William Costellia to Cardinal George Pell – 2 May 2018

Letter from William Costellia to Cardinal George Pell

2 May 2018

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2 May 2018

Most Gracious Eminence, Cardinal Pell,

Peace and Blessings be to you, God’s Warrior of Truth!

You are now on your road to Calvary following our Master, Jesus Christ the Messiah. All that has happened to you is because of the corruption in the Church, in high places and in the Australian Judicial and Justice Systems. You are holy, but very naive to believe you will get justice and an acquittal. The Australian people are fickle, yet you believe all is well in Australia – that the Australian people are fair and just.

Have you not learnt from the past fifty (50) years how the Media – who are fake and corrupt in their manner of reporting – influence the public like a parrot. The Media have and will influence the Jury enough to have you convicted. A Jury is a system that is flawed and has been since the 1970’s. It was good hundreds of years ago when no Media existed, but not now.

What did Jesus say? “Be as cunning as a serpent and as gentle as a dove, because men of this world are more astute than the children of light.”

Your Legal Team are not good enough, because it should not have gone to trial. Shouting out that you are innocent will not help you – you will be convicted. All is orchestrated this way, that is why there are two trials, not one. Make sure the trials are “Judge only” – in this way you will have a fairer chance.

Pope Benedict is your true Pope. Francis led you to this and the Police stacked the deck. Change your Lawyers. Use my Lawyer, Mr. Omar Juweinat and there is a very good Barrister, Dyson Heydon. No Jury, your Eminence – “Judge only” – but your Legal Team must ask for it.

I call on all souls of good will to please reach out to him, so that he will take my lead. There are millions of souls who will pray for you.

Wishing God’s Blessing upon you.

Yours truly,

William John Costellia

[See SMH Article: https://www.smh.com.au/national/victoria/cardinal-george-pell-to-stand-trial-on-historical-sex-assault-charges-20180501-p4zckv.html]