Message 778 – 19 January 2019


NO. 778

Soon I will be calling you to open up the doorway for my arrival on Earth – God is going to work many Great Miracles to prove His work and Holiness, that he had wrought to you, the people of Australia and the Holy places on Earth – His victory will be great and much will be shown to him so that Heaven’s Will, will be fulfilled – Rome will be martyred; My beloved Benedict will be ousted, move to a foreign land and there be martyred – Soon war will come, then you will see the entrance of the Antichrist; the Great Warning will follow.

WILLIAM: There are three White Crosses in the sky. Jesus came through one of the Crosses with millions of Angels. The road coming from the Cross is white with millions of daffodils on the road. I am in my lounge room awaiting Jesus.

Jesus smiles and gets a Throne and sits on it. The millions of Angels are just waiting on Our Lord. Jesus makes the Sign of the Cross:

OUR LORD: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

WILLIAM: Now behind Our Lord, coming through the White Cross, is Holy Grant Duffy. I have not seen him in a long time. He is dressed in white. He greets Our Lord, then he turns to me and greets me. Jesus points to him and says:

OUR LORD: “My beloved son, I wish you to address My future Vicar, Pope Peter Abraham II, for his time is very near.

WILLIAM:  Holy Grant Duffy speaks:

HOLY GRANT DUFFY: “I greet you, My beloved friend, William John! It has been a long time since I spoke to you. You are Jesus’ most sacred and holy friend. I thank you for being obedient to God’s Calling. Soon I will be calling you to open up the doorway for my arrival on Earth – to open up the Mission to be recognized in Holy Mother Church and the world – for many of God’s people have placed my coming aside, believing it is of fabrication, but little do they know that God in His Wisdom leaves things to the last moment, to give Glory to God.”

“Be at peace, My dear friend, for God is going to work many Great Miracles to prove His work and Holiness, that he had wrought to you and the people of Australia and the Holy places on Earth.”

“Continue to trust, my brother, William, for this time comes now. Thank you for believing in the Wonders of God. Pray for my parents, for soon I will come for them – and pray much for the rest of the family. I love you, William and thank you for your good and strong faith. I Bless you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

WILLIAM: He kisses Jesus and returns. Jesus now stands up and calls an Angel to Himself – it is St Menoloutis.

OUR LORD:: “My brother, you are William’s faithful Guardian Angel. I ask that  you give him this Gift.”

WILLIAM:  Jesus hands the Angel a crown with stars in it.

OUR LORD: “Tell him to wear this – he will know what it represents – for it is time now, for all will be called to him to fulfill God’s Plan and this year will be one of great changes and he will be able to perform what God has intended for him to do. He will meet great Leaders and the ones whom I have chosen for him. His victory will be great and much will be shown to him so that Heaven’s Will, will be fulfilled.”

WILLIAM: Jesus Blesses the crown, hands it to St Menoloutis and gives it to him. The Angel comes to me and places the crown on my head and bows down. I thank my Guardian Angel. Jesus now speaks to me:

OUR LORD: “I Bless you, My human ‘Angel of Delight’: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.:

“My beloved ‘Rock’: I know how you have become restless, due to the long wait for events to be fulfilled. Know, My holy son, all is in the Perfect Will of My Father. He knows when to give all to you, so that  you can do His Holy Will.”

“My child and dear children, pray and work for the Light, as time is moving swiftly forward. The Evil One is watching all the Seers in the world, to be able to work against them as much as possible, for the Antichrist is working very hard to bring a false unity in Holy Mother Church, for very soon, the drawbridge will fall, because the plan to overthrow Israel is near, but first he  must bring unity between the European Common Market, for by dividing the English from the Market, will cause disunity between nations and slowly the Ten Nations will be formed, then the abomination of abominations will be formed strongly”

“Keep an eye on Israel, for the Temple will be built to the dismay of all Arab Nations. Rome will be martyred, as the Vicar of Christ, My beloved Benedict, will be ousted and will move to a foreign land and there he will be martyred. Know then, My sweet children, Rome will fall under the Rule of Communism – however, it will not last long.”

Pray My Children for China, as it moves swiftly to conquer the Asian Countries and the U.S.A., because many do not believe this is possible. Taiwan will be threatened by China to become part of the Chinese Nation. Pray for Japan, for it will be engulfed once again in war.”

“Pray for Indonesia, for its plan is to move on the Western free world, but God will chastise this nation with another tsunami.”

“Pray for Australia, because the heat that continues to chastise the nation, is causing many problems, because it draws on the water. But know this, My children, much of the water will be in bad shape, because the people have forgotten God. Pray, pray, My children, for Ireland, because this nation was Blessed by God, but the children go away from its tradition, seeking the pleasure of the world, while My people go astray. They will be inundated with a disease, which will frighten them.”

“To the people of South America who have abandoned their faith – they will continue to struggle looking for freedom and peace, but as long as they continue to shed their belief, their homes will become desolate and food and essentials will become less and less.”

“I ask all children to pray unceasingly, so that Heaven will Bless them and give them abundance in Graces.”

“My children, what can I say to you to make you believe? The Great Warning is near, therefore pray and prepare your households for the Great War is coming, where time will stop and atrocities will follow. Work and many industries will stop and men will forget themselves and war will be a part of every land and millions upon millions will perish. Is that what you want?”

“Think about it, My children. I have warned you for a long time, but soon I will not warn  you again about the Great War that is coming and many people will die and work will be no more and you will be without much. Will you then begin to believe?”

“I have not forgotten Africa: It will continue to go into chaos, where many children will be left on their own, as the adults will have to fight to survive. Pray, My children, pray, for many things are to happen this year. Pray for all of your children, as the Antichrist seeks their help to bring disillusionment to them and to all.

“My beloved son, remain at peace, for soon you will meet all those souls who will help you and bring you to your fulfillment. I love you, William and Bless you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I Bless all the children of the world: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

“You must believe, children and pray and ask Jesus to forgive you and to  hold you close to His Heart, for time is moving swiftly forward, for soon the war will come, then you will see the entrance of the Antichrist, then the Great Warning will follow and after the Great Sign, peace will come to the Earth for a little while, while the Antichrist will move to establish his kingdom, until I come for the Second Time. I will be at this Resurrection.”

“Peace, My children, Peace – the time you have left, is a third of the time given to the world. I love you, sweet children. My Peace I give to you. I Bless you, My son: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

WILLIAM: Jesus’ Chair disappears. St Menoloutis is at my side and Jesus glides to Heaven where He continues to wave. Jesus said to me:

OUR LORD: “You will be strengthened, My son: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”