Message to Valentina Sydney Seer – 4 January 2022

Message to Valentina Sydney Seer – 4 January 2022

The Wedding Celebration in Heaven

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Blessed Mother Mary, Most Holy, came today when I was praying. Dressed all in beautiful pure white, she invited me to come with her.

She said, “I invite you to come with me to witness a Wedding Celebration. It is to be a big celebration. Come and help me prepare to welcome the guests to this big Wedding Feast.”

Suddenly, a very nice saintly lady joined Blessed Mother and me, and she too helped us arrange the table with the beautiful white cover in this Heavenly place.

The saintly lady and I took the white table cloth and covered the very long table. Blessed Mother then placed what looked like little desserts in the centre of this table, similar to mini white meringues with swirls, very light and delicate. There were many of these desserts for the wedding guests.

She said, “See, my daughter, everything is ready. They should be here already.”

I was sitting on a chair on the side, and I was praying an Our Father and three Hail Marys for Blessed Mother’s intentions because I could see she was worried, for whatever she was waiting.

I stood up, and I went to Blessed Mother, and I said, “I can no longer wait. I have to go.”

Blessed Mother said, “I was hoping you would meet these souls; after all, you suffered for them.”

I said to Blessed Mother, “While we were waiting, I prayed for them.”

Blessed Mother then said to me, “I am still concerned for them. They should be here already.”

I cheered her up and said, “Maybe they are delayed a little bit for some reason.”

Blessed Mother answered, “Yes, yes, Valentina, but since you have to go, at least taste this wedding food.”

She offered me the food, so I took one and put it in my mouth. It was delicious. It melted in my mouth. I asked Blessed Mother, “What is this?”

She smiled and said, “Manna from Heaven.”

I said, “Oh, I thank you, Blessed Mother.”

The Manna at the wedding feast is for the nourishment of the new arrivals into Heaven.

Then we embraced each other and kissed, and my guardian angel took me back home. When I returned home, I thought to myself, ‘I could have stayed with Holy Mother and consoled her.’

She did not look too happy but was very concerned for the world and her children. That really worried me.

My Guardian angel instructed me, “Always ask Blessed Mother, ‘My Mother, is there anything I can do for you?’ That will console her and give her great help because usually, people only ask her to help them and intercede for them, not what they can do for her. Nobody thinks of that.”

I said, “Oh gee, I never thought of that either.”

We should always offer to help our Blessed Mother, to ask her, ‘What can I do for you?’ That will please her very much. She may need prayer, a little charity, a little offering, and to bring souls to her and to our Lord, and in that way, we console her.