Message 799 – 12 December 2019



Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Soon this Sign that I gave to the Church of Mexico will issue out a Great Sign – Pray very much and keep your souls clean, as the Crucifixion is about to occur – The Book of Truth will open the door to Eternal Life – Iran will muster up to fight the Israelites; this will bring the war to the countries of Europe – My children to form a Prayer House in London, to quell the division that is occurring – To all children of the U.S.A.: be careful in judging a man chosen by My Divine Son, Jesus, to lead your free Nation – If you continue in the shameful way of bringing the President down, you will pay the price.

WILLIAM: I see the Holy Ark with many flags in white attached to it, all around the ship. The sea is very rough behind the Ark and I can see the White Cross and a rainbow. Along the sides of the Ark there are hundreds of tall Angels with their swords up in the air. The White Cross opens up and I see Our Holy Mother glide over the Ark towards us. Our Lady stands on the ship and many Angels are floating around Her. A staircase comes from the Ark towards my room where Our Lady is gliding. Saint Michael is near the White Cross holding his sword.

OUR LADY: “I greet you, My Angel of Divine Love and Light – William! I Bless you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I greet the children of the world who are gathered in prayer at the Shrine of Guadalupe!”

“Today, My sweet children, is a great Feast Day for Holy Mother Church, especially in Mexico, for My Appearance to My special son, Diego, was a great Grace given to him and the people of Mexico and the wider world. Soon, this sign that I gave to the Church of Mexico, will issue out a Great Sign for the Church, so that mankind will recognize the times that they are living in, because it is close to the end of time, as you know it – and a New Church will be raised where mankind will live in harmony and at peace, for the Second Coming of My Divine Son, Jesus, is at hand, where there will be only peace and happiness. But before this arrives, My children will need to be purified and perfected, for nothing of evil will enter the Gates of Paradise.”

“Yes, My precious children, it is only a few more years to witness this, but for now, I ask all of My children to pray very much and keep your souls clean, as the Crucifixion is about to occur, so that all men will raise to serve Our Lord and King, Jesus Christ. Fear not, My beloved children, because it is but a short while more, then the Victory will be seen and experienced.”

“God the Eternal Father has waited many, many years to fulfill what He has desired for mankind and that is eternal salvation for the many children who believe in His Divine Son, Jesus.”

“Now My dear children, you are to knuckle down, reaching out to all children, praying for them and helping them to find the Truth in the Word of God – and especially in the final writings of Jesus Christ in His Word of the Book of Truth to mankind. I ask each child to read these Words of Eternal Life, because in these writings they will find the opening to their hearts and they will live in happiness, because the Book of Truth will open the door to Eternal Life.”

“Today, I give a special Indulgence for every soul that reads the Words of Eternal Truth in the Book of Truth, so that they will be enlightened of the Will of the Most High.”

“In the coming ten years – when the Book of Eternal Truth will be fulfilled – all My children are to live a life fulfilling their daily requirements, offering their lives in love and sacrifices, so that their lives will be fulfilled, to love and serve the Divine Essence. I Bless all My children – and be not afraid – turn to Me, Our Lady of Guadalupe – because within this title is [are] the Graces to achieve what God has destined for you.”

“To My children of the Middle East who are troubled by famine and war – turn to Me, your Mother Who is watching over you; even though many do not believe in Me or My Divine Son, Jesus, but nevertheless, I remain your Mother.”

“The Great War will soon begin, where the people of Iran will muster up to fight the Israelites and this will bring the war to the countries of Europe. Pray, sweet children, because the Antichrist is behind all of these factions – and once many Nations have been brought in, the Antichrist will bring a False peace, because all matters surrounding the countries of the Middle East are to bring the Israelites down and bring forth the Reign of the Antichrist. Pray, dear children, because soon many countries will be at war.”

“My children of Britain: division will still reign in your countries, as the end of your troubles has not come. I ask My children to form a Prayer House in London, to quell the division that is occurring, because the reason for the division is due to Brexit. The Prayer House is to be called: Our Lady of Divine Mercy. It will be a renowned place of prayer, asking for Peace of [for] the British Isles.”

“O children, O children! When will you take up My Beads of Divine Love? Because if you pray these Beads, your country and neighbouring countries would convert. Pray, My sweet children, because prayer is necessary to bring peace in the hearts of Our wavering children.”

“To all Small Islands of the world: I come as Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix of the world to ask you for prayer, because I make this Promise to you: if you pray My Holy Rosary – [for] one tenth of your population to atone for the sins of your Nation – I will protect your Nation from the power of the Antichrist and his Fallen Angels. Pray, sweet children of the world, because soon the first major chastisement will fall.”

“And finally, I wish all the people of the United States of America to pray for those people who are taking it upon themselves to cast aspersions and calamities upon the President of the U.S.A., Donald Trump. I make it very clear to all children of the U.S.A.: be careful in judging a man who has been chosen by My Divine Son, Jesus, to lead your free Nation. He is a good man – and what certain Congressmen and women have said about him, is false and lies.”

“If they persist in the destruction of the Presidency, they will learn, that the way of discrediting a good man, will bring great destruction upon the U.S.A. and its people. It is only because of President Donald Trump, that God has been Merciful to the people.”

BE WARNED! Should you proceed in the manner that you are taking, your country will suffer very much. Already the U.S.A. is suffering greatly, because of the sins of the people, but if you continue in the shameful way of bringing the President down, you will pay the price.”

“I Bless Donald Trump and his family: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Pray, sweet children, because you do not know what is hiding out there.”

“I Bless you, My sweet son and future Leader of God’s people: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Be at peace, because much will change in your life. Be prepared for your journey to the Philippines, China, Singapore, France and many countries. Much is going to change for you. You will receive great Graces and strength. I will inform you step-by-step. Be not afraid, as events will come swiftly. Do not worry about those who claim to have power, because the Power of God is total. I will give you a Message for yourself, My son.”

(Private Message given)

“Be at peace, My loving son – My Angel of Divine Love: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

WILLIAM: Our Holy Mother came over to me and kissed me on the forehead. Our Lady said Pope Benedict will leave Rome soon. Our Lady Blessed me and the world:

OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”