Message 485 – 15 August 1995

Message 485 – 15 August 1995 (L’Avenir, Canada)

The Crucifixion of the Vicar of Christ – Apostles of the end times will receive Mandate from God – Many Priests and Prophets of Old resurrected to fight the Antichrist – Place human logic aside – Chosen Communities are the doorway into New Era; Little Peter to lead the way – Time of Apocalypse is now; Church is ill but shall not die – Pray in reparation for those who are blaming God for what is happening – Each Holy Virtue represents a level of Purgatory – Earth to tremble from one end to the other – the Just will follow the Lamb; the unjust will follow the Beast.

LITTLE PEBBLE: The white Cross has been visible since the beginning of the Rosary – and Saint Michael has been standing to the left of the Grotto, but high in the sky, holding another cross, which has on it the emblem of Peter II. On the white Cross I can see two flags: of John Paul II and of Peter II – and coming down from the white Cross are ribbons, held by many Angels. There is much activity around the Grotto.

I can see the Cross coming out of the stone once again; coming through the Grotto and forming a brown cross. Saint Barachiel, Saint Menoloutis, Saint Sentilius, Saint Sentimintarious – and Saint Sacramessugus – have all been standing over the Grotto, waiting for Our Holy Mother. I can see now that Heaven is full of Angels – it is just like a dome – and rose petals are being thrown down by the Angels, fluttering through the air and falling on the grounds – not only here at the Grotto, but right throughout this region. As they reach the ground, little roses and other flowers spring into view.

The White Cross now opens-up very wide – and many Angels come to form a guard of honour. They each have a trumpet – a long, thin, trumpet – to their mouths and, as the white Cross opens more, I can see a very bright Light – tremendous Light – which shoots towards the Grotto, forming into a type of road, which also has many, many, flowers upon it.

Our Holy Mother now comes right through the Cross, followed by many Angels – and, also, some Saints. I can see the Twelve Apostles first, with the future Apostles following after them – and behind them I can see many Priests, all dressed in their Priestly garb, following the line of the Apostles.

Our Holy Mother is carried on the Light – and under the Light there are many small Angels holding Our Holy Mother. Our Lady looks tremendously radiant, and upon Her Head I can see twelve very bright stars. Our Holy Mother now comes swiftly forward, with many of the Angels and Saints, to stand about one foot or so above the statue of Her which is just near the top of the Grotto. The little Angels have dispersed, but the little cloud remains.

Behind Our Holy Mother is a long veil, which the Holy Angels have been holding, in a train. Our Lady smiles and is extremely radiant. I can see also Her Immaculate Heart – and I have only just noticed that in the cloud is a small moon; Our Holy Mother is standing on it. Underneath that I can see a snake and Our Lady puts a Foot on its head. Our Lady moves Her left Foot and I am permitted to see the Wound that She has, and a Light shoots from Our Lady’s Foot into my foot – my left foot – and Thornbush’s left foot. It is forming a Light shaped like a triangle.

The Apostles of the future, all dressed as Bishops, are now making a semi-circle around Our Holy Mother; Behind these Apostles the first Apostles stand, according to their name. Our Lady now takes-up a Rosary – a very beautiful Rosary which I have never seen before; I do not know how to describe it. Our Lady Kisses Jesus and makes the Sign of the Cross: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY: “I greet you, My beloved `Rock’ of pure Love; My sweet Priest-sons; My Apostles and Disciples; My sweet `Thornbush’; My dear `Wanderer’, and all of My sweet children who have come to My Home. Today is a great Feast Day for your Heavenly Mother – and not only for Me, My sweet children, but for Holy Mother Church, for I am truly the `Woman of the Apocalypse’; the `Woman for the End Time’.”

“Today I send out to the world My soldiers of Truth, because the Truth of My Divine Son’s Teachings must be heard and defended throughout the world. The Crucifixion of the Vicar of Christ and the Crucifixion of Holy Mother Church will shortly come. Therefore, My Priest-sons must be prepared. The Apostles of the End Times will receive the mandate not only from God, but from the representative of His Son, Jesus, on Earth – John Paul II. This will come swiftly upon the Church, so mankind will know the Truth and will learn that the time of the Coming of My Divine Son is near. Just as I triumphed over evil, over the flesh and over the world, so will My Apostles, Disciples and children of Truth be victorious.”

“Today I rejoice with My Divine Son, because many of My Priest-sons who have been purged will be released to give strength to the militant Church upon Earth, for they will join My soldiers of Truth to bring Light to the world – and in the time when the Antichrist will become visible upon man, these special Priest-sons will be resurrected and will go forth in the Name of My Divine Son, Jesus, to fight the Antichrist and fight for the Truth, just as many Prophets of Old – and many Saints – will return to the Earth to do battle with Satan and his cohorts!”

