Message 843 – 21 May 2022



I wish to announce a Great Grace for you – The Three Great Angels who have come with Me will be your defence and your victory as you proceed towards your Great Role as Vicar for Holy Mother the Church.

WILLIAM: Because it is Her Consecration of the Last Pontiff to Our Holy Mother, being the Mother of Divine Love, it is (……).

Our Lady stands at a point with the Three Archangels standing above Her and to Her side. Our Lady greets me and says:

OUR LADY: “I Bless you, My sweet spouse of My Immaculate Heart on this Feast Day, which is dear to My Immaculate Heart. Be at Peace and know that I Love you very much and wish to announce a Great Grace for you. You will have a great (……) on the 1st of June. Know, sweet son, it will be the beginning of your Great Victory.”

“I have placed the Three Great Angels which have come with Me, who will be your defence and your victory, as you proceed towards your Great Role from My Divine Son, Jesus and that is the Sacred Role as Vicar — as Peter II — for Holy Mother the Church.”

“Be at peace and know that I, as your Holy Spouse under the Holy Trinity, will guide you and give you straight (……) at peace, My Holy Son and remain close to My Heart which (loves …) you immensely on your 40th birthday, of the Gift that I and My Divine Son have given you — all receive a Great Reward and Blessing.”

“I Love you sweet son and I kiss you and thank you for your love and dedication. I Bless you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Thank you for believing.

I am your Holy Mother, Mary.”

WILLIAM: Our Lady with the Three Archangels Bless us:

OUR LADY AND THE ARCHANGELS: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

WILLIAM: The White Cross was shining.

Note: Parts are missing. Brackets indicate information that is not available.