, you live at the end of time, where great wonders are seen and experienced by many souls. God is Merciful and kind to His children – always be grateful for this, My sweet children. Pray for the Apostles of the ‘end-times’, that they will truly be united as one for, at present, they are divided and weak – except for the few. Pray for all the Privileged Souls who have been Graced by God in an extraordinary manner, that they will follow the true path laid out before them, in true unity. Soon, the Vicar of Christ will bring unity within the Mystic Church upon Earth, because many of Our children do as they please and understand only on the human level, rather than the level that brings them closer to God.”

“Discernment is needed very much at this time, sweet children, for not every Spirit that comes to man comes from God. As Saint Paul said: test the spirit; be careful, for the Evil One, too, is very astute and knows how to deceive mankind who, in general, are very weak. Pray for the two ‘Pillars’, My sweet children, for the Evil One is attacking them with full force, because they are called to hold the Mystic Church together, as one.”

“The world as you see [it] now, My sweet children, will change much in the coming months and the coming years, because the Wrath of God will be seen through many chastisements on the Earth, through the sea and through the Heavens – through the Earth and through the pestilence, for many diseases will come unto God’s people – new diseases My dear children – unheard of at this time; those who have turned their backs upon God – they will be enlightened to return.”

“With time, you will understand all that Heaven has said and as My little son has told you today, Australia must learn through its mistakes; it must defend itself; it must not remove its arms, but rather build its forces – its military – and all Christian countries must do the same at this time. For war is very soon [to come] upon many nations that are free – and remember this, My sweet children: war is a Punishment from God for the sins of the world!”

“I Love you, My sweet children and understand well your anxieties, for many of you are waiting anxiously for the great Signs that My Divine Son Jesus, has promised you. Even the Church itself is awaiting these. Be patient, because they will be given at the right time and in the right moment of the Eternal Wisdom’s Plan. Everything has its time and place, sweet children. All you need to do is listen to Our Voice and follow what is true. Sanctify your souls and lead holy lives, for this is what you are called to. No matter what vocation you have, your first vocation in life is to love and serve your God. And as for the rest, all will fall into its place at the right time. So listen to the Words of My Divine Son, of all that He spoke [of] in the Sermon on the Mount, then you will understand how you must live.”

“Today, Heaven will offer you many Graces to fulfil the Will of God; to fulfil that which God is calling you to complete in your lives – in your vocations.”

“The two Orders – the Order of Saint Charbel and the Order of the Immaculate Heart – will spread throughout the whole world, gathering many souls for the Glory of God. But all must work hard to fulfil God’s Plans. Today, once again, many Angels are going to be given to you to help you on the path of Sanctity and Truth and these Angels [given] today are to strengthen your vocations.”

“I Love you, My sweet children and offer to you once again My Immaculate Heart, this Heart that Loves you and cares for you. I Bless you all now: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Holy Catherine Emmerich now moves forward, with Saint Anthony of Padua. Saint Anthony holds a golden book in his hands – what it is I do not know. He moves over towards the bread which is here, looks at a page in the book and begins to read in Latin. I do not know Latin, so I do not know what he is saying. It seems to be a prayer. He raises his right hand and makes the Sign of the Cross.

SAINT ANTHONY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Saint Anthony moves over to ‘Little Barnabas’, the Disciple – who is Vito – and pulls something out of his pocket from beneath his robes. It is a beautiful, golden Crucifix and inside it, I see there is a relic of some type. I do not know what relic it is, but it glows very brightly. He places the Crucifix, which has a chain on it, around Vito’s head and kisses him on the forehead. He whispers in his ear, saying “Thank you” and makes the Sign of the Cross: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Saint Anthony glides behind me and goes towards [Name Withheld] – who is also a Disciple – [Name Withheld], producing another Crucifix – a silver one – which he places over [Name Withheld] neck, then kisses his forehead. He says the same to him, too and Blesses him:

SAINT ANTHONY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Saint Anthony swiftly turns, moving back to the side of Our Holy Mother. Holy Catherine Emmerich comes forward. She has a beautiful Crucifix, with Our Lord alive on the Cross – it is about a foot in size. Holy Catherine Emmerich now kisses Our Lord Jesus and makes the Sign of the Cross:

CATHERINE EMMERICH: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

“I Greet you My beloved brother – ‘Little Peter’, the ‘Rock’ whom I was privileged to see during my lifetime. Much has been written about the last Vicar for Holy Mother Church and you are he. All that God had revealed concerning you and the Apostles is now unfolding, My dear brother, so do not be disturbed in heart. Pray for your fellow Apostles, that they be strengthened. You are to reveal to the Church and the world, the full meaning of my visions concerning these times, so mankind realises that the Apostles of the `end-times’ are not only the ones mentioned in my writings but, rather, that the Apostles are also the Bishops of the Church.”