“I thank you, My sweet children, for the many gifts and graces you have offered from your hearts to My Divine Son, and to My Immaculate Heart. These treasures will be converted into great merits for your sanctification and salvation. I Love you, My sweet children, and give you many Graces from the Triune God on this day – and I Bless you: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

“I will now speak through My daughter, My mystical `Thornbush’; `Rose’ of My Immaculate Heart. Listen well to the Words that I will give her, for they are very important for your souls.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Holy Mother now comes very close and there is strong Light going towards `Thornbush’.

THORNBUSH: I have been seeing Our Holy Mother from the very beginning – but She has told me not to describe anything at this moment, for it has already been described, I am only to say that there are many Angels and, for each rose that has been offered, an Angel has taken its place. There are many hundreds and thousands of Angels.

Our Holy Mother is Crying Tears of Blood still – but She has a beautiful smile and Her mantilla is as bright as the sun. She has given a special gift of the Wound of Her left Foot, and I can feel that very deeply – and I saw a Light coming from Our Holy Mother’s Wound, going to the `Little Pebble’s’ left foot then into the Wound on my left foot.

Our Holy Mother is dressed in white – and it seems like Her mantilla is made out of pure-white fire. There are twelve stars over Her Head – and many rays of Light are coming from these stars; many Saints are with Her. All around, in a semi-circle, are the Apostles and Disciples; other special souls are with Mother at this time.

Her mantilla is open very wide now, completely covering the top of the Grotto – and where all the roses are, and the Angels. Mother is once again taking-up Her beautiful, wooden, Crucifix; on Her right I can see Grant Duffy. There are also many souls who are dressed in Priestly robes; all have a white cross on their forehead – and a special ring on their hands with a red stone, in the centre, which resembles a tear of blood.

Mother holds a beautiful fifteen-decade Rosary made out of many different-coloured roses, and it is very long. She is extending this out towards us as She comes a little closer still. I can still see the Grotto – it has not disappeared, nor have all of the roses or the statue of Saint Bernadette – but Her statue has transformed into many rays of Light.

Mother is now taking-up the Crucifix, Kissing Our Lord and all His Wounds – also, the wood of the Cross. While She was doing this I could see – and can still see – the Wounds on the `Little Pebble’ – and I can feel the Wounds in myself, but I cannot see them visibly.

Mother has come through Angels who were holding their swords together, with their wings spread-out. The Angels lift-up their swords and, as Our Holy Mother approaches, they point them down and She glides over them. Her mantilla is very, very, long. I can hear singing, very high up – and from the very beginning I could hear Our Holy Mother singing Her Magnificat, and it is so beautiful.

She now takes the Crucifix still closer and makes the Sign of the Cross:

IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost Who, Dwells in Me.”

“I greet you once again, My beloved chosen Priest-sons of My Immaculate Heart; My `Little Pebble’ of Love, Peter II – the future Vicar of My Divine Son. I greet you, My Disciple and My `Little Wanderer’ of My Holy Rosary; I greet you, My beloved and precious missionary Disciple of My Immaculate Heart; I greet you, My daughter, and all of My cherished soldiers of True Faith. I greet you once again and I bid you welcome.”

“On this glorious Feast Day [which is] dear to My Immaculate Heart, I desire you to know that many Graces have been given unto you. Be not afraid to go forward now and to listen with your hearts, not with your human logic – for it is the time now when you must place your human logic aside and remember, always, that the Divine Plan of God is perfect in every way and cannot be changed. It is you, My little children, who are called to change. Keep your intentions pure and true, and guard your true faith.”

“The trials that you now know shall increase – but, My sweet children, you must realise that these trials are so very important for you and [that] you must accept them – and accept your cross to follow My Divine Son and to sanctify your souls. Open your hearts, My little children!”

“You have been introduced to community life, which you are called to live, for this life will prepare you to truly accept the Second Coming of My Divine Son. How can you welcome My Divine Son in a world that no longer loves Him or respects Him?”

“My sweet children: the chosen communities are the doorway into the New Era. Come, take My Hand; I shall lead you, but the path on which I shall lead you is not easy – and I cannot promise you that it will be easy. But, My darling children whom I call soldiers: this path shall strengthen you so that, finally, the gates of the New Holy Era shall be opened unto you and the true reign of peace shall reign deep in your souls.”

