Message 838 – 31 December 2021



Vigil of the Solemnity of the Mother of God

Shortly you will be free to fulfil the Will of the Eternal Father – Your victory will resound throughout the world – the Third World War will start; China will move into Hong Kong, Taiwan and over the Islands and Australia – Europe will suffer very much and Russia will be the main culprit – France: Much suffering through Civil War – Spain will undergo many trials; Earthquakes in Mexico and the U.S.A. – California – Volcanoes will strike Italy and many lands.”

WILLIAM: Today Our Lady came as the Feast Day of tomorrow.  She is dressed all in white with a 12-Star Crown. The White Cross is visible behind Our Lady. The sphere that Our Lady is in, is like [looking through] binoculars. Also, behind Our Lady stand the Seven Archangels. Our Lady comes out of the Light and stands before me.

OUR LADY: “I love you, My son and I Bless you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Be not afraid, My son”

WILLIAM: Our Lady kisses me on the forehead and says to listen.

OUR LADY: “My blessed son of My Immaculate Heart, you have suffered very much and the cross will be over very soon, as your Mission will go ahead very swiftly. All that has been put into your mind is correct and will be fulfilled very soon. Shortly, you will be free and then you will be able to fulfil the Will of the Eternal Father. My Divine Son, Jesus, will come to you in the next month to give you the instruction that will help you. Be assured that there are many praying for you.”

“2021 is finished with many sorrows and conditions for over the vale, but next year will be your year, where you will be free and  your victory will resound throughout the world. Prepare yourself, because many things will change. All that We have promised you will be fulfilled.”

“The world is not prepared for what is to come in 2022, because the Third World War will start and many Nations will be involved. China will move into Hong Kong fully and Taiwan – and will move over the Islands and Australia, but you will be free in a short while, My son, because We have much for you to do.”

“The world will go into great suffering, but in 2023 your road to the land that is waiting for you will be fulfilled. All will be prepared, son, to fulfil the Will of God. Those who are close to you are suffering too, but God’s Perfect Will is being done and you are being prepared for His Glory and Will. Trust in God’s Holy Will, My son, because you will be free very soon.”

“The world is going to go through much suffering. They believe that the cross that they are suffering is all that they will go through, but it is only the beginning – it will continue to go until the Warning. Pray for the Grace of My Blessing of the Mediatrix of All Graces, Co-Redemptrix and Advocacy. Pray for Europe, because it will suffer very much. Russia will be the main culprit, because they believe in the Communist way, but it will bring much suffering to the world and more so, to the Church.”

“Pray, My children, because it is only in prayer that will change things. Australia will suffer very much in the coming year, because China will move on Australia and the U.S.A.Russiawill move onto Europe and France will undergo much suffering because a Civil War will break out. Also for Spain, it will undergo many trials. Earthquakes will rise up in Mexico and the U.S.A. – California – and volcanoes will strike Italy and many lands.”

“Pray, My children, because the lands will go through much suffering. Pray for England and Germany, because they will suffer very much.”

“I love you, My sweetest son and I encourage you to pray, because I am always with you and your time is very short now, before I free you, because it is time. Something very strong will occur when you are free – in your heart you know what I mean. Pray, My son and don’t lose heart, because I love you and I thank you for all that you have done for Me and My Divine Son, Jesus, and We Both Bless you for the year 2022. We love you very much: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

WILLIAM: Our Lady holds five branches of Roses and Blesses them and has a Rose for every person that loves and prays for you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

OUR LADY: “We love you, My darling and We Bless you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

WILLIAM: Our Lady holds a Rose with twelve petals, with different colours and a Cross, which is white.

OUR LADY: “This is a gift for you, My beloved Angel of Divine Love  I love you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”


Number of people who will be saved (survive) [see table below]

(… People from all places need to move down to Parramatta, NSW)

Alice Springs50
Renmark and Wine region10000
TOTAL Number of people who will be saved (survive) [approximately]63120
Australia Population27 Million