“But be assured, My dear brother, that the Apostles will be united under you – even before you become the Vicar for Holy Mother Church. Work closely with ‘Little John’ and encourage him – for you and ‘Little John’ are the Pillars – therefore pray for him. What is now occurring between the two of you is an attack from the Evil One to divide you, but the Queen of Heaven’s Promise will remain – therefore, take courage.”

“Much will change in the Missions given to you both, and also, with the other Apostles throughout the world. There is much to learn and understand about God’s Most Perfect Will and in a short time, you will understand it – and also ‘Little John’.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: I can now see ‘Little John’ and the two ‘Roses’ – ‘Thornbush’ and [Name Withheld]; they have now come to the side of Catherine Emmerich and the three of them look extremely downcast. To the left of Catherine Emmerich, is little ‘Iris of the Sacrament’, another Mystic, who is a Stigmatist – and I see ‘Sunflower’ for the first time in biolocation.

CATHERINE EMMERICH: “My dear brothers and sisters: work together as one; do not permit the Evil One to defeat you, for the Church must remain as one and strong – under you, My dear child – ‘Little Peter’, for you must lead and all must follow, because this is the Will of God – and all must understand this clearly, for one must help the other and strengthen the other. So take courage, My ‘Little Peter’, and I ask through Our Holy Queen, that all of Our children throughout the world pray; pray for the ‘Mystic’ Church upon Earth that it be strengthened, for the Antichrist is becoming stronger now – for it is his time.”

“It is important that Our children read the Visions and the Words given through Our Holy Queen – through Her little instrument', myself - Catherine Emmerich, who was privileged by God to receive many Revelations about this time - and many Saints throughout the Church have also received many Revelations for theend-times’. Therefore, pray to understand the Perfect Will of God, dear children. This Crucifix, my dear brother, is for you – it is a gift from me through the Intercession of the Queen of Heaven. I place it within your soul so you may be strengthened to guide the Apostles of the `end-times’ and I Bless you: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Holy Catherine now goes back to Our Holy Mother and Holy Rafka comes forward. On her left hand is a beautiful, golden ring. Outside it are many tiny stones. She moves swiftly over to Cathy Napoletano, Vito’s wife, with Saint Anthony and offers this ring to her. She places the ring on the right hand – and Saint Anthony and Saint Rafka make the Sign of the Cross:

SAINTS ANTHONY & RAFKA: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: They move back to Our Holy Mother. Many gifts have been given by Heaven today. Saint Charbel moves forward, takes the Rosary from Our Holy Mother, then moves swiftly behind me, going to a soul to place the Rosary over his head, kissing his forehead and making the Sign of the Cross

SAINT CHARBEL: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

“This, My dear son, is a Gift from the Immaculate Heart of your Most Holy Mother, because you have listened to the Word of God and persevered. This is why you are a Disciple, chosen by God. Hold on to these Graces and never lose them again – and persevere! Call on me, Saint Charbel, Patron of the Order of Saint Charbel, for I am there to help all of Our children; never be discouraged, for discouragement comes from Satan. I Bless you: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Saint Charbel goes back and Saint Sentimintarious, the Holy Angel of the Order, comes over to Our Holy Mother, kneels and takes the beautiful rose-lily, whatever it is. He moves very swiftly behind me once again and hands this flower to a soul and Blesses her:

SAINT SENTIMINTARIOUS: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady comes over, quickly, to stand on my head, takes off Her beautiful Crown of Roses – it’s very beautiful – and places it upon a soul. She smiles and makes the Sign of the Cross:

OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady moves swiftly back – and She is smiling.

OUR LADY: “My dear children: for those whom I have singled out today – this is the Divine Will of the Most High. For those who have not been singled-out – you are not forgotten, sweet children, for when God singles out a child much is expected of him. It is not to glorify them before man – but rather to humble them before God – for God is the Giver of all Grace and also is the One Who takes it away. Therefore, those who receive much – much is expected of them. Remember this well!”

“It is not in the Plan of God that every single Grace is openly spoken about to man, for much is hidden from man, but all will be revealed – at the end of time – of the merits and de-merits of Our children. So therefore do not become jealous or envious, sweet children, of those who receive openly from God signal Graces, but pray for them that they will persevere in the Graces offered to them, for many of you have received the same Graces, but have not been revealed publicly for your edification. You will understand this all in time, sweet children, but for now, I ask that you pray – pray for your fellow-man, that he listens to the Word of God – and lives it.”

