Letter to President Trump concerning China and Russia – 21 April 2017

JESUS had this to say: please be careful as to any new Alliance you may believe to be good for your Country, as you may believe that China is showing signs to help you regarding North Korea — by moving a large Army at its border with North Korea! …

Letter to President Trump concerning China and Russia

21 April 2017

Dear President Donald Trump keep up the good work you are doing.

JESUS had this to say: please be careful as to any new Alliance you may believe to be good for your Country, as you may believe that China is showing signs to help you regarding North Korea — by moving a large Army at its border with North Korea!

This is to mislead you, for China is moving troops to help North Korea should the USA proceed to attack North Korea.

Jesus said: to be wary of Russia, as it also has intentions at the same border. The “Bear” and the “Dragon” are setting traps for The USA. Prepare your Allies not only in the Asian region but also the Middle East and Europe.

Jesus says: use prudent steps as you walk amongst thieves and wolves in sheep clothing. Your enemies are waiting for you to faulter so that they can make their calculated moves.

Pray always before any decisions are made as the enemy of God is very astute, Jesus blessed you with His Love.

Yours truly

William Costellia