Message 261 – October 1989


NO. 261

(Translated from German)

[Letter from Anna, at the beginning]

Dear ‘Little Pebble’, Thank you for coming to Hungary. Holy Mary – the Mother of God – requested that I write to you, but now that you have come here I can tell you what Our Holy Mother wanted me to tell you about the Flame of Love.

“The Flame of Love is an overwhelming Gift of Grace from My Immaculate Heart” – Many people think they can live without God, without Grace and without My love; they have become a prey of Satan – Through this Flame of Love you can be lifted up high and reach a fire which can overcome everything.

OUR LADY: “The Flame of Love is a Gift of Grace which I want to spread throughout the whole world from Hungary, so that I can save humanity and the world. First, I gave this Holy Flame to Elizabeth. In it is the Love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost and the Love of the Holy Mother and, through Grace, I give it to My children.”

“The Message of the Flame of Love – what you must know and what to do about it – I have given to Elizabeth. She is no longer between us; she [has] done as she was asked: handed over the Message. She is now praying as she should – and she prays for you, to the Kingdom of My Father.”

“Together with My Holy Son I have now placed the Flame of Love in the heart of Anna, who said “yes” in the heart which is united with Us in love. The “yes” was said in humbleness. She tries to do everything which We ask of her; to have a steady and humble heart; to be a good instrument and to make known the Messages to all My children. Through her Messages We want to teach and lead Our children in their difficult way of life, so that they find their way to Us. My Immaculate Heart is protection and refuge for My children – protection from Satan and his temptations.”

“The Flame of Love is an overwhelming Gift of Grace from My Immaculate Heart. The sins of the world have become so great in number that only the flooding of such Graces can destroy them.”

“Many people think that they can do everything, alone, in their lives; that they can live without God; without Grace – and without My Love. They live without prayer and without the Sacraments in their pitiful lives. And what has happened? – they have lost the way to God; have become the prey of Satan. They can no longer find the way to God and cannot reach for My Motherly Hand! The Love Flame of My Immaculate Heart is burning for My children with a Grace which will help those children. My Flame of Love shines in the darkness of their hearts and, through it, I make Satan blind, so he cannot harm My children.”

“Unfortunately, many of the children are strongly tempted and they cannot fight for themselves. We must pray for them and if you pray you become My collaborators and helpers and will have received the Flame of Love in your hearts. You must pass it on, so that many more souls will be saved. It is the weapon by which Satan will be divested of victory – by which he is blinded!”

“Only through prayer can I give the Graces needed by My children. That is why I gave the Flame of Love Rosary to Elizabeth and now to Anna, for greater propagation, so that more Graces can be given to My children on Earth.”

“Those who say the Flame of Love Rosary must make three requests from My Immaculate Heart for this high honour from the Holy Trinity:

1.“Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary: pray for us who seek refuge in Thee.”

2.“Holy Mother: save us through Your Immaculate Heart’s Flame of Love”

3.“Holy Mother of God: send forth the Spirit of the Flame of Love to the whole human race now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.”

“Everyone who receives the Flame of Love in their hearts and always offer-up their prayers, and fast, atone for themselves and their brothers and sisters – belong to My Atonement Army. Pray and ask to receive My Graces, for I can grant them only if you pray for them, as I have told you before. If you do not pray for them I cannot give them – but when you do pray I grant them with both Hands. That is why I requested Anna to make a drawing of Me, and to show that My Arms were outstretched – as Co-Redemptrix – sending Graces to the Earth.”

“My dear ‘Little Pebble’: Enclose in your heart the Flame of Love. Through this Love Flame you can be lifted-up high and reach a fire which can overcome everything! Take it with you to your home and distribute it among your brothers and sisters. The souls who have a devotion to the Flame of Love will receive the Peace of God in their hearts. This is now very important, because Satan works with all his power to foster discontent among mankind; among nations – and in the whole world. Only with the Flame of Love can you overcome the hate which is destroying the world.”

“I have said already in a Message to Anna:”My beloved children, the future of the world depends upon the manner in which you receive the Flame of Love Rosary and if you carry-out everything that I request. Bless one another, that your hearts may become receptive to the Grace and Love of My Immaculate Heart”.

“A deluge of Graces I give to mankind: in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”


(With Ecclesiastical approval)

At the beginning make the “Sign of the Cross” five (5) times in veneration of Our Saviour’s five Holy Wounds.

Then say on the large bead (of an ordinary Rosary):

Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary: pray for us who seek refuge in Thee!

On the small beads:

Holy Mother: save us, through Your Immaculate Heart’s Flame of Love!

Do this for the five decades, then say at the end, three times:

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Finally, once:

Holy Mother of God: send forth Your Spirit of the Flame of Love, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

(IMPRIMATUR: Archiepiscopal Court, Munich. 7.6.1977 GV Nr. 3133)