“I Bless you all, My sweet and cherished children of My Immaculate Heart: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

FATHER BROUSSARD: “Benedicat vos, Omnipotens Deus: Pater et Filius et Spiritus Sanctus. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Holy Mother has Blessed the statue of Fatima in a very singular way, because this is the statue for the Chapel – and also has Blessed the statue of Our Lady of Lourdes; these both have very special Blessings from Our Holy Mother and Saint Michael.

OUR LADY: “Continue now, sweet children, with your prayers, for I wish to speak to My little son privately and [will] Bless all that you have offered to Me to be Blessed.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady now Blesses us once more:

OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Saint Sentimintarious and the Saints also Bless us.

SAINT SENTIMINTARIOUS & THE SAINTS: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady moves swiftly, once again, towards the Cross in the sky, with Saint Michael and the Angels. All make the Sign of the Cross:

OUR LADY, SAINT MICHAEL & THE ANGELS: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady blows us a beautiful kiss and says: “Thank you”.

We will offer up the Hymn of Our Lady of Fatima and after that the Blessed bread will be handed out and Blessings given for those who can stay. (The Saint Anthony bread which was Blessed is for healing.) (The Hymn is sung.)

All the Rosaries which were placed upon the table, have a very special Gift from Our Lady today for the Souls in Limbo. Those souls will be released for whoever prays on them. The roses which are in the Chapel are Blessed by Our Lady for the aborted babies. I will have to ask Our Lady a bit more about that.


LITTLE PEBBLE: Holy Mother: over a long time, I have been contemplating the visions of your holy daughter, Saint Catherine Emmerich, where she saw the Apostles of the ‘end-time’ abandoning me, then coming to my aid at the very end when it was too late. Something has been coming into my mind about this vision, to make me believe and understand this very differently from before.

Currently, the Twelve New Apostles are scattered and the only real unity between the Apostles is Father Blais, Father Broussard and myself – a little from ‘Little Phillip’ and ‘Paul’ and a little from two others. Yet, even if we were all united, it would not help much either, because none of us have the support of the Church in a real way, so the New Apostles are truly and effectively no real help to me now, nor have they been in the past, or will be in the future, until I become Pope. Father Blais and Father Broussard are a human support for me, but as far as authority in the Church is concerned, none of us have any real support.

So my point is this: the vision of Catherine Emmerich is not really referring to the Twelve New Apostles, but rather the Apostles’ descendants – namely, the Bishops and Cardinals. These are the real Apostles meant in the visions who abandoned me as ‘Little Rock’, ‘Little Peter’ and the New Apostles – but came to the aid of the ‘Little Pebble’ right at the end when all seemed lost, for they received a great Light from Heaven, then they came to support me, making me a Bishop and the last Pope. Thus, this supported, also, the New Apostles. I truly believe this is the true meaning of her visions. Could you clarify and confirm it please? Your Apostle, ‘Little Peter’.

OUR LADY: “My precious son, ‘Little Peter’ – Prince of the Apostles and last Vicar for Holy Mother Church: I greet you as Mother of the Apostles of the ‘end-times’.”

“Sweet son, what you have perceived is correct, for when Heaven revealed in vision the many events of the future Church to Our holy daughter, Catherine, we explained much in symbolic nature.”

“The vision of the small ‘rock’ and little man, still laic, referred truly to yourself and the betrayal you would live through – the difficult time in the world and the Church. However, the vision was to symbolise, in three ways, the Mission of the Apostle, Peter II and the reigning Apostle, John Paul, who bears, symbolically, the same stigmata of the betrayal of the Apostles, due to their lack of fortitude to step out in faith to defend the ‘Rock’, symbolic of yourself, mostly, but also John Paul II, who has not, did not, and will not receive openly the defence of the Princes of the Church until it becomes too late, because it was, and will be by the Power and Intercession of the Angels and Saints in Heaven – and those on Earth – that will support the ‘White Rock’ – which is you – and John Paul during this trial and [it is] through many miracles at the end that the Church and Apostles of the ‘end-times’ – meaning the Cardinals, Bishops, Priests and the Twelve New Apostles – will come to the aid of you, our pure ‘White Rock’ and John Paul II. Thus, the renewed Church on Earth will be strengthened and fortified in Truth.”

“Once this has occurred – which will be before the great warning – the Glory of God and His Church will be seen – then you, My precious, future, Priest-son, will officially ascend the Throne of Peter to govern the Church after the death of John Paul II, through the darkest, yet greatest, age of the Church, when the Antichrist will appear to challenge the Power of the Most High.”

“During this period, all kings and rulers of mankind will bow before you as Sovereign Pontiff, where there will be one Shepherd, one Church and one Authority on Earth under you, as `Peter the Roman II’.”

“I Bless you son, as I Bless all the Apostles of the ‘end-times’ + those of the Twelve and those who are the Hierarchy +.”

Your Mother Ecclesia +