Pontius Pilate was overcome by fear from public opinion; this matter will not stand – The tide of evil, though very brutal, will turn to the astonishment of man – This year will be a time of great trials for the elect – Global warming is the consequence of sin; it is not what the scientists claim – One major city will be devastated – North Korea will see the Hand of God soon – The one released from the pits of Hell, wishes to take over My Throne to boast of his victory over God – Soon a wonder will occur in one of My Mother’s Holy Apparition Places.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Jesus has arrived as I was praying my Rosary; He looks very Majestic. The White Cross was ablaze in the sky and myriads of Angels came with Him, forming a Guard of Honour. Grant Duffy was at His side. I have not seen him over many years. The Angels are amongst very fluffy clouds. Jesus greeted me and said:
OUR LORD: “Continue to pray, as I will pray with you the Our Father.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Which Our Lord did and His Arms were outstretched like a Priest at the Altar, with His Eyes raised to God.
OUR LORD: “I greet you, My beloved son William and all My faithful children around the world. Do not be disheartened, for evil has triumphed once again through the weakness of men who – like Pontius Pilate of old – was overcome by fear from public opinion and from high places. However, this matter will not stand. Continue to carry My Cross for but a short time longer and all will turn to white and you will know when this occurs, as I will enlighten you.”
“All of My faithful souls around the world must continue to pick up their cross and follow Me, as the tide of evil – though very brutal – will turn, as the events spoken about through My Prophets, Seers and Visionaries will continue to unfold rapidly, to the astonishment of man.”
“This year will be a time of great trials for the elect, who will carry the load of their brothers and sisters, so that once the cataclysm comes upon humanity, they will reap the benefit of repentance and conversion before the full darkness envelops the entire Earth.”
“Once again I remind every living soul, that global warming is the consequence of sin and man’s action towards man and the environment of the Planet. However, it is not what the scientists claim, for they too – who are so arrogant – will learn in a surprising way that there is a God Who controls all that there is, but that there is a God Who Loves them so very much, that He continues to condescend to Earth as a Loving Father, to warn His children to take themselves out of the cesspool of sin now and return to wholesome living, when all that seems to be happening with the ecological manifestation that has become unbalanced, will return to how it once was.”
“Peace will not return to mankind until he reduces sinfulness, hatred, violence, war, jealousy, envy, pride, selfishness and self ego and turns to God in prayer, asking for forgiveness.”
“The upheaval of Nations will continue and will be even more extreme. One major city will be devastated, to show men how far they have walked away from God.”
“North Korea, in its arrogance, haughtiness and pride, will see the Hand of God soon, for they speak ill will towards their neighbours, while their people starve. Their Leader is likened unto those leaders who destroyed their own race for the sake of pompous pride.”
“The world must pray for these people who suffer under such tyranny. God will place His Hand upon this Nation, to bring home many souls who are suffering under this evil dictatorship.”
“The world and the Church is in great danger, My children, for the one who has been released from the pits of Hell, wishes to take over My Throne, to boast of his victory over God.”
“This is all My Son for now. All must pray, especially the Holy devotions Heaven has given. Go to Mass often, children; receive Me while you can; say My Mother’s prayer. Soon you will hear of a great wonder that has occurred in one of My Mother’s Holy Apparition Places.”
“I will speak to you privately now, My son. I bless you and all those who seek the truth: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“I have brought My son, Grant, with Me today because the prophecy related to him is near.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Grant smiles at me and says to tell his family how much he loves them and that the wait is nearly over +.