The Second Coming is near; Satan’s time is short – Do not allow doubt to enter your hearts – Many called to shed their blood; Martyrs must come to strengthen Church; Victory is near – The Holy Ghost works wonders with humble souls – Second Coming close at hand; world will tremble from one end to the other and most will pass away – The Antichrist – the Maitreya – will use all of his power to try to destroy and discredit My beloved pilgrim Pope. My Divine Son is scourged, daily, during the Masses which are celebrated without respect.
LITTLE PEBBLE: Saint Michael is standing very high over the grotto, and there is an enormous Cross a little bit beyond the grotto – a pure white Cross. It is very heavy-looking, and is deep in the sky. At the beginning of the Rosary I saw a rainbow over the whole sky; it is very, very, wide and very beautiful.
There are many Angels now coming around the grotto and around the grounds, forming a circle. It is very beautiful. There are many different types of Angels – and I can see now, deep in the Cross, a beautiful Light which is coming towards the Grotto; the Cross opens-up, and a shaft of Light comes towards the Grotto, forming a ‘street’ – a very bright Light.
A star comes out of the Cross towards us. It is so very bright it is actually hurting my eyes a little. It is also very large, and flashes much Light – like sparkles. Behind the star are many, many, Angels – many Angels, behind whom I can see a procession of Saints; I recognise many of them. The star has stopped just above the Grotto. It would be about thirty metres in diameter, and is very bright.
I can now see Saint Sentilius and Saint Sentimintarious standing alongside the star and Saint Michael has placed his sword in front of the star right into the well. The star opens-up and I can see Our Holy Mother Who is very, very, bright – very beautiful. She is dressed at this moment, all in white.
Our Lady steps out of the star – and a bolt of lightning hits the statue of Saint Bernadette. The statue becomes alive and there is a large shaft of Light shooting towards ‘Thornbush’. I can see Saint Bernadette moving towards ‘Thornbush’ – into her body – and they seem to become as one.
Our Lady glides a little closer and hovers about a metre from the Grotto, near Her statue around which many Angels stand, forming a semi-circle. Many Saints are standing behind the Angels. It is very beautiful. I can see the rainbow once again – it comes here upon the Holy Grounds and then shoots out towards Australia and other parts of the world. It seems to be splitting-up to form smaller rainbows.
Our Holy Mother has on a beautiful Crown – the Crown of the `Queen of the Holy New Era’. It is magnificent, glinting very much in the sun. Our Lady smiles. In Her right Hand She holds a beautiful Rosary – the beads look like pearls, but they, also, glitter very brightly – and upon Her Chest I can see Her Immaculate Heart. Our Lady takes up the Crucifix [of the Holy Rosary] and kisses Jesus.
IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“I greet you, My beloved son – My Little Pebble' of Love; My dear 'Little John' and 'Little Bartholomew'; My sweet
Thornbush’; My `Little Wanderer’; My Priest-son; Queen and Princesses – and all My sweet children who have come to My Home.”
“It is with great joy that I come today, for this day is very important for Holy Mother Church and for the world – because, on this day, Hell is closed and many souls are saved because of My Feast Day of the Holy Assumption that is to come.”
“It is true to say, My sweet children – as My Little John has told you – that the Second Coming of My Divine Son is near. It is for this reason that I travel throughout the world to prepare My children. Just as John the Baptist prepared the Coming of the Messiah, so do I.”
“I have spoken many Words throughout the world, preparing My children for a great victory – the victory of My Immaculate Heart – for Satan’s time is short. My sweet soldiers of Truth – you must stand forth strongly in your Faith and defend the Word of My Divine Son, in these days of trials and tribulation for the world, and for the Church.”
“Never give way to the temptations and weaknesses. Do not allow doubt to enter your hearts, for you are called to give witness to the Word. I know, My sweet children, that the trials are difficult, but you must walk the path laid out for you – the path that My Divine Son trod upon. It is the road of the Cross!”
“Many will be called to shed their Blood for Holy Mother Church, for the Martyrs must come to build the Church and strengthen it. Be not troubled, dear children, but take courage, for what I have promised you – as your Heavenly Mother – will be fulfilled. The victory of My Immaculate Heart is near. Keep your hearts open – do not try to understand the Will of God for you. Place logic aside, sweet children, for much will come within the Church – and in the world – which you will not be able to understand. Only through prayer, perseverance and sacrifices will you receive these Graces to comprehend the Plan of the Eternal Father.”
“The world will be chastised because mankind refuses to accept the Graces the Eternal Father is offering them – even My beloved Canada. How sad My Immaculate Heart is, sweet children, for so many reject God’s Grace. The door remains open for all Our children. You will only persevere if you remain humble.”
