Two Messages to Valentina Sydney Seer – 9 21 August 2022

Message to Valentina Sydney Seer – 9 August 2022

The Coming is our Lord Very Close

[See website:]

This morning while I was saying my prayers, the angel appeared and said, “I am the Angel of the Lord. He has sent me to you to tell you the good news. Our Lord Jesus is coming very soon.”

“I will also tell you why you have been feeling very dizzy lately, and you have been wondering and worrying that it is something wrong with you. But our Lord sent me today to explain to you that you are part of His plan, and you are part of His Second Coming to earth. That is why it affects you very much.”

“Our Lord is now rotating and turning the earth, and everything is affected by this in a big way. Even nature is bowing down to God and trembling because it knows how Almighty and Holy God is. This disturbs everything, and everything is out of place, and it will get worse before His Coming.”

“There will be many disasters. For instance, disasters from fire, the earth moving, volcanic eruptions, droughts, with no water in some parts of the world, and too much water and floods in other parts. The earth now is shaking, and even Heaven is disturbed. Everything is erupting because the coming of our Lord is closer. The closer He comes, the more you will all be affected because you are all connected to nature and earth.”

“A lot of people will be sick from the effects of these tremendous changes and movements. His power will shake the world. Our Lord is almost halfway with His Coming. With His Almighty Power, He will descend on earth.”

The angel said, “Tell everyone to pray and to trust our Lord.”

The angel was happy when telling me all of this.

Smiling, the angel said, “Valentina, you are very privileged that I tell you of the Good News of our Lord’s Second Coming. You are part of His Plan. Be joyful! Announce and proclaim His Holy Word to people. Tell them not to be afraid but to be happy. They must repent of their sins and make a beautiful and clean road for our Lord to descend. He will put all things right.”

“Say, ‘ Lord Jesus, we love You. Come, Lord Jesus. Come to Your Kingdom’ ”

“For all this what is happening and what He has promised will be fulfilled, because the world, in this present time is very sinful.”

Later in the day, while in church, our Lord Jesus spoke to me. He was very happy and said, “Tell people not to be afraid of My Second Coming but to be joyful because of what will happen to the world; it will be totally renewed, and it will be paradise. You have no idea, My children, how beautiful it will be. You will live in peace and harmony.”

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for Your beautiful message of hope, which You give to the people of the world. They are looking forward to Your Second Coming. Let us keep praying, for the more we pray, the sooner our Lord will come.

Message to Valentina Sydney Seer – 21 August 2022

The Importance of Uniting Yourself with a Prayer Group

[See website:]

It was about six-thirty this morning when I was saying my morning prayers. I started by saying my morning offering prayers and then the Angelus. The angel came and said, “Our Lord has sent me to tell you that you must unite yourself with a group prayer. Do you know that the prayer group in Parramatta, our Lord has consecrated that prayer group to Himself.”

“It is very important to pray right now because the people in the world are so sinful. So sinfully and so shamefully, they offend God, especially by the clothing they wear in the world today. It offends Him so much that it affects His Kingship in Heaven. Now, as never before, is the world so sinful.”

“Valentina, do not be silent; speak the True Holy Word that the Lord Jesus gives you.  If people do not repent and convert now, it will affect them later. It will affect their souls.”

“All of God’s Commandments are now broken. People make their own laws on earth, and there is no shame. That is how the world teaches them now; to be free of everything and free of God’s Commandments.”

“That is very wrong. Oh, how it affects His Kingship and His Majesty.”

Lord, have mercy on us. Encourage one another to pray for the world to convert. Pray that people will change their way of life and repent and come to love God’s Commandments.

Later in the day, during the Holy Mass, I asked our Lord Jesus to be merciful to the world. After Mass, I came before the Blessed Sacrament in the Tabernacle to pray when our Lord asked me to make reparation.

He said, “Do reparation for the world that offends Me so much. I tell you, even if you are here praying for twenty-four hours without going away from here, it would not be enough to change everything, for that is how bad the world is now.”