Message 718 – 18 May 2015

Feast Day of Our Lady of The Ark, Mary our Mother, Help of Christians. You have been inspired by the Holy Ghost to write to Francis, who sits on the Throne of Peter – No Seer on Earth has been asked to write to a Pontiff who is also on the road to perdition, to ask him to heed the Word of his Holy Mother and My Divine Son, Jesus – Do not continue on the path that Satan has inspired you; do not be influenced by the power of the Antichrist who will in the end destroy you, for he is from the Underworld – not of the flesh as you can see, but demonic.

LITTLE PEBBLE: The White Cross has already been there for some time and I see the beautiful Ark that Our Lady carries under Her Title of “Our Lady of the Ark, Mary Our Mother, Help of Christians”, but this time Our Lady is sitting on the Ark in a ball of Light. She has the Baby Jesus in Her Arm and the Ark comes very close to the building. Our Holy Mother is dressed as Our Lady of the Ark, and the Baby Jesus, likewise. Jesus is about two years old. It is not often that I see Jesus and Mary with the beautiful halo around them, because I see almost everything full of Light. I see the White Cross streaming forth tremendous Light towards us and through Jesus and Mary.

Our Lady is very, very Majestic – She is very beautiful, Our Holy Mother. Normally she is carrying the little Ark in Her Hand, but this time She is not – but holds The Rosary in Her Hand and kisses the Crucifix and then kisses the Baby Jesus – both Jesus and Mary make the Sign of the Cross:

JESUS AND MARY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

OUR LADY: “I greet you, My beloved son, ‘Rock’ of My Immaculate Heart; I greet you, My daughter and all My beautiful children throughout the world on this Great Feast Day of Mine and also the Feast of My beloved son, John Paul II.”

“I come today, dear son, because I need My children to understand how Heaven desires the salvation of all of their children. This week, My dear son, you have been inspired! You have been inspired, My dear son, by the Holy Ghost to write to Our son, Francis, who sits on the Throne of Peter. It is not by accident that this has come to you. My Divine Son and I desire you to write to him. I Myself will address him, because he is a lost soul at this time, but he can be saved.”

“When Jesus, My Divine Son, walked the Earth, one of His Disciples – one of the Twelve – betrayed My Divine Son. Jesus and I continued to encourage the one who betrayed to turn from the path that would lead him to perdition. No Seer on Earth has been asked to write to a Pontiff who is also on the road to perdition, to ask him to heed the Word of his Holy Mother and My Divine Son, Jesus, Whom he represents on Earth. It is through you, My little son, that We ask, because God is Merciful and you have pondered in your heart: can one sacrifice – can one offer one’s life for a soul to be saved? Yes, My sweet son, Jesus offered His Life for all souls, but all souls did not accept this gift from God, including Judas, who could have been saved. You yourself, dear child, have offered your life for Our son, Francis, but this We cannot accept. However, today My Divine Son and I are going to ask the whole world to pray for Francis – one small decade of My Holy Rosary – for his salvation. God is all Merciful and all Powerful.”

“I ask My children to read the Words given to Our Prophetess, Maria Valtorta, and how My Divine Son and I pleaded with Judas to change his ways, even in the last moment before he died. Francis, My son, you who had a Calling from My Divine Son to become a Servant of God and in your early years you sacrificed and gave all for the love of My Divine Son – but as time progressed and you were raised, your true heart and good heart became changed. Do not repeat what happened two thousand years ago, for you were not called to be Peter, as the Conclave of Cardinals and Bishops interfered with God’s Plan. However, My Divine Son and I Love you and seek your salvation.”

“Do not continue on the path that Satan has inspired you; do not be influenced by the power of the Antichrist who will in the end destroy you, for he is from the Underworld – not of the flesh as you can see, but demonic. Therefore dear son, turn to Me, your Holy Mother, Who seeks your salvation in this final hour of your life, before you must stand before the Eternal Father in Judgement. Do not destroy what is good in My Divine Son’s House upon Earth, but seek the truth. Be not blinded. You still have time.”

“Can you now see, My little son, ‘treasure’ of My Immaculate Heart, as to why I came today. I am the “Ark of Salvation.” Through Me, My children come to My divine Son. This is the Final Hour for humanity before My Divine Son comes as Judge for mankind. Jesus, My Divine Son and I, your Heavenly Mother, all the Blessed Angels and Saints, roam throughout the world gathering the lost sheep and strengthening the Remnant Church at this time. Therefore, My sweet children, live each day as if this day was your last and consider what would you do if you knew today was to be your last on Earth? Would you turn to God? Would you speak to those whom you love? Would you atone for all your sins? Would you reconcile with those whom you had cast aside? Would you come to Jesus and receive Him in the Blessed Eucharist and the Sacrament of Reconciliation – or would you continue on the path of no return?”

“Think carefully on these Words, My sweet children. How We Love you. See this Ark that I sit upon: it is symbolic of the Ark of Truth and Salvation – the Ark of Holy Mother Church in its true Teaching. Therefore, My sweet children, take up My Beads of Love that I have given to you over many centuries. The Rosary is more powerful that any weapon on Earth, My sweet children. The Rosary converts the most hardened sinners; can change the course of the whole Earth in its simplicity, My children.”