“I Love you, My sweet children, and I send you many Graces for conversion of heart – and many Graces to strengthen you. I will raise up many more souls to flood the world and the Church with the Word of My Divine Son, for mankind must listen and be faithful to the Teachings of My Divine Son. Do not abandon the Faith – do not abandon My Divine Son’s House upon Earth – but stand firm. Be faithful to the Teachings of Holy Mother Church and pray for Our Holy Vicar who is persecuted much.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Now Our Lady is coming closer and She is looking towards Thornbush with very much love – and She smiles.
IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY: “My sweet darling child, Thornbush, be not troubled, dear child, for I am your Mother. I know what is best for Our children. Much is asked of Our Little White Rock, and many will not understand the things that God asks of him, but know that My Divine Son Jesus, guides him. Take courage.”
“The Eternal Father has many Plans – Plans that will be revealed only with time. It will not be understood until after the Great Sign that My Divine Son will give. Therefore, remain at peace. I Love you and I offer you My Immaculate Heart as your refuge and strength. And this I say to all My children – always remain little. It is through humility that God works wonders with souls. And to My Apostles and Disciples of the End Times – go forward in the Light of My Divine Son with the weapon of Truth, for I promise you that I will be your defender. There is much yet to be done, so therefore remain at peace.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady takes up the Crucifix again, kisses Jesus and makes the Sign of the Cross: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
Our Lady now comes closer to Thornbush and seems to open up Her Mantle very wide. Inside the Mantle are Mysteries – it is hard to explain – as though in a book, the pages of which are turning within the Mantle. Our Lady is just smiling, and Her Immaculate Heart is extremely bright. There is a beautiful Light which shoots towards Thornbush now, as if to enlighten her – I do not know. Our Lady nods. I think now Our Lady will speak through Thornbush.
THORNBUSH: While a beautiful Light was going towards the Little Pebble – and it was also going in all directions – the Angels came and they had little baskets of roses – very tiny roses of different colours – and they were weaving them into wreaths, and these wreaths were being placed around us – and then the Angels were taking the wreaths and again weaving and interlocking other roses, connecting the wreaths around us to each one of the wreaths around the person who is next to us. It is difficult to explain, but it is similar to a chain, and this has been happening since the beginning, when Our Holy Mother first appeared.
I saw Her come through the White Cross in the sky – and a beautiful path of rainbow Light, which was coming out of Her Immaculate Heart seemed as if it were leading the way. Our Holy Mother is dressed as Queen of Heaven’s Chosen Communities. She is dressed in a white dress, and Her Mantle is beautiful light pink – it falls back into a train which goes right back to the White Cross in the sky, and it is being held by many Angels – and also Saints.
The Saints have not come any closer – they continue to remain on their knees all around the White Cross in the sky – but Our Holy Mother is coming forward. Coming from Her Immaculate Heart now is a beautiful ray of Light, going to the miraculous rock in the grotto – and in the places where Our Lord placed His Precious Blood, there are now five roses and a cross on the rock is pulsating – or beating, similar to a heart.
Our Holy Mother is opening Her Mantle and She is showing me something very special, for which I don’t have the words or the understanding to explain or describe, but it is not of this time. All around Our Holy Mother now are the Twelve Apostles of Our Lord’s time and of these End Times. It is very special because they just seem to glide out of the Apostles of Our Lord’s Time. I have asked for the Sign and it has come, once again.
Saint Sentilius, Saint Sentimintarious, Saint Rayonarius, Saint Solimenarius and Saint Solarius are also all present, and Saint Michael – who dwells here at the grotto – has placed his sword into the rock in the grotto, and that is going through the top of the grotto into the Altar – and many, many rays of Light are projecting from this sword which is now transformed into a beautiful Cross – a brown Cross – but all around the brown Cross is a beautiful white – or illuminating – Light which is going to the three Apostles, and a fine Light from the same Cross is going to the other Apostles.
Inside the Little Pebble I can see a Staff. Inside Father Blais I can see a book, which is of the Apocalypse – I have seen this book several times now – and beside this book there is a very big eagle which is holding onto this book with its beak, which is golden. Inside Little Bartholomew – Father Broussard – there is a flame of fire, and inside this fire there is what resembles a heart, because it is beating, and it seems to be beating in time just like the Cross on the rock in the grotto – and also with Our Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart.
Our Holy Mother is smiling, very tenderly, but She is still crying Tears of Blood. Her Mantilla now is open very wide. Pending [joined] from one of Our Holy Mother’s Wrists to the other. She is holding a wooden Crucifix. In Her Hand is a beautiful fifteen-decade Rosary made of pearls, roses and different coloured flowers and stones. It is very beautiful.
