Saint Charbel Houses of Prayer

Saint Charbel Houses of Prayer, Peace, Unity and Reconciliation

OUR LADY: “Dear children, I come now from the Eternal Father to give you one more chance to listen to Heaven before the Chastisements falls, and this plan, My dear children, is beloved of My Immaculate Heart. I send to you Our beloved seraphic, angelic Saint–Saint Charbel. He is My sweet Angel of love which I present to the world to bring peace. You, My child, [Little Pebble] are to form what We call Saint Charbel Houses of Peace, Unity and Reconciliation. You are to form these Houses of Prayer throughout the world to bring peace. For those who join you in forming these Prayer Houses, I and My Divine Son, the Infant Jesus, Saint Charbel, Saint Joseph, your patron Saints and Angels will come to these homes at 8:00 pm on the First Saturday each month. We will come to bring graces for cures and conversions in these homes. First, you will place incense in and around the house before 8:00 o’clock at night, then you will sprinkle Holy Water and say the full Exorcism of Saint Michael prayer. You will place the petitions before Me so I can take them to the Eternal Father. You are then to say the 15 Decade Rosary, you are to sing hymns, then read the Scriptures for 15 minutes for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, then for a few minutes, you are to read some of the Messages. After this, My child, say the Stations of the Cross Rosary for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. You are then to say the Litany of Loretto, the Litany of Sain Joseph, the Litany of the Guardian Angels, and the Litany of Saint Charbel. The first Rosary will be for Our Holy Vicar John Paul II, the Cardinals, Bishops and Priests throughout the world. The second Rosary will be for the needs of Our children and petitions, and the third Rosary will be in thanksgiving. This My dear children is the final peace-plan I offer to mankind with the Rosary and the brown Scapular. I seek 100,000 Prayer groups throughout the world.” (Extract, Message 33 – 13 July 1985)

The important points are:

For those who join you in forming these Prayer Houses, I and My Divine Son, the Infant Jesus, Saint Charbel, Saint Joseph, your patron Saints and Angels will come to these homes at 8:00 pm on the First Saturday each month.

The established prayer to be said at these Houses of Prayer are now universal and establish the identity of these Houses of Prayer which are dedicated to Saint Charbel.

At this time, it is estimated that there are 45,000 Saint Charbel Houses of Prayer around the world. After a few months, in August 1985, the Mother of God expressed Her happiness at the response to Her appeal to start these Prayer Houses:

Our Lady: “Heaven is most pleased with the response of the Saint Charbel Houses of Prayer, Peace, Unity and Reconciliation. Many of My children throughout the world have listened to My plea. I thank them and Bless them from My Immaculate Heart. Many graces, miracles and cures will be bestowed upon Our children throughout the world who unite with My dear son, the Little Pebble of Love.” (Extract, Message 35, August 13, 1985)

It is significant that the traditional prayers promoted are the Holy Rosary and various Litanies and chaplets. There is also the public reading of Sacred Scripture as well as the readings of the Messages of Our Lady. The Houses of Prayer fulfil a great need for the furtherance of the First Saturday devotions requested so long ago by Our Lord through Sister Lucia of Fatima.

When anyone wishes to form a Saint Charbel House of Prayer — they should consider the following points:

You are responding to the Mother of God’s personal appeal to form these Houses of Prayer.

You are obliging yourself to open your house to other good souls–both within and outside your family — to come to your home to pray.

You will receive the benefit of the Promises of the Mother of God regarding the cures and conversions that She promised to those who come together this way to pray. The Mother of God has further revealed that these Prayer Houses are an extension of the Holy Grounds–thus a real sharing in the Graces of the Apparitions given to the Little Pebble.

In some cases, where the appropriate permissions are given, these Prayer Houses may be held in Parishes, Monasteries and Convents. There is a real multiplication of merits as so many pray together for all. God is glorified and Grace is given to those most in need. This is the underlying principle of the great Dogma of Faith–the Communion of Saints.

