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Enrolment as a Living Stone
Message No. 294
LITTLE PEBBLE: Dear friends of Jesus and Mary: some months ago several Nuns from Poland contacted me after having received an inner inspiration from God. Their Bishop, too, seemed to be aware of this; however, caution was to be taken. They were inspired to be Living Prayer Houses – similar to the Saint Charbel Houses of Prayer. This inspiration came as many Religious desired to be involved in this devotion, but could not — due to restrictions laid down by the Rule of the Order, or by pressure from their Superiors who did not share their belief. These Religious felt compelled to write to me and requested that I ask Heaven.
On the 6th January 1990, at the Saint Charbel House of Prayer, Our Lord came and spoke to me about the very thing in these words.
OUR LORD: My Heart is overflowing with Mercy and Love for the human race. I have offered the world, the Church and Mankind, many ways to come to Me. Become Living Stones of Prayer, My sweet children; Temples of My Spirit, that you may be likened to My Most Holy Mother; a House of Prayer in your hearts; a Temple of Prayer and Sacrifice and Penance. Let Me build upon your souls and your hearts the New Jerusalem, for you shall be Living Stones in the world. The world will find Me once again in My Living Stones upon earth, and the New Temple of My Heart in your souls will be built upon the earth. (Message 263).
LITTLE PEBBLE: Furthermore, Our Lord explained to me that I was to form a Registration of these Living Stones and send a Registration Number to all souls who desire to unite their spirit in this Holy work. Further to this, Jesus promised very great graces to souls who would engage themselves in this apostolate.
Jesus has said that these Living Stones are united to the Saint Charbel Houses of Prayer in spirit, and abundant graces would flow onto the earth from His Sacred Wounds.
All of those souls who engage themselves in the Mission of reparational prayer as Living Stones will have their names permanently engraved in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, never to be erased. And furthermore, I will give them sufficient grace to overcome the temptations that assail them.
It is to be encouraged that those persons joining this Apostleship make the Tridium Novena of the First Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays for three consecutive months to gains the salvation of a soul whom they can name, and by going to Communion on these days. Confession is also necessary. Remember also Saint Joseph’s Most Pure Heart on the first Wednesdays of the month. The Holy Rosary of fifteen decades should be recited daily. Reception of Communion daily, if possible.
The Living Stones are like the beads of Love – the Holy Rosary – linked together by the mortar of prayer and sacrifice, which makes a strong band of Love in the Heavenly Jerusalem on earth. The Cross and centre piece of the Rosary being Christ and His Holy Mother, leading us and holding the Chain together.
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All Souls are eligible. We will send you the Certificate by ordinary post mail. However, we will send you notification by email if possible.
I, ……………………………………………would like to join the Apostleship of the Living Stones to build the New Jerusalem through Payer and Sacrifice.
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0 Immaculate Virgin Mother, Immortal Splendour of God’s Beatitudes; Light and Wisdom of God’s Living Stones. Thou art the Ark and Refuge of Sinners. Make me like unto Thee, a Burning Furnace of Divine Love.
I, ……………………….. Living Stone, unreservedly offer myself as a little brick to build Thy Heavenly Jerusalem. O Apocalyptic Ark, Mary Our Mother, Help of Christians, Pray for us. Amen.
Remember, O Most Loving Virgin Mary that never was it known, in any age, that anyone who fled to Thy protection, implored Thy help, or sought Thy intercession was left abandoned. Inspired with this confidence, therefore, I fly to Thee, O Virgin of virgins, My Mother. To Thee do I come, before Thee I stand sinful and sorrowful. Do not O Mother of the Word Incarnate despise my prayers, but graciously hear and answer them. Amen.