“And you, My dear son, who has carried My Divine Son’s Cross for many years, continue to go forward to guide Our children on Earth and prepare them for the Second Coming of My Divine Son, Jesus.”

“There is one who will come to you soon who will help you, My sweet child. Be not afraid, for My Divine Son and I dwell within you and will guide your steps.”

“I Bless all of My children throughout the world through My Divine Son, Jesus, Who Dwells within My Immaculate Heart, in union with God the Father and the Spirit of Love. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy God. Amen.”

“It is true to say, My dear child, that the Vatican has been watching you these past weeks. Therefore, you are to write, and these words will reach Francis and the Hierarchy, for I am the Mother of all of God’s children, even those that are far away from God. Go in Peace My child and My children, to love and serve the Lord with all your hearts, with all your strength, and with your faith and hope, trusting always in the Goodness of God and His Holy Mother.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: The Baby Jesus now blows a kiss and kisses Our Holy Mother and waves goodbye, as the ship goes back again into the White Cross.

“Judas”, repeats Mary, “what have you done? To so much love have you replied by betraying?” Mary’s voice is a trembling caress. Judas is about to run away. Mary calls him with a voice that should have converted a demon.

“Judas! Judas! Stop! Stop! Listen! I am telling you in His Name: repent, Judas. He forgives.” Judas has run away. Mary’s voice, Her appearance, have been the coup de grace, or rather of disgrace, because he resists Her. (Maria Valtorta Book 5, p.578)

William’s Letter to Pope Francis

19th May 2015

Dear Holy Father Pope Francis,

Peace be with you in the Name of Jesus and Mary!

Our Blessed Mother has asked me to write to you. She came last night as she often has since I was a young man in the seventies. I am known in the Catholic World as the Little Pebble – a Seer and Visionary. However, I was persecuted and maligned by many of the Church Hierarchy and even excommunicated some years ago.

In 1985 I met Pope John Paul II in a Private Audience, invited by him, where he acknowledged my Mission and Blessed me, telling me to continue with the work Heaven had given me.

I formed a Religious Order called the Order of Saint Charbel. The Rule and Constitution was handed to the Sacred Congregation for Religious in 1996, under the New Form of Consecrated Life.

An Investigation was made on my claim by Reverend Bishop Wilson of the Wollongong Diocese in 1999, but no formal Ecclesiastical Commission was convened, as required by Canon Law, thus the Decree against me stood and my appeal was not heard. Then, in 2005, I was convicted and thrown into prison, but my resolve to follow God’s Calling remained until this day.

Holy Father Francis, as Mary Our Holy Mother – yours and mine – has asked me to write, I do so. Over the years I, like millions of other souls, have kept a close eye on all that you say and do with great interest.

Jesus and Mary love you so very much, but always remember God sees all. It is not for me to judge you or any soul, as I – like you – am simply the servant of Christ.

Holy Father, many years ago you made an oath to God as you were Ordained. Do you remember this? You have come from the ranks of the poor, and your love for the poor and down trodden is wonderful, but do not forget your Calling as the High Priest of God. Jesus said, the poor you will have always, but not Him.

Please do not forsake Jesus in this hour. Your Calling is to serve Jesus and bring Jesus’ Love, Mercy and Compassion to the poor in spirit. The world thirsts for Truth. There is only one Truth, Jesus Christ. God’s Laws do not compromise the Truth. You must not allow Modernism or totalitarianism to rule the Church. God does not change, my Father, we must always change – to perfection. “Be ye perfect as My Heavenly Father!”

My beloved brother, Pope Francis, let not the world come into the House of God, but let the House of God touch and reach all men. Do not be swayed, like Judas was. The enemy of Christ is now in the world – the Antichrist. Be not swayed by his power and spirit, but seek Mary’s protection – She Loves you and will place you safely under Her Motherly Care.

I pray for you, my Father and ask Jesus to help you. Please pray for me.

God Bless you,

God’s little servant
William Kamm (also known as Costellia)

19th May, 2015

Today we wish to reflect upon the Words given by Our Blessed Mother last night, and Christ Jesus a few days before. It is about Pope Francis.

A few years ago when we were told – as many others were – that Pope Francis was the Prophet spoken of in the Apocalypse. We asked ourselves what can we do? Then Mary the Blessed Mother said to pray for him. I found this very unusual. But then I remembered how Our Blessed Mother prayed for Judas.

Last night was a big shock to me when Our Blessed Mother asked me to write to Pope Francis. I had been feeling in my heart for some time if there was any way he could be saved. Could I maybe offer myself to God so he could be saved? It consoled me a little when Our Blessed Mother asked for prayers for Francis, and that all souls can be saved.

What surprised me over the last weeks was in the stats of the hits upon our website; it gives you every country that tries to reach us through the website – and we noticed that there were eleven hits from the Vatican within two days and that really surprised me. I thought to myself, does that mean that Pope Francis is checking on our website? It amazed me.

When Our Blessed Mother spoke last night to write to Pope Francis, I had a little hope in my heart that maybe all of us can reach Heaven and pray for Pope Francis. So let us pray for his salvation and for our own.

God Bless all.
The Little Pebble