“Each one of My little children is called to live this life, and My `Little Peter’ shall lead the way. Pray, My little children, to understand well the Words that I speak to you, for what I am offering you comes from My Divine Son. It is for that very reason He Died on the Cross for your sins, so that you would be purified and that you would accept all the Graces to purify your souls and to go forward, not backwards. When I see My little children who look back upon their past lives, it causes My Immaculate Heart much sorrow, and a sword pierces My Heart. To follow My Divine Son through My Immaculate Heart, you must choose to go forward and persevere, persevere, persevere! – in Truth and Justice.”

“My `Little Bartholomew’ has given you much hope when the Holy Ghost has spoken to him. Be careful not to doubt the Words which the Holy Ghost speaks through Our chosen souls, for when you doubt, you cause your souls much harm.”

“Yes, My little children, the reign of My Immaculate Heart shall come, through the Most Holy and Majestic Trinity. This will occur in the New Holy Jerusalem where I shall reign; where the new Apostles chosen from the beginning of time … and reign through My Immaculate Heart; through the Holy Virtues.”

“I Love you, My little children, and I ask you to reflect, once again, upon your lives – the lives which you are living at this very moment. Do not judge your neighbour, for this is not asked of you; do not criticise your neighbour, for this, too, is not asked of you; but love one another; help each other grow in sanctity and in true faith, so that finally you will be able to welcome My Divine Son with all your hearts, and with all of your souls – and that you will be able to sing to Him My Magnificat.”

“Pray for My beloved Pilgrim Pope, John Paul II; pray for My `Little Pebble’ – Peter II – for My beloved Pilgrim Pope knows of the future, and he, too, is preparing each day, and he is now preparing you, My little children. Listen well to his words, for they are truly profound and they mean more than you truly realise, for every single word that he shall speak is through the Holy Ghost – Who Dwells in My Immaculate Heart – for He is infallible.”

“The time of the Apocalypse is now unfolding before your eyes. The Church of My Divine Son is very ill, but has not yet died – and it shall never die! But you need to understand that the true Church which My Divine Son has willed through My Immaculate Heart will finally reign. Take courage, My little children, and prepare; prepare your souls – not only your houses, but prepare your souls, for they are what is important to God – for you are all treasures and precious hidden pearls within the garden of My Immaculate Heart. And, soon, I shall open this treasure-chest and take you all into My Immaculate Heart and bring you [to] where you have all been called.”

“My little children: the more you live in this world, the more you will remain in this world where you shall be tempted, very seriously – above your `force’ and above your imagination – for the evil one is watching and waiting, and seeking to destroy every one of your souls. It is for this reason I desire you to be hidden within My treasure-chest.”

“I have offered to place My mantilla over you, and still I see so many of My dear sons and My little children searching for what already exists. Be careful not to become blinded; be careful not to be enchained by the evil one. Guard well your true faith and live your true faith, as My Divine Son has asked of you, for how many times must I come to you, My sweet children whom I Love, to speak to you; to guide you – and to repeat, endlessly, My Words. But know that, yes, I will continue to come and speak to you, for I Love you and you are My Own. Little children: open your hearts!”

“On this glorious day I Bless you, through the Holy, Triune, God; through My Immaculate Heart as ‘Queen of Heaven and Earth’, … and as ‘Mediatrix of All Graces’: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Who Dwells in Me.”

“My sweet children: pray for this world, for it is gradually destroying itself. Pray in reparation for those of My sweet children who are blaming God for what is happening to them at this moment; and for those who will continue to do this [because they] do not truly understand the true Justice, Mercy and Goodness of God.”

“Many more earthquakes shall come upon this Earth and – as I have said before – this Earth will tremble from one end to the other. All that is evil will fall through the Earth, but the Martyrs – those who have given their lives to serve, to adore and to love My Divine Son – shall be lifted up upon a bed of roses and I shall take them into My Arms and bring them home.”

“Reflect upon your lives, My little children. Strive to enter into the gates of the New Holy Era; into Heaven … promised to those who persevere. Do not strive to go to Purgatory for, My sweet children, I desire that you come to Heaven through the gates of the New Holy Era.”

“Purgatory and all of its levels are so important for those of My sweet children who are not pure, and each one of Our Holy Virtues represents a level of Purgatory. It is for this reason that you must strive to live and apply Our Holy Virtues within your daily lives – and teach them to one another.”

THORNBUSH: Our Holy Mother looks down at all the roses – and something truly magnificent is happening: they form into lights – each one of the petals.

Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus is present with all the Saints. She takes-up a golden rose and goes to Father Broussard, removes the petals and drops them into Father Broussard, smiling – and I hear her whisper:


THORNBUSH: She places the now petal-less rose into his heart, then nods her head, or is bowing, in front of him, with so much love. She kisses him on the forehead, firstly, then ‘Little Pebble’, and also Father Blais.

Mother is Kissing the souls and She is Blessing each one. Mother is now returning to the front, near the `Little Pebble’, nodding towards him then Kissing his forehead – and, once again … Beside Our Holy Mother is Holy Grant Duffy, and I can also see Veronica Lueken – with the `Sign’; She has taken something from around Her neck – a heart-shaped pendant. I do not know exactly what is inside, but it is something like a ‘crystal flame’. This is placed around the neck of the `Little Pebble’; Grant Duffy places in him … which represents the nine Choirs of Angels.

A beautiful bolt of lightning is going through … the `Little Pebble’ is extremely bright, projecting many rays of Light in all directions. Our Holy Mother takes-up both the emblem of Her Immaculate Heart, `Ave Maria’, and also the emblems of Pope John-Paul II and of Peter II – and gives them to the `Little Pebble’, Blessing him.

IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Who Dwells in Me.”

“I greet you, My `Little White Rock’ – `Little Pebble of Love’ and `Little Abraham’ of these End Times: I greet you with My Immaculate Heart. I am pleased that you have come once again to My Home to strengthen My sweet children – and especially My sweet children chosen through My Immaculate Heart, for there are very special missions given to souls whom I Love, and I continue to watch over. I will guide you, My little ‘Rock’, just as I am guiding you now, for the Holy Ghost, Who Dwells in Me, has sent forth a special Light into your soul. This Light will edify you so that, in turn, you will be able to edify others to walk upon the path and the road of sanctification.”

“Your mission, My chosen soldier, will develop now. You shall be asked much – and many things will be beyond both your comprehension and the understanding of many of My sweet children. Fear not, for the Eternal Father is watching over you and all the chosen Apostles of these End Times, for you are all children of the Apocalypse – and when the beloved Saint John of My Divine Son received the revelation of the Apocalypse, you were all present at that very moment for, through My Immaculate Heart, he was given much Light to see into the future.”

“Through you, My dear sons – chosen Apostles and Disciples – much shall be given, and much shall be asked of you. Remember always that My Immaculate Heart is your refuge.”

“The cross which you bear is the cross of the true Church – but, also, it is the cross to repair the offences, made within the Church, that exist at this moment, for My Divine Son is scourged – and My Immaculate Heart is pierced – to see so much deception come into My Divine Son’s Church. There can only be one Holy, Roman Catholic and Apostolic, Church. The other Churches that exist are only for the moment, for when the time comes – and the great warning – a great purification shall occur. This purification will come from the Woman `Clothed In The Sun’, for My Mantilla will be sent by the Will of the Eternal Father – Our Father in Heaven – to this Earth, to cover it with the fire of purification. This fire will not only exist upon the Earth, it will also exist deep within the souls of My little children, and they will feel it; they will come to know every one of their sins, and they will fear God. The just will follow the Lamb, the unjust will follow the Beast.”

“Listen well, My little children, for My Words will all come to pass – for they are not only of Me, they are of They Who have sent Me, Who is One. The Holy Ghost, Who Dwells in My Immaculate Heart, is not separated from Us. My Mantilla – the sun – represents the Justice, the True Justice, of God.”

“Open your hearts, My little children; be not afraid – and go there where you shall be called, for in the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph and the serpent shall be crushed. I need you, My Own, My soldiers of True Faith; I need you to be strong, steadfast and true. I need your prayers, your sacrifices – and all that you will offer, to strengthen your souls – for now, more than ever, the evil one will try to weaken you. Obey the Will of God; be not afraid to listen.”

“My beloved Pilgrim Pope is living now on a ship that I am guiding, upon waters of True Faith. This ship will rock and tip, but it will not ever sink, for he who has been chosen is awaiting – he is steadfast in Truth and he is remaining a pillar and a mast upon this ship. I have placed My `Little Peter II’ within the mast of this ship. All of the Saints and the Holy Angels of Heaven are the sails of this ship. I am the bow and the stern within the Holy, Majestic, Trinity. I am not by Myself, My sweet children; nor am I disunited from the Holy, Majestic, Trinity. I am One in Them Who is One. All who come to My Divine Son come to Him through My Immaculate Heart, just as My sweet Priest-son Saint Louis Marie de Montfort – and Our Holy Hermit and `rock’, Saint Charbel.”

