Message 804 – 25 March 2020



Feast of the Annunciation

You remain Little Abraham as well and that you will be Peter II, the Last Pontiff, in the Mystical way, which will be fulfilled very shortly – God is allowing the major Chastisement because mankind has sinned, gravely; had you turned to God rather, the Virus would have been contained – Pray the Three Our Fathers to ask God for forgiveness – The next Virus will come from Africa. It will attack the lungs and heart.

WILLIAM: I see three Crosses: one is very large and White; one to the left is a Dark Cross and to the right is a Red Cross. Our Lady comes through the White Cross and Saint Michael is hovering about Her. Our Lady looks beautiful. She is wearing a light pink dress with a light blue mantilla over Her Shoulders; over Her Head is a beautiful blue veil and twelve shining stars. Saint Michael comes down and kneels before Our Lady. She Blesses him and he stands to the side of Our Lady. Below Our Lady’s Stomach [Womb] is a Glow of Light, which is Jesus. Our Lady makes the Sign of the Cross:

OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

“I greet you, My beloved son and future Vicar for the Holy Roman and Apostolic Church – which will soon be reported to you – as the time of times has arrived. I Bless you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

WILLIAM: Now around Our Lady, appear hundreds of children – very little ones and some elder ones. Our Lady says:

OUR LADY: “These are from you, My son. The children which will be conceived and born in the world in the coming years as your breed coming from Little Abraham will multiply from this era into the New Era of Peace.”

“Be at peace, My son, because I am revealing to you the road that you must fulfill, because you remain Little Abraham as well [and] that you will be Peter II – the Last Pontiff, in the Mystical way – which will be fulfilled very shortly.”

“My beloved son, I come today to remind people of what they must do, as mankind is finding itself crippled by the Virus – and more so by the actions taken by mankind to curb this Virus for mankind. Mankind have struggled to understand why this is occurring in the world.”

“First, My children, the reason God is allowing the major Chastisement into the world is because mankind has sinned, gravely; man has forgotten to turn to God for forgiveness, but rather has relied on themselves. But I tell you, had you turned to God rather than man, the Virus would have been contained. Once again I call on mankind to pray the Three Our Fathers to ask God for forgiveness, because if mankind does not change, the Virus will kill many more souls.”

“My children, when will you wake up? Society, with its so-called human influence and power, have gone far too deep to control the masses by locking all members down, but had they sought God’s Love and Mercy, this disease would have been removed.”

“My beloved children, it is time that My children re-read the Messages given throughout the world, because We of Heaven, have given you all the necessary gifts to control all Viruses, so pick them up [Messages] and the problem of the Viruses will be solved.”

“The next Virus, which will hit mankind, will come from Africa. It will attack the lungs and heart. Pray, My sweet children, because these Viruses will come to wipe mankind away, but I tell you most solemnly, that if mankind turn to God in all humility and ask for forgiveness for their many grievous sins, then God will vanquish all diseases and Viruses. Pray, My children, pray, because now is the time for mankind to correct their [it’s] shortcomings”

“To the people of Australia: God has been Merciful for your needs, but remember His Divine Love for you; but if you continue to defy Him, your country will be reduced to a third world country. Pray therefore and open your heart thinking and praying for the true needs of your people – not only the needs of pleasure.”

“My children, mankind believe that because events have come to a halt, that the Antichrist has gone to sleep. This is not so. He uses every effort to reach mankind, even the sicknesses currently affecting mankind, but underneath, all that is going on the Antichrist is preparing his entrance into world affairs and the children of the Light are awake to his power and desires. The Antichrist will make a move, shortly, in the Middle East and Europe, where he will make his claim heard clearly, so wait and pray, because he will come with a plan to overcome all obstacles and will claim a Military position, because he will introduce a new Banking System, where he will claim all.”

“Pray, My children, because Europe will be made into a New Union of Ten Nations with a new Monetary System and China will become the new Power – much stronger than it is now and begin to conquer many countries in Asia to proclaim its Sovereignty.”

“Pray for Hong Kong and Taiwan, as moves will be made to control these Provinces.”

“Pray for Nigeria, My children, because there is a move there to bring great division. Pray for Venezuela in South America, because there will be a military coup. Many Nations in the world will become restless as the Anti-Forces will engage to overthrow these countries that have a spark of life left in them – these people that love God and serve Him to some degree.”

“To My people of the Philippines: be not afraid of the Virus hitting your Nation at present, because God is using this to chastise those souls who need reminding of God’s Love for them. Trust in God Who is preparing the Last Vicar of Holy Mother Church, as he is waiting to come to your country. I Bless you and ask you to continue to pray for him so that he will be able to come very soon.”

“I Love you, My precious children and know very well all that you are suffering, but I know that your love for My Divine Son, Jesus, is real and He Loves you immensely. Continue to carry your cross and know that you are loved very deeply.”

“Finally, I wish to speak to you privately, My son.”

WILLIAM: Our Lady gave me personal instructions and Saint Michael gave me a ring to wear – it is very powerful. Our Lady told me I will be Pope very soon. Our Lady Blesses me and the Baby Jesus and Saint Michael: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.” +++

OUR LADY: “Peace be with you, William Abraham Peter II.”