Men Find it Easy to Judge – 31 August 2017

Before you judge me, walk a mile in my shoes …


30th August 2017

Men find it easy to judge their brothers and sisters, but have you taken time to reflect on how you judge one another?

Jesus said to the Prophetess, Maria Valtorta, in the Poem of the Man-God, Volume II — Jesus speaks about how mercilessly mankind judge persons who go to prison – some who may not have committed the crime. Jesus said these are souls who were found out. The world condemns them, but there are more criminals roaming the streets, but were not found out. They believe they are innocent, yet in truth, they are more guilty.

Jesus says: Do not think that there are only criminals on galleys (ships); one eye of human justice is blind, it judges erroneously.

Jesus says: Let your charity go with greater reason to comfort the martyrs of human injustice – both those who are utterly innocent and those who have been led to kill a cruel force. Do not judge what has already been judged. You do not know why a man was driven to kill. (You do not know why a person went on drugs – took up prostitution – stole – committed adultery – committed a sexual crime) – (But) God knows, that is enough.

Jesus then says: What if on the forehead of every person on Earth, the sins of man were placed in various titles and colours – would you then judge your neighbour? Well, think about it. This is what happens when the Media constantly parade men and women before the public – before a trial, during a trial and after a trial – even after the person has done his time. They are never free; they have a life sentence – especially those who go on parole, or are on registers or bracelets. Men continue to judge these souls not giving them a chance to redefine their lives, or pick up their lives that have been destroyed, including the lives they may also have ruined.

Society claims that the authorities are doing all to rehabilitate the offenders and help them to reintegrate into society, so that they can atone, or rebuild their lives. But this is not true, as society continues to persecute and follow those who have been condemned by society, because they made a human mistake, though a serious one. But how, afterwards have you judged such a person without knowing all the facts?

So I wish to say to you, using Jesus’ words written:

“Yes”, replies Jesus briefly.

After a moment’s silence, as Jesus’ gravity freezes even the most exuberant characters, Peter asks: “Master, I, and I and I am not the only one, have not understood the parable very well. Please explain it to us. How is it that what goes in does not make unclean, and what comes out does? If I take a clean amphora and I pour dirty water into it, I will dirty it. So what goes into the amphora makes it unclean. But if from an amphora full of clean water I pour some of it on the ground, I will not make the amphora unclean, because clean water comes out if is. So?”

And Jesus says: “We are not amphorae, Simon. We are not amphorae, My friends. And not everything is clean in man! Do even you not understand? Consider the case with which the Pharisees charges you. They stated that you were unclean because you were taking food to your mouths with dusty, sweaty hands, that is, with unclean hands. But where did that food go? From your mouths into your stomachs, from your stomachs into your intestines and from your intestines into the sewer. Can it thus make your whole body unclean, and what is contained in your body, if it only goes through the passage destined to fulfil the task of nourishing the flesh, and the flesh only, and then ending in a sewer, as it is right it should? That is not what makes man unclean. What makes man unclean is what is entirely and exclusively his own, procreated and brought forth by his ego. That is what he has in his heart, and from his heart rises to his lips and to his head, corrupting his thoughts and words and making him wholly unclean. From the heart come evil intentions, murder, adultery, fornication, theft, false witness, blasphemy. From the heart come avarice, lust, pride, envy, wrath, immoderate desires and sinful idleness. From the heart come incentives to all actions. And if the heart is wicked, they will be as wicked as the heart. All actions; from idolatry to insincere grumbling … All these wicked things, which from inside come outside, make man unclean, not eating without washing one’s hands. The science of God is not a base thing, mud upon which any foot can tread. It is something sublime, which lives among stars, from which it descends with rays of light to perfect the just. Do not, at least you, tear it from Heaven to disgrace it in mud … Go and rest now. I am going out to pray.”

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