Our Holy Mother is Kissing Our Lord’s Wounds once again and also the wood of the Cross. Something special has now occurred because the grotto has disappeared except for the miraculous rock which is still there and it is in the centre of the White Cross, because the brown Cross, which was through the Altar, has now lifted up. It has become a mast of a very big ship – or ark – and the rock is in the centre. There are many portholes around the ship – and also, around the ship in the portholes, are names and faces. I do not recognise them all, but I believe they are Saints. I do recognise Saint Charbel and Saint Louis Marie de Montfort and Saint Joseph.
Now the Light which was coming from Our Holy Mother’s Immaculate Heart is going directly at the foot of the mast – which is the White Cross – and Our Holy Mother is gliding onto this Light. She is just floating above, but is not touching the ground.
The well of the grotto, just in front, has become what looks like an enormous waterfall, or fountain and there are many small lights of different colours sparkling in this waterfall. Our Holy Mother is now looking towards this waterfall or fountain, and a beautiful ray from Her Immaculate Heart is going into the water and it has transformed into pure Light, which is going directly into all of our hearts and around us. Our Holy Mother is taking up the Crucifix – again She is kissing Our Lord’s Feet and the wood of the Cross, and She is now making the Sign of the Cross:
QUEEN OF HEAVEN’S CHOSEN COMMUNITIES: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Who Dwells in me.”
“I greet you, My chosen Priest-sons of My Immaculate Heart; I greet you and I welcome you, once again, My Little White Rock. I greet you and I welcome you, Little Wanderer of My Holy Rosary. I greet you, My chosen Priest-son from afar who dwells in My Immaculate Heart. I welcome you once again to My Home, My sweet soldiers of true faith – beloved Disciples and Privileged Souls gathered here at My Home. You cannot realise how pleased I am that you have come, and I bid you welcome.”
“My little children: be not afraid to truly open your hearts and to listen, for the time has come for you to listen and to change your hearts. Look towards Heaven, My little children – look far from this Earth which has become more and more poisoned. My little children, you are My Own and I need you, for the Second Coming of My Divine Son, and Beloved Saviour, is close at hand – closer than you truly realise. It is for this reason why – now, more than ever – you must take up My Holy Rosary – My weapon of true faith – and pray, pray, pray with great love and devotion, for you need to know that this world will tremble from one end to the other until it is purified, and most of this world shall pass away.”
“My little children, on this day I have come as Queen of Heaven’s Chosen Communities, willed by Our Father – the Eternal Father in Heaven. These Communities are so necessary, My little children, so that your true faith will develop and that you will have a place to live your true faith – for it is not My desire that you continue to live in the misery of this world – for I desire only what is good for your souls. I Love you, My little children.”
Pray for one another; help one another; serve, love, be just, trust and forgive one another. This is so very important. Adore My Divine Son with all your hearts for He has been neglected – and My little children shall know true justice because of this for, instead of coming closer to what is of Heaven, My little children are being led further and further away into the path which Satan is leading them to. Take courage, My little children, and discern well the lives that you are living at this moment. Have you chosen the true path of sanctification – the path which leads you to Heaven? Or have you chosen the path which you desire, which is easy? – for this path shall lead you to Hell if you continue to follow it!”
“Pray, My little children, pray for true peace – not only a peace among nations, but a true and genuine peace which I desire to [have] dwell within your hearts, for peace cannot exist within the world if it does not exist in the hearts of My little children.”
The Communities will grow, My little children, even though there is persecution, envy and jealousy. The Eternal Father has placed all of His Love within these Communities, and it is for this reason that you feel the peace here in My Home – for the Eternal Father, through My Immaculate Heart, has placed this peace here and in all the Chosen Communities throughout the world.”
“My beloved pilgrim Pope, Pope John Paul II, is aware of these Chosen Communities and he will soon speak of them. Guard true patience and understand, My little children, that he is truly suffering at this moment, and his cross is growing heavier and heavier. Pray for him and love him. Do not criticise the one who has been chosen, for he is Blessed and infallible. There are now many of My dear sons and My sweet children who no longer believe in My beloved pilgrim Pope, and who are trying to dismiss him from his throne! The Antichrist – the Maitreya – will use all of his power to try to destroy My beloved pilgrim Pope and to discredit him. Be not troubled, My little children, for My Mantilla is around him and I shall protect him until the end. My beloved pilgrim Pope is aware of all that is occurring now within the world, and also all that is being prepared. I am with him, and I shall continue to watch over him, just as I watch over you, My little children, for your prayers are all placed deep within Our undivided and united Hearts.”
