William Costellia and the Seer from Canada known as “Thornbush”
Extracts from the public Message 485 – 15 August 1995 in L’Avenir Canada
It is not that often that you witness a single Apparition of the Mother of God in which their are a number of Seers present — from different Countries. On this day, the Feast day of the Assumption of the Mother of God into Heaven, there were also pilgrims from Canada, America, Australia and Japan. The purpose of this short 14 minute video is to provide a glimpse into the Apparition. Enjoy!
See full Message: https://thetruthful.org/1995/08/15/message-485-15-august-1995/
The occasion was a special Retreat of several days hosted by Fr. Yves-Marie Blais at the Community in L’Avenir in Canada. The Little Pebble was asked to give a number of conferences. There were public Apparitions from the Mother of God on the 13th and 15th of August 1995. These occurred at the outdoor Grotto dedicated to Our Lady of Lourdes.