“The time has come now for you to make a decision, My sweet children – a very profound and serious decision. You already know the answer. Meditate, often, upon My Words, for the time of the Apocalypse is now, and the Seven Seals have been opened! You need to act wisely, My sweet children. I have Blessed you in a very special and powerful way on this day, through all the Graces and the Merits that I have achieved upon this Earth to Glorify God. They are all offered unto you. Each one of the roses that you have offered Me I do not keep for Myself; I return them; I lift them up to the Triune God, Who Dwells in Me, and I pray:”

“Be not hasty in Thy Judgement upon My Own, who are Thy Own. Allow each soul to come to Me, through My Immaculate Heart, to love Thee, to adore Thee, and to proclaim Thee as their God. Allow them to receive the Grace of humility; to become slaves of Thy Love, just as I am a slave of Thy Love.

“I give Thee My Immaculate Heart, with all Thy children within – and I implore Thee to accept them and to purify each one; to lead them on the road of sanctification; to allow them to come truly to the foot of Thy Cross, where I am. Let the fear of offending You penetrate into their souls and their hearts, and I offer Thee each one on this day on which Thou, in Thy Majestic Glory, hast glorified Thy lowly Servant and Dove.

“My Soul does magnify Thy Glory. Let these roses, which Thou hast inspired My beloved Priest-son to ask of My little children to offer Me upon this day – let them Glorify Thee. Let the beauty of each one of these roses be proclaimed in Heaven as a soul transformed into Thy Glory. O! Lord! Hear My prayer. I ask of Thee, through My humble and lowly Immaculate Heart, to Bless My little children here present and all My little children throughout the world. Let them be one in Me, just as Thou art One in Thy humble and lowly Servant whom Thou has called `Tabernacle of Thy Presence’. Let the faith which dwells upon this Earth be lifted-up and treasured. My God; My Saviour: I offer Thee all which Thou hast placed in Me”.

“In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

THORNBUSH: Something truly beautiful, which I cannot explain, happened. Our Holy Mother was hovering just above the roses, with Her Hands lifted-up towards the sky. Her Head was bowed and She became incredibly radiant – and so beautiful. She knelt – and all the roses were lifted-up all around Her; I do not know what this meant. A beautiful ray of Light went from Her Immaculate Heart up into the sky, and I saw the Eternal Father, Our Lord and Holy Ghost come from the white Cross in the sky with the `Sign’. A powerful Light came from Them and penetrated deeply, here and in many other places. I could hear beautiful music.

THORNBUSH: Now Our Holy Mother is going towards the Cross on the rock, taking-up Her beautiful Crucifix – and I can see Holy Grant Duffy beside Her still. Both venerate the rock – and a beautiful Light comes from it. Our Holy Mother is being lifted-up; this is truly beautiful. Many Angels surround Her and the roses; it looks to be almost like a Throne. The whole top of the Grotto has become a completely transparent dome of Light.

Our Holy Mother is being lifted straight up to hover just above the Grotto, on a beautiful cloud. She raises the Crucifix, pressing it to Her Chest, then raising it very high-up now. She has asked me to give the Holy Crucifix to Her Priest-son, for She now desires, I believe, to Bless us:

IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY: “On this day dedicated to My Glorious Assumption into Heaven, I Bless you now through My chosen Apostles and through My chosen Missionary Disciple of My Immaculate Heart. I Bless you, My sweet Disciples, My cherished soldiers of Truth, and all My cherished children here present, and the chosen souls of these End Times:”

THE THREE PRIESTS: (They bless simultaneously with Our Holy Mother) “Benedictio Dei omnipotenti: Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti descendat super vos et maneat semper. Amen.”

IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Who Dwells in Me. Go now, My little children, in peace – and spread the Word of My Divine Son. Be not afraid to give true and genuine testimonies of your true faith, for I Love you, My little children, and you are called to witness the Truth.”

“I shall leave you now – but, once again, I leave many Holy Angels with you. These Holy Angels were present with Me during My Holy Assumption into Heaven and they are given now to you for these End Times – to aid you; to strengthen you – and to help you to persevere, persevere, persevere in Truth! I Love you, My little children, and I am with you.”

THORNBUSH: Our Holy Mother goes further back, to the white Cross. Saint Michael raises his sword; I believe he is about to bless us.

SAINT MICHAEL: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

THORNBUSH: Saint Sentilius, Saint Sentimintarious, and all of the other Protector Angels of the Communities (Saint Edenborius, I remembered his name this time) – are all present, and they are now blessing us also:

PROTECTOR ANGELS OF THE COMMUNITIES: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”