The Law of Ascent

Some years ago, in his Apostolic Exhortation, Reconciliatio et Paenitentia, His Holiness John Paul II spoke very eloquently about the “human solidarity” of the Communion of Saints. Speaking about sin and its effects upon the sinner–the Holy Father points out that the sin goes much beyond the sinner himself. Referring to the “Law of Descent”, His Holiness writes:

John Paul II: ” To speak of social sin means in the first place to recognize that, by virtue of human solidarity which is as mysterious and intangible as it is real and concrete, each individual’s sin in some way affects others. This is the other aspect of that solidarity which on the religious level is developed in the profound and magnificent mystery of the communion of saints, thanks to which it has been possible to say that “every soul that rises above itself, raises up the world.” To this law of ascent there unfortunately corresponds the law of descent. Consequently one can speak of a communion of sin, whereby a soul that lowers itself through sin drags down with itself the Church and, in some way, the whole world. In other words there is no sin, not even the most intimate and secret one, the most strictly individual one, that exclusively concerns the person committing it. With greater or lesser violence, with greater or lesser harm, every sin has repercussions on the entire eclesial body and the whole human family” (Article 16)

There is certainly an application for this profoundly Catholic concept to the whole Order of Saint Charbel. However, I would like to refer to the Saint Charbel Houses of Prayer. The 100,000 Prayer Houses that Our Lady desires corresponds to the “Law of Ascent” referred to above. “Every Soul that rises above itself, raises the world” — how important are these Houses of Prayer? The spiritual solidarity in praying — united through these Prayer Houses — which are offered to God through the Immaculate Heart of Mary; raises up the world a little closer to God! We can imagine the powerful intercession of such a communion of hearts in love and offering all through the Mother of God!! These Prayer Houses are a powerful means of Atonement because it is God’s Will which has revealed them to His Little Pebble.

The Order of Saint Charbel in particular, is raised-up by grace–through the devout souls who pray each month in the Houses of Prayer around the world. The smallest act of love, even by the most hidden, by the least member of the Order of Saint Charbel — in some way effects the whole Order. In other words, there is no act of love for God — not even the most intimate and secret one, the most strictly individual one — that exclusively concerns the person only. Consequently, one can speak of a multiplication of merits in Christ Jesus — through this total and mutual sharing of sacrificial love from all the members. Through the 45,000 Houses of Prayer united in the spirit of Atonement for sin — there continues to be offered to God, the love of His creature who cries out for his neighbour most in need.


Please send your simple request to us by email or you can mail a letter to us by ordinary post. If you would like to print out a simple request form please ‘click’ on the name below:


Your request will be registered and a number will be assigned to you. A Patron Saint ( St. John, St. Francis, St. Theresa of Lisieux, etc) will also be given to your House of Prayer. If you want to request a certain canonised Saint of your choosing–you may do so. Simply list the Saint that you choose on your letter (or email) to us. You will be sent a Certificate — to your address provided — acknowledging your House of Prayer as formally registered with the Order of Saint Charbel.


You need to receive your authorised block of registration numbers from our Office in Australia. These are assigned by Country and Region. Once you have this number range sent to you, you will then be able to register the Houses of Prayer in your region. If you want to promote the Houses of Prayer in a big way–please send us an email or write to our Office in Australia. Tell us about your situation and needs. Thank you.

The Order of Saint Charbel

161B Koloona Drive




The Registration Form and Programme of Prayers to be followed:

Registration of Saint Charbel House of Prayer

[See link:]

Programme of Prayers

[See link:

For some years now we have been compiling the huge number of registered Saint Charbel Houses of Prayer in order to send all of these requests to the Bishop of Wollongong. To date we have many thousands and thousands of letters which are being submitted to his Commission. These Prayer Houses are a tremendous good fruit of the Mission given to the Little Pebble.


If you are not able to register your home as a Saint Charbel House of Prayer–you may want to become a “Living Stone” in order to share in the merits of the Order in yet another way, in confraternity membership. For more information on this, please ‘click’ on the title below:

[See link:]