Keep doubt far from your hearts, for even the smallest doubt can destroy true faith. This is so very important, and I cannot repeat it enough, My little children. I am your Mother of True Confidence – your Mother of Hope and of Mercy. Come to My Divine Son through My Immaculate Heart and be not afraid. Remember always that the Plan of the Eternal Father – Our Father in Heaven – is Perfect in every way. You shall not be led astray when you follow the Truth and when you remain true for, My little children, you are My soldiers of True Faith. You must stand steadfast and true, for I cannot promise you that it will be easy for you – especially at this moment when so much is being prepared by the underworld. Guard your souls, My little children – go to Holy, individual Confession often. From My Priest-son,s receive Him with all your hearts – with all your souls with great love and devotion – when He comes to you through Holy Communion. Welcome Him into your hearts and receive Him with true respect on your knees and on your tongue.”
“My little children, is this too much to ask of you – to honour your God? I think not! My little children, reflect upon this often, for My Divine Son is scourged daily, during the Masses which are celebrated without respect. Pray in reparation, My little children, and offer yourselves each day to My Divine Son, through My Immaculate Heart. Abandon yourselves to the Divine Will of God, and repair your sins. Pray in reparation and meditate upon your sins, especially those sins which are leading you to do your own will and not the Will of God, and the sins which have blocked you from seeing the truth for, even though My little children do not truly realise it, many have become blinded from seeing the Truth. They may seek the Truth, but only the Truth that they desire, for they do not wish to change. My little children, it is for this reason I continue to speak to all My sweet children, so that finally, you will come to understand, and to live My Messages. The Holy Ghost – Who Dwells in My Immaculate Heart – sends forth His spirit unto you to help you to understand. And, My little children, I Bless you: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost Who Dwells in Me.”
THORNBUSH: Our Holy Mother is still on the ship. She has been there since the beginning. She is now doing something very special, half of which I can explain, but the other half I am not permitted. She is taking up Her Rosary and placing it around all the Seers. She has given a beautiful rose to an Angel who is standing to the right of a soul, and this Angel now is giving this rose to her. Within the rose I can see a brown cross, and this cross seems to be weeping blood into the rose. It is very beautiful and special.
Our Holy Mother Herself is coming off Her ship. She is taking a rose from Her Immaculate Heart and is Kissing it five times, and Blessing it +. As She is coming closer [I can see that] this rose has something special inside. She is giving one to the Little Pebble and the other She is giving to myself and, in silence, She is making the Sign of the Cross +.
Now, also on the ship, something special has occurred. Through the masts – the White Cross, which has enlarged and has become almost like a window, or a door – I can see different places. I see Australia, Europe, Canada, and little islands. I don’t know where it is – there are several of them together. I can see Japan, and connected to Canada is the United States, but at this moment there is [what seems like] a band of fire – I don’t know what that is – and it is separating the two.
I can also see the borders of the provinces, and there is an Angel who has one foot in Quebec and the other in the rest of Canada. This Angel is very huge and is also holding a Chalice. The Chalice has many rays of Light coming from the cup, and there is now a bolt of lightning striking into the cup of the Chalice. It is almost like a hole in the form of a cross on the side of the cup. The chalice, is pouring forth this Light and it is going into the provinces, but mostly into Quebec.
There are certain parts in Quebec and throughout the provinces – and also throughout the world – where I can see red fire and also white fire, but they are not the same. Through the white fire there are white crosses – many different sizes of white crosses – and through the red fire I can just see the number with the three sixes. I do not know what the meaning of this is, but there are Churches which have gone completely black and others which have transformed into beautiful rays of Light. There is now a beautiful rainbow going from one end of the ship to the other. This rainbow is striking into the hearts of us all, and through this rainbow are coming very special Angels who have just appeared. I have asked for the Sign and it has come. The Angel’s wings are formed of this rainbow Light, and they are coming and just hovering above us. I believe these are the Angels which Our Holy Mother has promised that we receive each month. They also have a beautiful ring, or wreath, of coloured light formed with roses intertwined, and a cape – and written on this cape are all of the virtues. From each one of the virtues the words are Lights coming into us – directly into our souls. These Angels are going to where they are welcomed, and are just remaining above – just behind us.
Our Holy Mother is now returning to just above the ship. She is now taking the huge Cross. She is kissing the foot of this Cross, and She is taking the Crucifix of Her Rosary and is wrapping it around Her Hands. She is lifting this Cross up very high, and it is almost touching the other White Cross in the sky. Our Holy Mother looks very, very radiant and almost a sense of royalty, or power comes from Her Face. The Crown that She was wearing as Queen of Heaven’s Chosen Communities has transformed into another beautiful Crown that She is wearing as Queen of the Universe, but Her attire has remained the same. As She is looking towards us, many Tears of Blood have come from Her Eyes and She is, I believe, making the Sign of the Cross with this very big Cross.